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Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:19 pm
by Turfster
TheDyingInformant wrote:Welcome back Turfster! Thanks for the update! :)
Thanks, and no problem.
TheDyingInformant wrote:I have a question maybe you can answer for me.... I think I've figured out why I haven't been able to display the transparency textures properly in Maya (such as Snake's hair). Sure part of it has to do with Maya what I can't understand, but part of it must be the way the MGS2 textures are saved and this is what I want to know from you....

ANYWAY, so I'm just wondering, does MGS2 seem to include the alpha file built into the same texture file, and some programs can't display it properly?
Uh, the textures include alpha yes (standard 32 bit RGBA, after all).
It would surprise me if Maya didn't support textures with transparency out of the box, but then I've never used it. Maybe you have to explicitly set the fact that it's a transparent texture somewhere in the texture options?
I guess I *could* add an option to export the alpha info to a new file, but I don't see how that would help much. Alternatively, you can view just the alpha layer in photoshop, select all, copy this info to a new canvas and save it to get your alpha info separately (I'd rather you test it first before I start adding options nobody really needs, if it's the same to you)

In other news: there is no news ;)
I haven't really done any coding the last few days apart from the fixes, I just don't feel like it at the moment

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:39 am
by omiwise
does anyone know of any programs that can unpack files from a ps2 dvd? if there's a chance mgs3 uses the same file types, it would be a wonderful thing, but aside from that there's always the document of mgs2 dvd to consider. there's no pc equivalent and i'm sure that stage and character models are organized much more conveniently on that disc, therefore making extraction much easier.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:58 am
by lionheartuk
omiwise wrote:does anyone know of any programs that can unpack files from a ps2 dvd? if there's a chance mgs3 uses the same file types, it would be a wonderful thing, but aside from that there's always the document of mgs2 dvd to consider. there's no pc equivalent and i'm sure that stage and character models are organized much more conveniently on that disc, therefore making extraction much easier.
Well the Document is just the same as the OC version everything is the same.
But in the PS2 version things are HARDER to crack into bcause they are better Encrypted and stuff.
MGS3 DOESNT use th same file formats, I have been looking into it for a few days now.
MGS3 uses a totally different type of file system, not to mention the fact that its so well encoded, everyitme i think i found something it ends up as at LEAST 20 something @ symbols ie: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, theres no way i cna think of to sort this out, I need the help of a more xperianced person at HEX EDITING to do it.
Also please do not post MGS3 stuff here I have made a topic for that already.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:59 pm
by TheDyingInformant
Turfster wrote: Uh, the textures include alpha yes (standard 32 bit RGBA, after all).
It would surprise me if Maya didn't support textures with transparency out of the box, but then I've never used it. Maybe you have to explicitly set the fact that it's a transparent texture somewhere in the texture options?
I guess I *could* add an option to export the alpha info to a new file, but I don't see how that would help much. Alternatively, you can view just the alpha layer in photoshop, select all, copy this info to a new canvas and save it to get your alpha info separately (I'd rather you test it first before I start adding options nobody really needs, if it's the same to you)
Well actually, see the actual problem is that I do not see ANY alpha channel in the transparent type textures. I wonder if it is cause I have Photoshop 7. The files are just a transparent texture, single layer (which Maya doesn't support that way, it needs an alpha channel). I go into the channels box of PS and only the RGB colour files are in there, but no alpha mask. Nope, I do not have to make a seperate FILE for the alpha mask, but I do have to include an alpha WITHEN that file. Which is simply done by selecting the texture and making it into an alpha channel.

So anyhow, don't worry about it. I have the work around. And besides, I'm gonna be creating all new sharper textures for the characters (although I still have yet to see it working for myself), so I don't really need to worry about the current ones. Just to use them as a reference really.

Now then, I looked through some of the .dar files in the D/demo folders (in stage) once again, and I can tell for SURE that .EVX is some model files and will be very handy to get hold of (I know I want it). But, much to Turfster's dismay, I think these files may have something to do with animation.

I have included a few files as an example, and files I want access to.

These were found in the cache.dar of stage > d010p01. These are Pliskin with his balaclava mask on, without it on, and with the hands on ('add hands'). Now, I don't understand why these are seperate files and not .KMY models, but it could be because animations are ALWAYS associated with these .EVX files? Whether it is facial expressions or hands animations, or the fact that they add these pieces on seperately especially for cutscenes - I dunno. But interesting to note is also if you look in the FACE folders for the codec. See any KMY models there? Hardly anything. You see information for Snake, Otacon, Raiden etc, and they are of .EVX Maybe because these are not full models but head and shoulders (I assume because of the colonel model in The Document), which also have a face set up for animation.

Anyhow the POINT is, if Turfster, Lionheart, Mr Mouse or anyone else for that matter could please look into the .evx models and make them usable in 3D software, that would be GREAT! But there is no rush ofcourse. Just at your convenience. I hope the attachment helps too. :wink:

I also don't know what .cvy and some of those other files are. But we may not really need them either.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:42 am
by Turfster
TheDyingInformant wrote:Well actually, see the actual problem is that I do not see ANY alpha channel in the transparent type textures. I wonder if it is cause I have Photoshop 7. The files are just a transparent texture, single layer (which Maya doesn't support that way, it needs an alpha channel). I go into the channels box of PS and only the RGB colour files are in there, but no alpha mask.
That's weird. The copy of PS CS2 I use at work loads them fine, with RGB and alpha channels separate. Have you tried using this patch? I don't know if it'll help, but I don't know what else it could be.
I'm 100% sure the problem isn't the TGA files, anyway.
TheDyingInformant wrote:and I can tell for SURE that .EVX is some model files and will be very handy to get hold of (I know I want it). But, much to Turfster's dismay, I think these files may have something to do with animation.
Yes, I know =p
They're next on my list, don't worry.
I'll get to them one of these days when I feel like coding again and have the time, maybe next week.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:13 pm
by lionheartuk
Turfster wrote: Yes, I know =p
They're next on my list, don't worry.
I'll get to them one of these days when I feel like coding again and have the time, maybe next week.
Im looked at a few of them but I couldnt find any usable information fomr them, I mean not even a friggin GRAIS, then again my HEX skills need improving, Im working on MGS3 atm so i dont get much time.
But if i find anything in this game il mail u instantly ok Turfster.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:19 pm
by TheDyingInformant
Thanks for that patch. I'll try it.

Well I checked again for some more models and we aren't just talking a lack of hands here or something. I can't find Ocelot, Liquid/Ocelot, Olga from the plant, but I DO see them there as .EVX. So yeah, that will be great whenever you get around to it when you feel like it. No pressure. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:48 pm
by BeeswaX
could someone plz upload snakes head
and is it possible to have the head textures seperate ?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:08 pm
by lionheartuk
TheDyingInformant wrote:Thanks for that patch. I'll try it.

Well I checked again for some more models and we aren't just talking a lack of hands here or something. I can't find Ocelot, Liquid/Ocelot, Olga from the plant, but I DO see them there as .EVX. So yeah, that will be great whenever you get around to it when you feel like it. No pressure. :)
lol i havent found LIQUID ocelot yet.
Tho i have found NORMAL oceltot at least 30 times,Olga fromt h plant I have found aswell.
Just keep looking is my advice i know there in there.
Tho i dont think Liquid Ocelot is, Liquid ISNT even IN the game at all, other then his arm lol, so that explains y u cant find him then.
could someone plz upload snakes head
and is it possible to have the head textures seperate ?
Look through my FAQ (its actually AMAZING how many of you dont), Its made SPECIFICALLY for this games files, itl explain where to find SNAKE, and YES the head is detachable and NO you there isnt a seperate HEAD texture, well except for the Higher Res one.

Since being FIRED from my job I have gained more time to work on this games files.
so PLEASE tell me what you all want me to add to the my FAQ adn il ad it and upload as soon as.
I am not sure what else to put int here anymore actually, so thats why i havent touched it in a while.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:24 am
by TheDyingInformant
Liquid - I wasn't trying to be SPECIFIC and display spoilers for anybody, haha! Yes ofcourse thats what I meant. What kind of a fan do you think I am? :P

You found Olga of the plant and Ocelot? Hmmm.... I keep looking and looking to no avail! You are looking through the D folders right? I guess I might find them eventually. This is sure annoying! lol

Actually, I may be able to help you add more folders to the FAQ, because for all I know, you could be missing many because you don't have all of them, right? The problem is I tell you, MANY FOLDERS are just so confusing as to what they are for! For instance, I found a folder that contains Fatman for that particular cutscene, but it also included the dead guards holding their crotches as seen in one of the unlockable alternative missions! AND, when I looked in Raiden X's folder, I have no idea why it also included him in his Ninja form, AND in his soldier form which is story mode only! Combine this with the very odd naming of some of these folders, and I think its quite confusing as to understanding what some of these are meant for. I mean some of these seem to be rather disorganised, all over the place. Amazing how you can create a game with such file chaos!

Oh yes, there IS a seperate head texture actually, you misunderstood him. See, if you check off 'subtextures' or whatever, what you need to do to put the textures on the models ANYWAY, they are all seperate textures. the head itself isn't just one texture though. You have to find the textures for: His face, bandanna, 2 different hair textures, eye, and lashes. So those are ALL seperate but included when you extract ALL the subtextures as well, so you won't use the other ones if you just want his head. Just find the ones you need then.

Oh and Lionheart, I'm sorry to hear about your job! Or perhaps, congratulations? lol. Its different for everyones situation. But yes, look on the bright side and enjoy your freedom for a little while before your next one! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:36 pm
by BeeswaX
i dont have mgs2 thats why i asked the snake head for upload so i would be great if someone could upload it for me with the high res texture i would apreciate if someone could upload them for me

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:46 pm
by lionheartuk
BeeswaX wrote:i dont have mgs2 thats why i asked the snake head for upload so i would be great if someone could upload it for me with the high res texture i would apreciate if someone could upload them for me
I guess me or the DI could send you soem of the files from the game.
DO you own ANY mgs games for PC?
or are they all on console?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:45 pm
by BeeswaX
ive got them all on console they are my favorite games and i would like snakes head plus the texture for converting into other games so if u could send it to me i would really apreciate it

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:11 am
by TheDyingInformant
I don't know.....

If you want to use the models for something, you should go and buy a copy of the PC game. Its only like $5 online these days I think.

And you don't have to worry about making it for other games, because I am working on Snake, working on his textures and everything anyway. I might put him for some other games, but I don't think I can. There are no high res textures yet to speak of. the textures on the PC version are the same, if not worse (not sure why) than the PS2 version, so there aren't any high res textures until we make some. And I'm working on it. I'm a perfectionist so I'll make sure he has some perfect textures on.

I also don't think we would be allowed to take the OFFICIAL models and put them anywhere else. I had known about a MGS mod for Jedi Knight 2 that someone made from SCRATCH, but because it encorporated MGS characters and gameplay, someone from Konami came along and asked him to cease production on it. How mad do you think they would be if they see any of their OFFICIAL models anywhere else? It's too risky....

Once Snake is completely renewed and remade, I will think about what options I then have. I was thinking it would be great to play him in some shooters. But, you can't just ask for models without the game and for illegal use. It might not be a good idea to put models into other games, because Konami is one of those companies who will catch you and won't be too happy with you.

This Solidus program is of great use to everybody who already owned PC Substance and wanted to have something truely unique about it from the console versions, especially after having put up with all of the graphics errors and other problems.

If you're a huge fan, that's great! But you should buy the PC version, and then you can explore all the models and textures as much as you like. AND, you will be able to enjoy the game with ENHANCED models and textures, making a brand new MGS2 experience! But you really have to keep them for PERSONAL use because we have to be quite careful here....

I hope you understand. :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:23 am
by lionheartuk
Good point.
Tho HE has shown he is a true FAN by owning the PS2 version, which is actually BETTER adn has no graphical issues unlike the PC version.
So i am not sure yet if we have any reason to not give him the files.
Tho if ONLY we had the Solidus source code (no, i asked he said NO) because then we would be ablet o add a SEARCH function to it, so if the PS2 game used the same formats itd be easy to extract them.
Tho i doubt it to be honest.
ive got them all on console they are my favorite games and i would like snakes head plus the texture for converting into other games so if u could send it to me i would really apreciate it
lol, maybe youl find a use for my snake eater tool if i ever finish it, or actually release it/make progress with it.
Just a warning.
I guess you could be free to MOD them, so that they only make REFERANCE to the MGS2 stuff, that way once its modded itl technically be your own work, tho this is still borderline.