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Battlefield V Beta : can't extract files

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:08 pm
by Damoclès

Since two days i tried extracting files from the Battlefield V beta but the python script doesn't work. I use the last one (swbf2).
I thought this was python's script fault but i tried with Battlefield 1 and it worked.

Thanks. :keke:

Re: Battlefield V Beta : can't extract files

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:07 pm
by octaviousrex
I have my files back up on a portable HDD. That said I hope someone figures it out as I just want the starter medics head gear and nothing more.

Re: Battlefield V Beta : can't extract files

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:18 am
by mono24
Damoclès wrote:I thought this was python's script fault but i tried with Battlefield 1 and it worked.

Thanks. :keke:
This has been known ever since they updated Star Wars Battlefront II few months ago by removing every single sb/toc pair and updating the game with only cas/cat archives to speed up loading time, there for Battlefield V follows same example, and if you'll check your directories there will no longer be sb/toc pairs.

Every current script, extraction tool, utility or what not, will NO LONGER WORK no matter what you try because they depend on those sb/toc pairs, until of course original creator of those scripts/tools update it to support the newly modified game archives, I have tried to modify the python scripts, of course I failed miserably.

For example Star Wars Battlefront II new version will ONLY work with the updated FrostyEditor to extract content, and according to the developer he will add support to Battlefield V in the upcoming weeks to support this new format, maybe months, its never certain.

Re: Battlefield V Beta : can't extract files

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:59 pm
by BGmoder
I do not know maybe he recorded these sounds in the game, but so "clean" sound

Re: Battlefield V Beta : can't extract files

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:08 am
by mono24
To those of you who do not know yet, a new python script that supports the new format for SWBF2 and BFV has been created by the dev of FrostyToolSuite and someone already posted it here.
Now you can dump the whole game again to your own pleasure.