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Metal Gear Solid 2 - any luck?

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Metal Gear Solid 2 - any luck?

Post by TheDyingInformant »

Hey, any progress on the MGS2 files you got from me? What are the files you got from me or the ones you couldn't download? I think you couldn't get VOX, which is an important one for me. Does it seem like all the files are different so opening one won't help open the others? Nothing seems familiar at all based on opening files from other games?

What else can I do to help you out? What else do you need? Would you like a bribe? Cause I sure as hell would pay money to get all the dialog and dialog sound fx from this game.

Well, let me know what else I could do, or possibly, what other game modding sites or whatnot could help me out, if regretably, you can't.

I'm quite a patient girl, but recording the sounds from the speakers really isn't going to work for most of the stuff I need - I need the pure audio with no music in the background.

Let me know how its going. Cheers. :)
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Post by Mr.Mouse »

Yes, well, I haven't been able to figure out a single file in there (yet). They all seem different. You have done all the help you can, and I *really* appreciate that. :) However, I can't help at this time. I have moved to some other projects first, and my new job as PhD (junior staff) is time consuming and has priority. Time left I'd like to spend with my family. :) I hope to get back to it later. I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but that;s the way it is at the moment. :(
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Ahh yeah. Well that is ok. Everyone has their priorities. Ofcourse I never imagined this was one of them anyway, but it would help if you were able to figure them out (if they weren't so tricky) cause thenit would have been easy for you and done by now. But this is not your fault. If I wasn't convinced before, I sure am now - that Konami designed this game not to be modded or taken apart in any way shape or form, even by people who know how to get passed the usual methods....

Well, I know you couldn't get all the files. And if you don't have VOX that is the most important one. But you are busy, so take your time, take care of yourself, and definitely spend time with your family ofcourse. I am searching out other ways if there are any. You can get back to me if you find anything, or you start studying them again and see something interesting. You can email me: [email protected]

Thanks so much for your time and help. Take care. :)
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Are you sure there's nothing else I can do to help? I know you couldn't get all the files off me, but its hard since they're so huge.

But there's another thing. I found something in MGS2 that you can access! I don't know if it would help you any though. In the PAC folder there are all these video clips. You can make it run with Media Player. No sound is included (must be saved separately), and they aren't the cinemas of the game, but all other videos used in the game. Would some of these help? I dunno, probably not.

Do you know what it is about this format that you can't figure it out? Because that is what is true of ALL games you make support for, right?

Maybe I can find out of where you can download the full game (for temporary use ofcourse) and having the full thing on your harddrive might help.

I dunno - I can't understand what it is about this format. Do you know some people have even hacked console games? Wow.

Who knows - if you manage to access the files you might provide enough information for people to make mods of the game, or even for fans to create their own patch!

Well, I guess I won't bother you more about it. Just don't forget about me, and one day, when you have time, try to work on it.

Post by xdiesp »

mrmouse: recently I had my 5th nephew and I fully support your tree of priorities! Now she's 5 months. I'm searching for the same as thedyinginformant,but I'll dismiss you on file-sends and complicated tasks: my question is just "what should I really ask?". Before playing these files I need to extract them from .DAT unknown archive (no unpacker handles them). And,I have by chance a specimen of one both packed and not (its contents unpacked): so,do you think the right question should be "can you retro-engineer this archive"? Is there a program to do that? Thank you!
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Yes, I absolutely understand the priorities thing. However, in your free time, you are doing this for other games. Why not MGS2? Alot of people will use it, they just aren't actively going to forums like this one, hehe.

I noticed you have MSN messenger. I don't know how long it would take to send you such LARGE files like that to check out through MSN, but by all means I will do it.

You can add me with: [email protected]

Thanks. :D

Post by xdiesp »

just to say we are still here!!!
I'm sorry,informant,it's been months since I tried your path...and still I'm stuck at the beginning... :(
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Now that this program has been updated, I wonder if anyone would PLEASE help me access the files of MGS2? I want this so bad, I know of alot of others who want it, but they arent as detemined or caring as I am. I've wanted this for 2 years so bad, please, I'd even pay money to get mods of this game made. I have ideas, like new Snake Tales and stuff, but theres no source code or modding tools of the game. Atleast if we could ACCESS the files we could see what we're dealing with? Also the game doesnt even get supported by Konami so theres lot of graphics glitches. If we could access the files, people could possibly find out how to make their OWN patch to make the game work right?

Please, I'll help you in any way you need. Thats what this program is for - to access game files to mod games that have a tricky system for their files. MGS2 is a masterpiece and worthy of the use of this program totally. :D Just please keep in mind I have no modding or programming knowledge.

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Post by Mr.Mouse »

I know, my old friend. :wink: But it proved rather difficult to get any archive-ish info out of those files. :(
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Awww.... but theres GOT to be a way, and thats the point of this program, isnt it?.... Maybe the files that will help you the most are the ones that are 1gig each... :( Well you should buy it for so cheap on Ebay. If you can get it running (lol) its a very awesome game. I'll buy it for you.... :P

Gah, I need to learn when to give up.
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

Ok well I'm going to help you once again, as much as I possibly can. :D

I've attached some files for you to look at that are smaller. They werent installed on my PC, they were directly off the DVD, but should help I hope!.

I'll also include for you here pics of approximately what is on this thing so that you can help me determine what else would have to be looked at. After all, I want to access as much of this game as possible, but I just cant make heads or tails of the code.

The MGS2 DVD at a glance:

the data.cabs can strangely not be opened as it says it isnt a common Windows .cab type.... However engine32 can be opened to reveal:


That is Anything of interest?

Back to the main files of before, I dont know what .bin .boot. or .inx is supposed to be. I cant open data1.hdr but is it supposed to be a movie file of some sort?

In cdrom.img folder is the following folders: face, image, modules, stage

Exploring FACE folder:


All of the f folders have the same amount of and type of files. f00a is included here for you to look at as there may be textures in there. Capture, mobile, node and photo are slightly different, but about the same way.

IMAGE folder:


Dont know what these are supposed to be.
'Tanker' is the name of the first chapter of the game, 'Plant' is the second one, 'titleimage' I guess has to do with the title screen?

MODULES folder:


Also dont know. Whats up with the .cvsignore file with no name?

STAGE folder is CRAZY... alot of folders, I dont know what it could be - levels and level textures? I have no clue, but I opened the first folder of stage to show you how it looks. They may not all be this way though:

Some of these files might be helpful?

Oh great my webspace went down.... Well I can also email you a few more files like the ones above. I really dont know what ones can help. I'm looking for as much as possible that I can use of the game (for personal use only, for educational use), so I guess is it just a matter of giving you different types of files to open?

I sure hope this isnt too much trouble for you.... But I REALLY appreciate it alot. Anyone at all who can help, it means alot.

Good luck, take your time, and just get back to me as soon as you have information for me. Then... how am I able to use MultiEx to open the files? Is there a way to update the software?

Thanks very much. Keep in touch. Attachment found below. =)
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

VERY SORRY for the final bump for a while. Now I actually have useful files for you. (above) You'd want to focus on the .qar and .dar ones, but I dont know what that other file is. The text files have immediate proof of something there.

I hope there are more ways I can help, and I totally understand your priorities. Please stay in touch. :)
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Post by lionheartuk »

Sorry about reviving this LONG dead topic.
But has there been any progress with this game yet?
Even if its something little.
Its sucha fantastic game I would like to see how the model animations are done. (Purely for Educational Purposes).
So has there been anything at all with this game on the PC?
How about even the PLAYSTATION Metal Gear Solids?
A way into number 3 would be soo great.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Is nobody else interested?
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Post by Turfster »

Since the thread was necro'd recently anyway, since people have been bugging me about this for ages and since I wanted to take a break from known game formats, I give you the fruits of a few hours work tonight :
Solidus v0.5.

Current features :
- Extracts files from DAR and QAR archives
- Converts ROW (pretty useless small images) and XTI (game textures) files to TGA

I've only tested a couple of random archives/textures for Metal Gear Solid 2 PC, and everything seems to work now.
If you get broken files, mail me the filenames/what archive they're in and I'll see about fixing it.

I'll probably take a look at the 3D objects next.
Note : don't start pushing, I'll work on it when I have time/feel like it =p
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