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Metal Gear Solid 2 - any luck?

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Post by Turfster »

TheDyingInformant wrote: Why does it seem like the textures are smaller and lower quality than they are in the game? Is there some explanation?

Notice how the Snake on the right is worse quality? And thats not the real size, I stretched and enlarged it as best I could to show the comparison.
The short answer : PS2 textures are low-res to conserve console memory, and since mgs2 is a port, the textures retained their original sizes.
The game (like most other games out there, PS2 ports or not) uses either bilinear or trilinear filtering on textures to smooth out the roughness, so no, there's nothing wrong with Solidus.
I might have some time to work on the models this weekend, I'll keep you people posted.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Turfster wrote:
TheDyingInformant wrote: The short answer : PS2 textures are low-res to conserve console memory, and since mgs2 is a port, the textures retained their original sizes.
I might have some time to work on the models this weekend, I'll keep you people posted.
Ahh so I was right then lol.

Also how comes some of the textures are just BLACK?

The only final thing that I am unsure of is How comes SOME textures have these STRANGE white lines going through them?
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Post by Turfster »

lionheartuk wrote: Also how comes some of the textures are just BLACK?
Uh, have you checked the alpha channel?
lionheartuk wrote: The only final thing that I am unsure of is How comes SOME textures have these STRANGE white lines going through them?
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Post by lionheartuk »


Thats dogtag_gps, i can upload that if need be.
I have ALPHA and all that on in Photoshop.
There didnt seem to be an option for it in Solidus.
I figured that u ment in Photoshop lol.

There is an example of the WHITE lines.
Some images have BIG ones and some only TINY ones

Oh in each folder there are these files called Scene.XSI
XSI is a file format that KONAMI and MANY companies use for their games.
I will install the Program (Softimage XSI) and look around these files myself, tho i believe the SCENES will need external files because they are only about 500KB a file, thats really small dont u think.
If i get anywhere il post my results ok.
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Post by Turfster »

lionheartuk wrote: There is an example of the WHITE lines.
Some images have BIG ones and some only TINY ones
*edit : it was way too early in the morning when I wrote the original reply*
Yes, the white block is alpha stuff, probably for reflectivity ingame.
See image (zoomed twice so it's slightly more obvious. Also, don't mind the weird jpg compression artifacts)
The same thing for dogtag_gps, it's a file that contains a black bit of chain, so it's only visible with alpha overlayed.
lionheartuk wrote: Oh in each folder there are these files called Scene.XSI
Uh, where? I see scenerio.gcx files, which are game logic/dialogue files, and *.scn files, which are ingame cutscene files.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Turfster wrote:
lionheartuk wrote: Uh, where? I see scenerio.gcx files, which are game logic/dialogue files, and *.scn files, which are ingame cutscene files.
sorry lol.
The files types are XSI scene file, sorry got mixed up there lol.
The XSI files are called stuff lik eW00a and that kinda thing, the names of the Scenes are the same as the names of the Folder they are in lol.
Also another thing that SHOULD help you out is that all the folders beginining with D (ie: D00a) are the movies for the game, (this game uses the ingame graphics and textures for the movies).
The folder names beginining with W SEEM to be the extra missions section, I am unsure of the other 2 il tell you when I find out, I am installing XSI now so il be able to check them files and see what they are ok.
1 thing tho, where are the files you are using? the ones you say contain the 3D MODELS?
I am good with 3D programs and the like so If you tell me the file format or sometihng like that I may just have the software to help open them.
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still dn work right

Post by lionheartuk »

I installed the DDS plugin for Photoshop and the same files still look the same.
I am installing XSI as i type this so I should be able to get soem answers later for you.
Tho il wait till someone else posts 1st or il be done of Tripl Posting, double is bad enough, but there both importnat useful posts.
Here is the Megaupload link for the RAR archieve or UNEDITED files.

I tried to attach it but it ses that i cannot attach because the MAXIMUM amount of post attachments has been reached, strange tho as i have never attached anything.
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I liooked into the scn Files

Post by lionheartuk »

I looked into the whole Scn files thing, and opened them with the Program that was used to make them, but it only gets 2% into opening them before it errors on m saying it cant find "insert scene name here".scn file.
So it seems ot me that they are also encoded or maybe it wont open because it cnat find any of th things within that scene (walls/ppl ect).
Thats all i have been able to ig up so far sorry.

Just in case you are not sure what Program makes SCN files it IS Softimage XSI, you can download a trial of the website i think.

But thats all the Progress I have made with the game while not extracting textures.
Any idea what file holds the MAPPING for the textures (how to map them onto the models,walls/characters ect..).
As the textures contain entire areas of the game and are rather scrambled so I guess something must hold that data somewhere.

The QAR files hold the textures and the DAR files hold other stuff that im currently unsure of, MAYBE the mapping for them as I doubt its the Models but in here are SAR files but I amable to figure out what there for with HEX WORKSHOP, as they are mostly 12 KB or all under a meg so there not zipped or anytihng like that I dont think
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Post by Turfster »

OK, whoever's working with the MGS2 textures, grab the new build off the site (1.1). Turns out I inverted a height and width parameter somewhere in my code (yeah, I know, I know, it was late :roll:) so non-square textures got fucked up in the previous versions.

In other news, I've been making some progress on the models, and can decode the 'simple' ones (albeit without textures as of yet).
Haven't included the code in the current build on the site since it's waaaaaaaay too beta at the moment.
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Holy mothor of ...

Post by lionheartuk »

[quote="Turfster"]OK, whoever's working with the MGS2 textures, grab the new build off the site (1.1). Turns out I inverted a height and width parameter somewhere in my code (yeah, I know, I know, it was late :roll:) so non-square textures got fucked up in the previous versions.
I cant believe it!
You even had the Model for the Tanker in there.
So the models ect are where exactly?
As id like to TRY myself also lol.
Not that id be getting anything working lol, but its worth a shot.
also what do the Scn files contain, as im unable to open them in SOFTIMAGE XSI for some unknown reason.
Any thing on UV mapping?
Dont worry I dont expect much lol
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Post by Mediaphoria »

WOW! Amazing work so far! PLEASE keep this project going!
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Post by TheDyingInformant »

MODELS?!! :eek: :mrgreen:

Turfster, you are TOO MUCH! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see what more you discover with this! I hope at some point someone could even figure how to convert these models to the Maya format, cause thats the program I use. but if thats not possible, I'll find some solution.....

Thanks for explaining the PS2 textures thing. Yeah I figured they are low res, but I didn't realise by how much! It would really be amazing if we find the texture maps too, I could (or get someone to) make higher res versions of the character textures and really make the game look more amazing! But this is sure optional. However, I wonder if someone could help me out with something, please?

Ok, I have edited and replaced the MGS1 Snake texture. I found it under:
stage/r_vr_1/resident.qar/sna_mgs_mt.xti I followed the instructions perfect, but I don't see the change in the game! This must be the confusion I have, because I am not sure if I changed the appropriate version of the texture so that when I play the MGS1 VR or alternative missions, the changed costume shows up. Could someone please help me out a bit on figuring out which folder and file it was that I'm supposed to change for this file to look different in game?

This is whats confusing, because there are so many repeated textures through out the whole game in all sorts of different folders! It would be a headacke to find ALL of the duplicate ones. I don't think ALL the same files have to be replaced unless you want to replace all in the game. For instance, if you wanted to replace the girly posters in the Tanker chapter, it would be different perhaps depending on what difficulty it is, or atleast, if its a Snake Tale, VR mission, or what have you, I guess they all have their own set of textures to load, even though it seems unnecessary.

I think what might also be a great idea as we make our discoveries here is to work together to learn these things and put together a file hunting FAQ so that people can share knowledge on how to find certain files more easily. :)

I'll keep looking and figure out if I have changed the wrong texture, but certainly the one I've changed has got to show up SOMEWHERE in the game!

Thanks so much for all your work Turfster! I'm waiting until we get further along in this project before I inform more MGS fans. I really want to give them something to sink their teeth into. Oh man, this will sure show all the MGS PS2 fanboys whose advice was always 'GET THE PS2 VERSION' whenever I asked for help on the PC version. Now I have a lil something to make them jealous. :P
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Ok im making it

Post by lionheartuk »

Yeah i AM slowly making a short text document explaining the Files within this game and what parts are from what sections of the game ect.
ie: D = Demo (Movie scene)
Anyways I only have 2 questions at the moment lol.
Notinh to complain about tho so dont worry lol.
The codec thing in Solidus is for the Codec ad it shows them in diff languages(well duh lol), But im guesing its to EDIT the text in the codec scenes. (THo its 100% UNUSEABLE in this version lol).

The Program cna now OPEN the KMY files and can IMPLIMENT something within them, i hav no idea what that means tho, As i cant open the files after that with ANYTHING lol.
Btw I have looked into the SAR and 02l files (well its 02 something) and I CANNOT fugure out what the heck there for in ANY way.
Think u can shed some light on this please my friend?
Also are u viewing them Models in ur OWN special made viewer (like ppl did with FFVII battle viewer) or in a COMMERCIAL program such as XSI or Maya?
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Re: Ok im making it

Post by Turfster »

lionheartuk wrote:The codec thing in Solidus is for the Codec ad it shows them in diff languages(well duh lol), But im guesing its to EDIT the text in the codec scenes. (THo its 100% UNUSEABLE in this version lol).
Because I disabled it completely, since I had only just started work on it.
lionheartuk wrote:The Program cna now OPEN the KMY files and can IMPLIMENT something within them, i hav no idea what that means tho, As i cant open the files after that with ANYTHING lol.
I disabled KMY conversion in the build currently on the site, since the functionality is way incomplete at the moment.
lionheartuk wrote:Also are u viewing them Models in ur OWN special made viewer (like ppl did with FFVII battle viewer) or in a COMMERCIAL program such as XSI or Maya?
I export to lightwave obj files by default, since that's the most generally readable 3D file format, so yes, you would be able to open them in XSI or Maya - once I release a version with model conversion to the public, that is.
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Post by lionheartuk »

Ahhh i c.
OBJ files.
That wont work if I just rename the File Extension to OBJ will it?
Also on the Tanker Model that you posted.
I jsut looked at it and EVERYTHING is there, as thats only th e front anyways, but there are a few tihngs missing, I wonder y this is?
There are these things near the Front of the Boat kinda like a cylinder with 2 small disks at the end (it seems to have Wire wrapped around it)
Tho oyu have the game dont you?
If you do im guessingt hat You KNOW what im talking about.
Oh by the way did u figure out what the SAR and MDL files are for?
MDL is normally models but when i open them there seems to be nothing there at all, its just a black image in all the Programs.
DO the Models have animation files?
Or are they saved WITHING the models themselves?
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