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Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:57 am
by ech
hi, i`ve ben wondering is the stage.dat is for models? what about demo.dat or vox.dat, i believe vox is for audio/sound/effects is it correct?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:20 am
by lionheartuk
ech wrote:hi, i`ve ben wondering is the stage.dat is for models? what about demo.dat or vox.dat, i believe vox is for audio/sound/effects is it correct?
- Stage.dat hold MODELS and textures
- BGM.dat holds BGM in 4 channels.
- Demo.dat holds cutscenes made with the game engine~(ie:normal movies, opening is a good example)

- Movie.dat holds the Movies(ie: Flashbacks, REAL VIDEO)

- Vox.dat holds the sound effects used INGAME, soemtimes CODEC and movie aswell.
- Codec.dat Holds the CODEC text.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:34 am
by ech
thanx for the info. appreciate it.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:42 pm
by Evin
And the vox.dat holds some ingame text. (Need backup!, Hurry!, ...)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:16 pm
by lionheartuk
evin wrote:And the vox.dat holds some ingame text. (Need backup!, Hurry!, ...)
Yes sorry VOX.DAT hold SOME ingame text, Im not sure if thats just conincidence or not though, But i doubt it, its obviously for a reason.
Hurry with what?
Ur not expecting anyone to send you it are you?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:07 am
by ech
ingame text like subs. btw, been trying to extract something from ps1 mgs via demo and stage, using nova, i manage to extract 3ds files and generic form file. wonder what could that be and how to view it?

btw, mgs 3 mpg1 illegal bit stream that i managed to extract via nova, took at least 1gb of file. however i haven`t fully seen the video yet, but it`s quite nice although no sound.

btw, i`m confused in using the UVAG file. can u tell me of how to use it actually. thanx in advance.

if using mfaudio to test the sound files for vox and demo, the file option will reveal compressed but the sound is kinda "fast".

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:00 am
by lionheartuk
ech wrote:ingame text like subs. btw, been trying to extract something from ps1 mgs via demo and stage, using nova, i manage to extract 3ds files and generic form file. wonder what could that be and how to view it?

btw, mgs 3 mpg1 illegal bit stream that i managed to extract via nova, took at least 1gb of file. however i haven`t fully seen the video yet, but it`s quite nice although no sound.

btw, i`m confused in using the UVAG file. can u tell me of how to use it actually. thanx in advance.

if using mfaudio to test the sound files for vox and demo, the file option will reveal compressed but the sound is kinda "fast".
The super fast sound that yous peak of is because the ripper does not know the HERTZ of the sound its ripping so it will attempt to rip it at its default HERTZ.
It would be faster to help you with the UVAG over a program such as MSN messanger, if you have that then please PM me your hotmail adress and il add you right away and help as much as i can.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:55 pm
by ech
well i don`t have msn messenger, but u could reach me via email at [email protected]

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:21 pm
by lionheartuk
ech wrote:well i don`t have msn messenger, but u could reach me via email at [email protected]
yes il try that instead then.
I tried ot add you just now and it failed.
Il email you instead explaining UVAG and stuff.
I have not heard anything on Solidus New Build yet, I am not sure if there even IS one.
But we have to wait for Turfster as the man obviously does other stuff, he isnt a MACHINE(as far as i know).
Some one other then me should work on things to help out.
I know the dying informant is out of commision to to getting a NEW PC
Ie:Im doing a Solidus Help file.
Also i made the MGS2 SUBSTANCE PC file Anaylisis guide, Though I do need to update it soon enough.
Maybe you can think of a way to help out so not EVERYTHING is stuck on Turfster.
You dont have to of course, same as i dont have to help out when i can, Just so happens I want to is all.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:18 am
by ech
thanx for ur help, i appreciate it will try to give input as best as i can.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:33 pm
by lionheartuk
ech wrote:thanx for ur help, i appreciate it will try to give input as best as i can.
Thats good to hear.
I havent heard from Turfster in a few days but I havent had much time to check my emails lol.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:44 pm
by The REAL
So, what about "MGS2 SUBSTANCE PC file Anaylisis guide"? Its ready?
Where I get this guide :) ?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:44 pm
by lionheartuk
The REAL wrote:So, what about "MGS2 SUBSTANCE PC file Anaylisis guide"? Its ready?
Where I get this guide :) ?
Well my NEWEST version is here in the forum.
Currently working on a SOLIDUS help file in HTML that should be of some use to everyone I hope.
I havent updated the Guide in a while now but still it serves its purpose well enough.
Please feel free to ask any questions or suggestions regarding the guide, as Im not sure WHAT its actually missing and stuff :D
I have attached it to this post anyways, as it seems that you havent looked through the other pages of the topic (Which i recommend you do).
though CURRENTLY it has no .EVX help as thats all done identicle to the .KMY stuff anyways except it looks better lol.
Il add support for these in the HTML version of the FAQ.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:33 pm
by Death Dream
First off I would love to say thanks to everyone who made this tool possible for all of us to use. Its quite fun exporting textures and seeing how they used them in game.

Also I have a question. I am wanting to get Snake VR MGS1 model into milkshape. I've looked in a couple resident files trying to find sna_mgs1 but can't locate it. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Death Dream

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:44 pm
by lionheartuk
Death Dream wrote:First off I would love to say thanks to everyone who made this tool possible for all of us to use. Its quite fun exporting textures and seeing how they used them in game.

Also I have a question. I am wanting to get Snake VR MGS1 model into milkshape. I've looked in a couple resident files trying to find sna_mgs1 but can't locate it. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Death Dream
Check in my Solidus File Guide thats just above your post.
Oh btw: Isnt ur avatar a bit large maybe?
I think so but Itl only matter if an admin or MOD thinks so, So ignore waht I said if you like, Just my prefferences is all friend.