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Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:03 pm
by Turfster
Small interim update : the new build new has XTI texture preview (no transparency) and extended search options.
I'll add model previewing one of these days.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:05 pm
by lionheartuk
Turfster wrote:Small interim update : the new build new has XTI texture preview (no transparency) and extended search options.
I'll add model previewing one of these days.
Oh thanks dude.
I was thinking of making my OWN tool for Previewing XTI lol.
Guess i dont need to now eh.
Extended Search Functions? What like search in OTHER archieves for files?
Model viewer would be FANTASTIC.
wondering tho as id imagine it WOULDNT have textures.
Any progress on them Evx files at all dude.
Yeah some models sem to ONLY be in EVX, ie high poly ones or soemthing, I cant remember now, but Dying Informant said it in an erlier post i believe.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:19 am
by TheDyingInformant
Thanks Turfster!

Well, I can't seem to get the preview feature working. How do I use it exactly? It isn't doing anything for me. Like, if I open up a .qar file to see some XTI texture choices, viewer doesn't do anything there. And if I open an XTI texture, that would mean I'm already converting the textures before I know whats in it, and still viewer doesn't do anything.

This feature has to go back to the drawing board. :P :wink:

Thanks though for trying. Maybe next time eh?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:04 am
by lionheartuk
TheDyingInformant wrote:Thanks Turfster!
This feature has to go back to the drawing board. :P :wink:
Thanks though for trying. Maybe next time eh?
Ha Haaaa
This this is so easy to use.
Simply select the XTI you want and right click Preview and then when you go to thePreview window itl be there.
THATS how it works, also its now possible to use Drag And Drop with the program.
I dont know if this was a Previous feature but its here now And saves us exiting all the time and opening NEW archives everyt 30 seconds.
Also please mayeb try and edit your last post, He is doing this porgram with NO gain from anyone other then US and its for FREE, if we were paying for it then YES we can comment on its features and say "No i dont like that", but seing as we ARE NOT paying for it we cant really say whats not good about it, or he may just simply go "Well WTF can you say abotu it, I dont HAVE to do this you kmow"

Sorry for soundindg so serious btu I recently got asked to join a popular Japanese Fan Subbing group (Fr TV Shows) so i know how it feels when you work on someihng for ages and a person talks to you like they have a RIGHT to get the newest release ect, it piss annoying il say that much.
Tho you are good friend of mine so its not ME you should maybe think of appologizing to.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:20 pm
by TheDyingInformant
OMG. Yeah I totally forgot to check the right click. What an idiot eh? *smacks forehead* Sorry about that Turfster. Thanks for the update, and thanks Lionheart for making me look like an idiot - I mean helping. XD. Nah really, thanks for pointing it out.

But I do want to mention here.....
Also please mayeb try and edit your last post, He is doing this porgram with NO gain from anyone other then US and its for FREE, if we were paying for it then YES we can comment on its features and say "No i dont like that", but seing as we ARE NOT paying for it we cant really say whats not good about it, or he may just simply go "Well WTF can you say abotu it, I dont HAVE to do this you kmow"
What are you talking about? YOU'RE the one always posting the most going 'any word on this yet?' Even more than I do. I am always the one going 'at your convenience' and 'no rush'. I totally appreciate this program and every second of time he puts into it, most ESPECIALLY if he's not even a Metal Gear fan ( I don't even know where he stands there), still putting in effort for us because no one else could. But I do admit I was quick to post in disappointment when I thought his new feature wasn't working at all.

I'm really sorry about that Turfster. I thought maybe it was a late night for you and you found some time to change the layout of Solidus but forgot to put the code in for new feature, when it was just myself who couldn't remember about the right click menu. Sorry, and thank you as always once again. It's so much appreciated.

Sorry for the misunderstanding everyone! lol *hugs all around* :mrgreen:

oh well...

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:31 pm
by lionheartuk
TheDyingInformant wrote: What are you talking about? YOU'RE the one always posting the most going 'any word on this yet?
Sorry for the misunderstanding everyone! lol *hugs all around* :mrgreen:
Yes i did seem to fly off the handle a bit, I was in a stress cos Me and Ai_Mai completed subbing the 1st episode of Densha (japanese tv) and tis guy was like, "When is the next one, I wanna see it, oh btw, I noticed 10 spelling mistakes in your Subtitles, I ahve listed them here, are you english, if so why the mistakes", i was all like "WTF U FOOL, I AM ENGLISH, I SWEAR TO GOD IF U START IM NOT GONNA RELEASE THE 2ND EPISODE, SHOW SOME CONSIDERATION like the wonderful Katsune, BAKAYAROOOOO". erm.. yeah sorry about that Long post thats rather unrelated.

Oh YAY i got a hug, :buck: (Y do i imagine thats not the correct smily)

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:37 am
by Mr.Mouse
...and quite settles on the village...;)

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:28 pm
by lionheartuk
Mr.Mouse wrote:...and quite settles on the village...;)
Yes all is quiet after my rather random freak out.
I am happy today as I have JUST this second obtained the newest episode of "PS Rashoumon", the episode was only aired on Japanese telievision last night and I already have it, ahhh so good,of course if any of this show gets Liscensed in the Uk then I guess il have to delete my stuff to stay in line with the law, but currently its allll good because its not yet liscensed.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:28 pm
by Turfster
I've been getting some help from people on a russian Metal Gear site, so expect to see new additional functionality soon.

Anyway, sneak preview of the next build :

No ETA on the public release, could be tomorrow, could be somewhere in the middle of the week (there's some more stuff I need to fix)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:07 pm
by lionheartuk
Turfster wrote:I've been getting some help from people on a russian Metal Gear site, so expect to see new additional functionality soon.

Anyway, sneak preview of the next build :

No ETA on the public release, could be tomorrow, could be somewhere in the middle of the week (there's some more stuff I need to fix)
Ahhh Audio.
Actually i found something on converting the PS2 ADCM or whatever it was called yesterday lol.
I have looked into the EVX AND THE CVY fiels a lot recently, But there are obviously differences between each DAR, but i cant actually tell what they are FOR, all i know is that i have found HUNDREDS or maybe a smaller nnumber actually, of CVY files contianing DEAD GUARD FOR SUB.
But thats a common find.
Wonder wahtt hey mean.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:17 am
by Turfster
Right, new build up, now with bgm.dat extraction. Comments, suggestions, etc welcome as usual.

EDIT : for those of you that got the 1.6 build, get the new 1.6a build. It includes a new libvorbis.dll and writes 4channel ogg files that actually *have* 4 channels, instead of 2 stereo channels and 2 channels of silence ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:46 pm
by lionheartuk
Turfster wrote:Right, new build up, now with bgm.dat extraction. Comments, suggestions, etc welcome as usual.
As usual dude great job.
I personally dont think il find MUCH use for this part of the tool BUT the Dying Informant should be over the moon.

After looking at the UVAG extractions I have noticed that MGS3 uses codec seperatly from the rest of the audio (though this IS obvious), but I have YET to rip a section of speach that ahd MUSIC in the background.
So im wondering if this does that because I dont see why they would bother to make say "Snake noooo" speach seperate fromt he slow music in the background, though i dont know much about this games formats so i cant really say myself.

Any news on the OTHER files found within the Archieve, it seems asthough i can LOAD the .SCN files BUT it doesnt matter as it ses it cant find any of the files that it needs and crashes XSI anyways, so im assuming that they used soem sort of Plugin to export to KMY as its not a normal XSI format at all.
THough after looking at the SCN files with a HEX VIEWER it SEEMS like they MAY have been made in a program called "Virtual" something or other (I cant remember right now) after a google search I ofund NOTHING on this program anyways..

Any other things you plan ot add to this tool dude?
As so far it does all the things I want lol, well actually id LIKE to understand them CVY and EVX files, but other then that Im content with the tool thus far.
I believe the Dying Informant has already posted her list of things she would LIKE support of.
hehehe, any chance you could lend ME a hand on the twin snakes topic?

I chaecked out that RUSSIAN forum, but alas i cant read Russian an even when I translated it i found nothing of real interest, well nothing to do with the files anyways, except a guy who was translating the game into russian with a Patch he made.
You can read Russian?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:31 am
by Turfster
And another small update, this time I added the KMY model preview - both wireframe and flatshaded mode. They look kinda shitty due to the degenerate triangles etc, but hey, it's just a preview, right?
Also did some more code cleanups/optimizations.
Tell me if I broke something ;)

3D preview window controls are the same as always :
LMB : rotate model
MMB : zoom (increase step factor with slider below the 3D view)
RMB : pan model (slightly)

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:11 am
by lionheartuk
Turfster wrote:And another small update, this time I added the KMY model preview - both wireframe and flatshaded mode. They look kinda shitty due to the degenerate triangles etc, but hey, it's just a preview, right?
Also did some more code cleanups/optimizations.
Tell me if I broke something ;)

3D preview window controls are the same as always :
LMB : rotate model
MMB : zoom (increase step factor with slider below the 3D view)
RMB : pan model (slightly)
Thats great dude.
Whats actually LEFT to look at now though?
Oh yeah i remember now, the Animated Models, EVX and CVY, well thats IF they are models lol.
Maybe they oculd also be the Higher Resolution models.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:03 am
by Turfster
say hello to our friends Otacon
and Snake

Anyway, these are some teaser images of the current progress on the EVX files. I can pretty much convert all the face dir EVX's to a static model, ignoring the bones,and a few of the simple other ones (Including raiden's hair). Snake's EVX however is another matter, so I'm not releasing the current build to the public just yet.