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Metal Gear Solid 2 - any luck?

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Got it

Post by lionheartuk »

I now FINALLY have the Pogram lol.
It took long enough, and the thing restarted a few times due to a slower Wireless connection.
The models seem ot work fine Even fully textured.
Thnkyou so much for this Turfster.
But I do have 1 or 2 questions regarding the models
1: Any idea when the Program will support SAR and the other files types?

2: When i try to upen tihngs like Snake_def.kmy I get an error saying its not a supported KMY type, I assume that these are models your still working on, Buts its strange i HAVE managed to extract into 3DS MAX the entire Metal Gear Ray models (somtinh like 120000 Pieces too).
IT SEEMS that the unopenable files ARE unopenable because they have ANIMATIONS attached to them.

Code: Select all

- Snake Normal
- Raiden
- Raiden Ninja
- Solid Snake MGS1
- Solid Snake TUX
- ALL Guards
- Bosses (Olga)
- Meryl
I did manage to open A Pidgeon file, but that may have just been a STATIC pidgeon Im not really sure, if it FLIES hihg in the air it only needs be move around the screen, there dont nesessarily need to be any animations I guess)
- I have managed to open the SHADOWS of SNake and Raiden, also Naked Raiden.
Also managed to Load the Backpack, Weapon, Arm, eyes of a Soldier (No idea why the ARM was a seperate file im confused by this completely)
Thats MY conclusion as to why these files WONT open, and instead Solidus gives the Error "Not correct KMY format", but I could be WRONG, tho it makes sense that these WOULD be made the Hardest to Crack, Esspecially the Snake And Raiden Models.
I got a RAY tho, Its the one from the HOLD 3.
btw: ALL level do open, i checked with at least 30, in 3DS MAX there fine even thought there rather big.
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Wow! We're really making progress here! This is sweet! Thanks Turfster!

Yeah Lionheart, that bites, I want the characters too, but hey one step a time is how we are where we are now :wink: we'll get it sorted.

That's interesting that the character files won't even open just cause of the animations file. I haven't really done enough 3D modelling to have experience with the animation part, but I always figured the animations file is saved as a seperate thing, and that Solidus would open the models but not play the animations unless that format was also openable. But I guess they are saved in the same file, so they won't open for now. But you know, the fact that we're already this far since Turfster started taking a look just blows my mind!

Turfster, you have quite a knack for this! :D I think also it might be that you have the patience and willingness to put in some time to look at this - everyone else who tried gave up too quickly. This is no game that can be all figured out in no time flat, I figure it is QUITE an on-going puzzle to figure this all out!

Anyway, sorry I haven't been the most helpful for finding the files and what they are about, I've been put behind with the textures not showing up, but now that they are working, I've found another problem with them, so I seem to be working through my own challenges here while I watch you guys move on ahead! But this is really freakin sweet, I'm so hyped!

Keep it up! :mrgreen:
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Post by Mr.Mouse »

I too am excited about this progress. That much, that I thought it time to turn the Spotlight on Turfster.

Hope you like it. :D
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Cool! Thanks Mr. Mouse!

Heh, it feels like the spotlight is on me too. XD I just didn't know when to quit. But Turfster did all the work, and I do appreciate that you were trying Mr Mouse! And lionheart pointed me back to this thread, when I was pretty sure it was a lost cause. I was so in awe that someone had figured something out!

Thanks everyone for your interest and support, and mad props to you Turfster. :keke:
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Yup lol

Post by lionheartuk »

I realise i have said this many times but "thankyou Turfster", you have made GREAT progress with this game.
Although I have posted as much help with files and Directories as Possible I dont tihnk that I have really been any help at this point.

Tho I do believe its a little Early ot be Celebrating, there are still quite a few things that are still undone.
Unless Turfster has decided that this is all he wants from this game, If so I thank him Greatly for his works upto this Point.
Oh and Turfter, Im still compiling all the Data about these Files into a little Guide as to whats what with this Particular game.
Ie: What files are what, What they hold, How the files were Originally Compiled, What Program they MAY have been made with (XSI im sure of it) and more.
TheDyingInformat doesnt really have me to thank for showing her this thread again, I also thought it was gonna die until Turfster came from the Heavens to Revive this long dead topic (While i was accidently Necro-ing it).
So thanks to Persistance and MUCH hard work, I think il donate now, that will be something I have done in Return.

Turfster in your Post you showed 3 images, Ak47, Suit case and a Helicopter, Would you mind telling me what folder Helicopter was in, As id like to look at this MODEL, maybe play around with its textures.
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Re: Yup lol

Post by Turfster »

Upped a new build (20/07) that should now convert *all* kmy files without problems. If you find any that give random poly-soups or crash Solidus, mail me. Note that I know both raiden and snake's hair is messed up. This is (most probably, 99%) NOT my fault, but due to the Realistic Wavy Hair(tm) in the game.
lionheartuk wrote:in your Post you showed 3 images, Ak47, Suit case and a Helicopter, Would you mind telling me what folder Helicopter was in, As id like to look at this MODEL, maybe play around with its textures.
It's hh60 in the d001p01 dir (first part of the plant intro demo).
There's also kck_504 in the d00t dir if you want the kasatka from the tanker intro demo movie.
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Re: Yup lol

Post by lionheartuk »

Thanks man, I wondered what it was from.
Have you had a chance to look into the character Animations yet at all?
So far we have almost EVERYTHING FROM THIS GAME.
So i made a 10 second list of what we have.

Code: Select all

- TEXTURES% - 100%
- MODELS % - 99.9%(Only cos of the hair)
- Codec text% - 20% 
- Music% - 0% 
- Character Animations% - 0%
- Other% ?.??%
btw: this is kinda off topic but Have u EVER tried ot hack the Metal Gear 3 game? I looked and found some codec stuff but NOTHING other hten that.
I wonder if you made SOLIDUS search in files(.DAT) for USEABLE files
would it be DAR/QAR aswell, i know MGS1 for PC used DAR and UR tool opens them.
Last edited by lionheartuk on Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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File Format Anaylisis thingy majig

Post by lionheartuk »

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Last edited by lionheartuk on Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Very useful info file Lionheart! You really explored well. Too bad I haven't had much time to, since getting ready for the trip I'm leaving for tomorrow.

I will help in letting you know that the PAC folder contains all of the ingame MOVIES (not CUTSCENES), such as all of the TV monitor displays, all of the artistic and 'flashback' parts of cutscenes to fill in information, all of the 'how to' videos that show you various basic gameplay moves and 'what this mission is' videos which show up when you select a VR or Alternative mission. These are readily playable in Windows Media Player, but I'm not sure how to convert PAC to another format else (or vise versa).

I will also let you know that it is crucial to save newly made texture files as DDS rather than TGA. I'm not sure why this is, because TGA looks like it contains the alpha transparencies for hair and such, and also the 'shine effect'. Or atleast, I'm not sure what is this they add to textures, to Snake for instance, he will have his face shading or something on a seperate area. in TGA you can see this if you make a new layer, move the original layer to the top, and then colour the background with red or something, u will see a 'negative' photo effect there, but I'm not sure what that is.

Anyway, when I saw some weirdness with my saved TGA file, I did a test and just extracted Snake's MGS1 costume textures in both TGA and DDS, and I didn't even TOUCH them, and then i put them BACK in the archive file to see the difference. The first thing I can note is that the filesize of the archive INCREASED even though I didn't add any new information to the textures, so I thought that was weird. The 2nd thing is important to note too. Take a look: ... atsdp5.jpg

Saving as TGA for some reason causes various problems. Strange coloured seams and lines in the hair, a slight overall discolouration of the whole texture, and slightly blurrier. While the example on the right is exactly like how it looks by default, so you want it that way.

Again, I'm not sure what that extra shading is in some of these character textures. I will have to find out more about this when I come back.

I'm excited that all models are viewable now! I can't wait to play around with this.

If you want to know, Turfster, what more I want to see happen in future versions (again, at your convenience. Life happens =P ), it would be the following:

-I wish to be able to create HIGHER RES textures than what the game currently allows. this would probably have to mean larger texture maps as well. Are these editable yet?

-and to be able to have a Asymmetrical texture on a mostly symmetrical character. You know for instance, a character may have only one instance of their arm texture cause it just repeats it for the other side? Well what if I want to do something different for one side than the other side, for instance, random cuts and wounds? I think this requires editing of the texture map too, because it has to map for one arm and then another arm, rather than one texture for both arms.

-I wish to edit and replace models back into the game,

-and to view and edit their animations

-I want the script to be editable one day, so for instance, we could make Olga playable in a new designed mission, or Snake could be desquised as an enemy - an edited Snake model with the enemy AI even though his own attack and movement animations apply, and he'll have custom voice clips that can be supplied, meaning the appropriate DAT file has to be editable (I think its VOX dat).

-if we can access DAT files that would be great cause then we could take a look at MGS3 as well.

There's plenty that can be looked at, and I appreciate everything thats been done so far, so please don't doubt that! In fact I still have much to play with of whats been done so far, but now I'm away for 2 weeks, so I won't be much help in that time, so I thought I should post first and let you know some of my ideas and confusion.

Thanks everyone!
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Post by lionheartuk »

TheDyingInformant wrote:Very useful info file Lionheart! You really explored well. Too bad I haven't had much time to, since getting ready for the trip I'm leaving for tomorrow.
Thanks everyone!
I comiled everything i have/ remember, But yes il make an update with the PAC folder informaiton.
Also the turorial on replacing textures WAS NOT written by ME it was written by Turfster himself.
To avoid any isses I have explained this in the Faq itself.

- Replacing the Models huh, Sounds to me like itd be reverse enginering of the CURRENT extract code.
Tho I have yet (if ever) to view the Source of Solidus so I cannot say for a fact b ut thats what id imaigne it'd entail.

- SCRIPT!! OMG! this would be VERY cool, but i dont think that its ACTUALLY possible, as the general things owuld be locked away so tightly u may never find them, this i KNOW will be the hardest thing to gain access to, IF its even possible itl take a long time and will be very complicated and will most likely require a WHOLE NEW program (Maybe a child of Solidus ie:Solidat (for dat files).

Access to the DAT files huh..
Hmmm.. I can look at the Snake Eater ones with the HEX edior and have even looked around for QAR and DAR archieves, I have FOUND many instanced of those letters used but i cannot determine if they are mearly coinsidence or ACTUAL archives, If we ARE able to access the .DAT fiels of MGS2 im almost POSOTIVE that they WONT b anything like the MGS3 ones, this minaly because a PS2 reads things differently and certian things have to be emulated, adn you cant really make the PS2 support new file types, you have to include the code to open them along with the game

Replacing game sounds: I DONT think this would be too hard i GUESS anyway, Just figurung how to extract them, then some reverse engineering is all, but i can state that they WONT be in NORMAL formats, also the sounds for the GAMEPLAY CONTROLS and everything are held here NOT inside the movie files I ODN TIHNK, that exaplins y when watching some of them movies the sound can repeast but the VIDEO is not affected.

These are NOT 100% deffinate, they are just logical assumptions is all,
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Post by Turfster »

TheDyingInformant wrote:These are readily playable in Windows Media Player, but I'm not sure how to convert PAC to another format else (or vise versa).
They're standard MPEG1 streams.
TheDyingInformant wrote: The first thing I can note is that the filesize of the archive INCREASED even though I didn't add any new information to the textures, so I thought that was weird.

That's normal, I don't trim "empty" textures down to their smallest size like the Konami developers did.
TheDyingInformant wrote: Saving as TGA for some reason causes various problems. Strange coloured seams and lines in the hair, a slight overall discolouration of the whole texture, and slightly blurrie
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It was all due to a stupid typo in my loading code -_-. Grab build 1.5a, where I fixed it.
TheDyingInformant wrote: Again, I'm not sure what that extra shading is in some of these character textures. I will have to find out more about this when I come back.
My guess is glossmapping, for the "wet" look.
TheDyingInformant wrote: If you want to know, Turfster, what more I want to see happen in future versions (again, at your convenience. Life happens =P ), it would be the following:
I'll see what I can do.
TheDyingInformant wrote: -I wish to be able to create HIGHER RES textures than what the game currently allows. this would probably have to mean larger texture maps as well. Are these editable yet?
Added this to the new build. You should now be able to use higher res textures without problems - keeping the same aspect ratio of course. Note that I'm not sure what the maximum texture size the game engine supports is, so it might be best to stick to 2048x2048 and below.
TheDyingInformant wrote: -and to be able to have a Asymmetrical texture on a mostly symmetrical character.
This'll require both texture and model editing, so it'll prolly take a while (if it ever happens).
TheDyingInformant wrote: -I wish to edit and replace models back into the game,
This is probably next on my list, at least for the simple stuff (objects) to start with
TheDyingInformant wrote: -and to view and edit their animations
Beh, I haven't even started on animations, since they're always a bitch and so depressing to try to figure out (The main reason why I stopped working on the Bloodrayne tool is due to the damn animations).
TheDyingInformant wrote: -I want the script to be editable one day
Script editing is a very, very, very big maybe, since this is one of the hardest things to figure out.
TheDyingInformant wrote: -if we can access DAT files that would be great cause then we could take a look at MGS3 as well.
DAT files are probably not the same format in MGS 2 and 3. Hell, they aren't the same format in MGS 2.
* codec contains the codec text streams
* face contains... all the data in the face dir, only dumped in one big file without easy file indexing that I can see
* the rest contain audio streams in some kind of ADPCM format.
lionheartuk wrote: btw: this is kinda off topic but Have u EVER tried ot hack the Metal Gear 3 game? I looked and found some codec stuff but NOTHING other hten that.
Since I don't have a PS2, I don't have a copy of MGS3 and can't check.
lionheartuk wrote: Tho I have yet (if ever) to view the Source of Solidus so I cannot say for a fact b ut thats what id imaigne it'd entail.
Sorry, I never ever give out my code (mainly because it's fucking ugly and uncommented). I'll add the KMY format to the xentax wiki later, tho.

Also, I've added version 1.0 of a milkshape KMY import plugin to the site (mainly to see how hard it would be to port the code). Note that it suffers from the standard Milkshape "oh noes, too many vertices/triangles aaargh crash" problem, so you can't open the level data, but all the other models should load without problems.
Last edited by Turfster on Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Cool dude.
So you PLAN to go all the way with this game then?
Like get as MUCH as you can before it becomes a Burden.
I dont own/have Milkshape, as I use 3DS MAX instead (THIS loads ALL the textures AND THE FULL LEVELS).

Yeah i didnt expect youd let me take a look at the SOURCE, it was just out of chance lol.

Also i havent YET looked at the models in HEX editor so I am UNABLE to understand HOW the animations WORK.
THo i do have ONE important comment id like to make.
- When I export the MODELS (CHARACTERS/GUARDS/HUMANS ONLY), It seems asthough the LEGS are ONE model and the TORSO/CHEST is another, BOTH ARMS are 1 model, and the FEET seem ot be seperate form everything else but still one model.
I am not sure IF this is how it was actually made or if its how you have CONVERTED them.
Thou i have JUST thought that maybe they are a group(the arms i mean, everything else is its OWN group) so maybe THATS why when i select 1 arm it also selects the other.
I will look into this, tho I am sure i have checked it before.

Is the SOUND in ANYWAY exportable? Or maybe CONVERTABLE if its exportable?
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Post by Turfster »

lionheartuk wrote:Cool dude.
So you PLAN to go all the way with this game then?
Like get as MUCH as you can before it becomes a Burden.
I usually keep working on stuff until I get bored/distracted/run into a brick wall, so I'll see how far I can get.
lionheartuk wrote:I dont own/have Milkshape, as I use 3DS MAX instead (THIS loads ALL the textures AND THE FULL LEVELS).
Yes, I know, but it's easier for me to write plugins for milkshape ;)
(also, I don't have max, so I'd have to use gmax, which is a pain to use)
lionheartuk wrote:- When I export the MODELS (CHARACTERS/GUARDS/HUMANS ONLY), It seems asthough the LEGS are ONE model and the TORSO/CHEST is another, BOTH ARMS are 1 model, and the FEET seem ot be seperate form everything else but still one model.
I am not sure IF this is how it was actually made or if its how you have CONVERTED them.
This is due to the conversion, yes. I basically group objects per material when extracting to OBJ, since they're all static objects anyway.
lionheartuk wrote:Is the SOUND in ANYWAY exportable? Or maybe CONVERTABLE if its exportable?
exporting shouldn't be too much of a problem, but then I'd still be stuck on converting it to anything *useable*. The PS2 ADPCM format has eluded my comprehension for ages (since I worked on the prince of persia trilogy, basically), and I haven't made any progress since. Guess I'm more a graphics/3D man than a sound man.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Turfster wrote: I usually keep working on stuff until I get bored/distracted/run into a brick wall, so I'll see how far I can get.
Yeah I hoped youd be that type lol, thing is tho I normally stop things because i get Bored Or Distracted not often because of any Problems.
Turfster wrote:- This is due to the conversion, yes. I basically group objects per material when extracting to OBJ, since they're all static objects anyway.
Think you could somehow CHANGE this man?
As i animate the models and learn programs while making cool animations. So if there is a way to leave the MODELS in their ORIGINAL state can u maybe try and look into this PLEASE man.
It'd be REALLY cool, as its harder to have to break models up in 3DMAX ect, as it takes a while depending on the model.
If u can do that then its a step closer to animations, as you will NEED to do this i guess if u ever start looking in to animation section.

1 question tho
- I have looked TIRELESSLY for the RAIDEN NINJA model, I have located the texture several times, but NOT the models, I even found the HELMET he wears, CAN ANYONE point me in the direction of the MODEL itself?

Oh yeah i almost forgot, any news on the CODEC text at all man, tho i am unsure WHY anyone would wish to edit the codec text, as the voices wil just say the same thing anyways, I doubt id use it for MUCH tho itd be cool to mess around with ie: "Colonel this is Raiden! iv made it onto the shell" Colonel:"Um.. WTF! i dont care im trying to propose to my goldfish here, cant u see im busy!", BAD example but just a joke lol
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Post by Turfster »

lionheartuk wrote: Think you could somehow CHANGE this man?
As i animate the models and learn programs while making cool animations. So if there is a way to leave the MODELS in their ORIGINAL state can u maybe try and look into this PLEASE man.
Well, the current models are all *static*, so they're not *supposed* to be animated, but you can grab a shareware copy of milkshape and my plugin, load the model you want and export to whatever format you're interested in. The plugin loads the models the way they're stored.
lionheartuk wrote: - I have looked TIRELESSLY for the RAIDEN NINJA model, I have located the texture several times, but NOT the models, I even found the HELMET he wears, CAN ANYONE point me in the direction of the MODEL itself?
Probably one of the non-statics (I'm guessing the evx files), which I haven't looked at yet, so you'll have to wait.
lionheartuk wrote: Oh yeah i almost forgot, any news on the CODEC text at all man, tho i am unsure WHY anyone would wish to edit the codec text
Haven't done anything with it lately, it was basically a request from someone so they could translate the codec text into their own language.
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