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Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:48 am
by RosaWeyland
dracosfire83 wrote:I was just hoping to avoid the hassle of installing a 40gig game I won't play on a hard drive that's over 90% full. But if that's what I got to do I will no problem.
Sounds like a you problem, bud. Have fun.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:38 am
by JakeGreen
RosaWeyland wrote:
dracosfire83 wrote:I was just hoping to avoid the hassle of installing a 40gig game I won't play on a hard drive that's over 90% full. But if that's what I got to do I will no problem.
Sounds like a you problem, bud. Have fun.
Hm the worst thing about people is the fact that their ego gets in the way and they can't get over themselves and see beyond their own arrogance, that is a huge problem when it's come to extracting Halo models in the past from like Halo 3,Reach,4......ect and the really really nice thing about it this time is we didn't need the guys behind Adjustant's help with this game and for them to horde their work until they felt like releasing it.

My point being here is this guy asked you just to repair the link to the textures and you had to then return with a rude reply, i don't care what he did on another site but not repairing the link cause you're salty at him isn't right to others, i bet other people would like to have the textures that maybe haven't downloaded them yet (cause i know i would) or doesn't want to either install windows 10 or install the game itself and take the time to dump it to just get out textures.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:33 pm
by RosaWeyland
JakeGreen wrote:My point being here is this guy asked you just to repair the link to the textures and you had to then return with a rude reply, i don't care what he did on another site but not repairing the link cause you're salty at him isn't right to others
You're assuming a lot about how much I care, buddy. Not just about that guy, but about people in general.
i bet other people would like to have the textures that maybe haven't downloaded them yet (cause i know i would) or doesn't want to either install windows 10 or install the game itself and take the time to dump it to just get out textures.
Again, making a lot of assumptions there, buddy. It's very easy for you, on your side of the fence, to say 'Hey! Be nice, provide the files!' - when you've spent as much time as I have doing exactly that, and ended up with nothing but a kick in the teeth for it, you might start to see why I can't be bothered with doing it any more. If people want the files so badly, they can work for them. I'm not here just to provide for you guys any more - stop being lazy.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:41 pm
by dracosfire83
JakeGreen wrote:
RosaWeyland wrote:
dracosfire83 wrote:I was just hoping to avoid the hassle of installing a 40gig game I won't play on a hard drive that's over 90% full. But if that's what I got to do I will no problem.
Sounds like a you problem, bud. Have fun.
Hm the worst thing about people is the fact that their ego gets in the way and they can't get over themselves and see beyond their own arrogance, that is a huge problem when it's come to extracting Halo models in the past from like Halo 3,Reach,4......ect and the really really nice thing about it this time is we didn't need the guys behind Adjustant's help with this game and for them to horde their work until they felt like releasing it.

My point being here is this guy asked you just to repair the link to the textures and you had to then return with a rude reply, i don't care what he did on another site but not repairing the link cause you're salty at him isn't right to others, i bet other people would like to have the textures that maybe haven't downloaded them yet (cause i know i would) or doesn't want to either install windows 10 or install the game itself and take the time to dump it to just get out textures.

While I appreciate and thank you for your support but when Rosa (cherry on the 405th) gets like this it's best just to drop it it's not worth the hassle. She wont stop till you give up or she gets banned. I was told if you look the files are still available if you feel like digging threw the facepunch forums you should find them if not message me I replaced one of my HDD's and did the work myself and I can set up a download link for you.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:15 pm
by RosaWeyland
dracosfire83 wrote:I was told if you look the files are still available if you feel like digging threw the facepunch forums you should find them if not message me
Information can go out of date pretty quickly. I took my links down because they were out of date, featured content that wasn't really fit for the intended purpose, and needed to be fixed before being re-uploaded - you know, doing my bit for the community and providing high-quality assets designed not only for the costuming groups, but for everyone else. Unfortunately, the way things were handled on the 405th (by you personally, as well as others) meant that I lost the desire to contribute to the community in general. Something about a smartass saying that he could manage my job pretty easily and bragging about the volume of assets he had might have had something to do with that.

I had planned to provide armour, vehicle and weapons models along with their corresponding lossless .DDS textures via since that seems to be the only viable route for getting the community high-quality assets. I have the majority of the files ready to go - but, again, I'm left providing only to certain people who I feel I can trust to not act like entitled brats. Why should I spend my free time on pulling these assets when I rarely get any gratitude for it?

I'm taking a look into audio extraction down the line. Maybe I'll share if I get something figured out, maybe I won't.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:59 pm
by JakeGreen
It's sad when people only do this stuff for notoriety and don't give a damn otherwise, i've been on Facepunch for over 7 years and in those years i think i've released thousands of games assets in total from Halo,Call of Duty and mainly Star Wars games so other people don't have to do it and i have never once ever not refused a request or done this for notoriety.

I've spent hours and hours even sometimes days extracting assets from games like Star Wars Battlefront that require you to extract the entire game over and over again just to get out 1 or 2 new assets that was added in each update or DLC that other people have wanted that i myself didn't even care to want.

I guess my problem here is since i do stuff like this on a daily bases i guess i expect in my mind others to be just as nice and generous as i am but i guess not everyone is that nice.

But really when it comes down to it everyone in the Halo asset community is a hording person and out for notoriety when it comes to being one of the first to extract content from the newest Halo game, cause i seen it in the past with Halo 3,Reach and 4 people had access to the assets for weeks and weeks but would never release them to the community but would always show off that they had them but when asked to release them they'd always say no.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:23 am
by RosaWeyland
JakeGreen wrote:It's sad when people only do this stuff for notoriety and don't give a damn otherwise, i've been on Facepunch for over 7 years and in those years i think i've released thousands of games assets in total from Halo,Call of Duty and mainly Star Wars games so other people don't have to do it and i have never once ever not refused a request or done this for notoriety.
You'd be surprised at how much work I put into the Halo community. I don't work for the glamour or the recognition, admittedly nice as they are.
I've spent hours and hours even sometimes days extracting assets from games like Star Wars Battlefront that require you to extract the entire game over and over again just to get out 1 or 2 new assets that was added in each update or DLC that other people have wanted that i myself didn't even care to want.
I guess my problem here is since i do stuff like this on a daily bases i guess i expect in my mind others to be just as nice and generous as i am but i guess not everyone is that nice.
It's not about generosity - it's about me providing a service and being kicked in the teeth for it. I'd love to still be able to share on a general basis but after pouring my heart and soul into this sort of thing and being treated the way I was, I don't exactly see why I should spend a massive amount of time and resources on creating huge packs for people. If people need certain things, then fine - I'll help out. But if people are expecting fully-processed texture and model packs, they need to look elsewhere.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:50 pm
by AgentJersey117
So I imported .render_model to 3dsmax with script but I can't see anything right now?

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:07 pm
by RosaWeyland
AgentJersey117 wrote:So I imported .render_model to 3dsmax with script but I can't see anything right now?
Depends on the model. Some just flat-out don't work right now, check the Listener report and it should give you an idea of whether or not the import was successful. Which model were you trying to get?

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:37 pm
by AgentJersey117
I first tried to open storm_masterchief (which is multiplayer spartans I think) with render_mesh tool 5.5, then I saw only 5.7(or later) version of the script can open storm_masterchief. When I open them first it lags about half our then there are objects seen in a menu but there are not any objects in scene. I know maybe I can't tell but I tried my best, sorry

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:14 am
by RosaWeyland
AgentJersey117 wrote:I first tried to open storm_masterchief (which is multiplayer spartans I think) with render_mesh tool 5.5, then I saw only 5.7(or later) version of the script can open storm_masterchief. When I open them first it lags about half our then there are objects seen in a menu but there are not any objects in scene. I know maybe I can't tell but I tried my best, sorry
The latest version is 5.5, and works absolutely fine for me. Make sure, as I said, that you check the Listener to see if there are any errors within the report, otherwise just zoom out a bit.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:48 pm
by Zelorous
I have a quick question, can somebody help me get the models and textures for the player models in halo 5... I'm going to rig them to use in sfm by using a pre-existing rig... My only problem is that I don't know how to get the .model or .model_render files into blender... I also don't know how to get the textures into blender... I understand if nobody wants to help me do this cause I'm sure it's an annoying task but if anyone decides to must let me know... My Skype is "Zelorous", my Twitter is "RealZelorous", and my email is [email protected]... Thanks in advance :)

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:36 pm
by RosaWeyland
Zelorous wrote:I have a quick question, can somebody help me get the models and textures for the player models in halo 5... I'm going to rig them to use in sfm by using a pre-existing rig... My only problem is that I don't know how to get the .model or .model_render files into blender... I also don't know how to get the textures into blender... I understand if nobody wants to help me do this cause I'm sure it's an annoying task but if anyone decides to must let me know... My Skype is "Zelorous", my Twitter is "RealZelorous", and my email is [email protected]... Thanks in advance :)
Read the thread. The answers are all here.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:40 pm
by Zelorous
RosaWeyland wrote:
Zelorous wrote:I have a quick question, can somebody help me get the models and textures for the player models in halo 5... I'm going to rig them to use in sfm by using a pre-existing rig... My only problem is that I don't know how to get the .model or .model_render files into blender... I also don't know how to get the textures into blender... I understand if nobody wants to help me do this cause I'm sure it's an annoying task but if anyone decides to must let me know... My Skype is "Zelorous", my Twitter is "RealZelorous", and my email is [email protected]... Thanks in advance :)
Read the thread. The answers are all here.
I have read the thread multiple times... I still don't understand how to get the models and textures converted into a format that blender can read... I don't have any other 3d software... I also don't know how to code... That's why I need help understanding it... I've never converted anything other than sfm models... But thank you for replying :)

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:53 pm
by RosaWeyland
Zelorous wrote:I have read the thread multiple times... I still don't understand how to get the models and textures converted into a format that blender can read... I don't have any other 3d software... I also don't know how to code... That's why I need help understanding it... I've never converted anything other than sfm models... But thank you for replying :)
Use the scripts. Like I said - the answers are all there. You'll need a copy of 3DS Max.