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Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:18 am
by erik945
yes, upload weapons textures, please!

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:43 am
by RosaWeyland
zaramot wrote:In order to make some teaser and raise motivation to send me more models+textures. I'm posting this pic with Master Chief and Spartan Locke imported from Halo 5 Forge (with all LODs) xD And Locke has nice face mesh under helmet :D
I think I can help you out there. I pulled all of the raw files from the game and I've been working on compiling the textures into a megapack along with the Waypoint-extracted armour files. However, I've also zipped up all of the models and textures from their raw formats and pushed them to my Mega account for others to use and enjoy. Please take them and make better use of them than I could - I'd love to be able to start processing models out of the game myself and putting together packs for people to use. Since you say you already have the textures I'm focusing on the models.

I'm also going to be pushing the full armour/textures pack as soon as I've done it, hopefully as some sort of incentive/thank-you for those with the technical expertise to process the raw model data - my main resource is time, so I'm happy to sit and spend a few hours trawling through the files and getting them all pulled from the game and sorted for others to use. It's a small matter compared to the work that goes into getting the files out.

You can grab my files here:!kps3xKqA!1xn7XOl5jeDS ... Ok5B7WAUpQ
(WARNING: 700mb+)

Also, please feel free to fire me up on Discord or Skype if you need anything directly that I've forgotten or accidentally omitted - I'll leave links to those if you need them.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:25 am
by dravid51
RosaWeyland what tools do you use to convert the raw files?

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:01 am
by RosaWeyland
dravid51 wrote:RosaWeyland what tools do you use to convert the raw files?
Uh... that's a bit of a process, actually, and given how involved it is, it's probably easier for me to just post up a link to the raw files to use. I'll grub around and post the tools I use once I can get the links, though.

EDIT: if there's a clearer walkthrough or guide for Hex2Obj, however, I'd be very grateful. I'm doing my best to understand all of this but it's... a little beyond me.

EDIT 2: here's the raw texture data, if people want it.!lw0VhRIZ!wP9zOWMagOVO ... wEs9tg3y40
WARNING: huuuuuge file.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:55 pm
by RosaWeyland
Managed to pull this with some help last night. Issues are as follows:
- No UVs. Not sure if that was because the person helping me omitted them, or the tool didn't pull them.
- Tool pulls ALL LoD files - so there's a lot of sorting to be done to get the HD stuff you'll most likely want.
- Model seems to be stretched along one axis. Needs manually fixing for now, unless you can figure out how to offset that in the model pull.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:45 pm
by zaramot
So, someone working on the tool already? Glad to hear, I'm sure the person which helping you just omitted them, there's no any problem with uv's, scaling should be done with bounding-box and LODs aren't such a big problem since they are just as separate mesh, no problem to delete them (or just not importing them). Main issue with Halo 5 it's rigging, only yesterday I figured it out more or less :( It's quite strange system if you ask me!



Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:02 pm
by Alexis
zaramot wrote:So, someone working on the tool already? Glad to hear, I'm sure the person which helping you just omitted them, there's no any problem with uv's, scaling should be done with bounding-box and LODs aren't such a big problem since they are just as separate mesh, no problem to delete them (or just not importing them). Main issue with Halo 5 it's rigging, only yesterday I figured it out more or less :( It's quite strange system if you ask me!
You do such amazing work. I'm definitely looking forward to your script release!

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:51 pm
by RosaWeyland
zaramot wrote:So, someone working on the tool already? Glad to hear, I'm sure the person which helping you just omitted them, there's no any problem with uv's, scaling should be done with bounding-box and LODs aren't such a big problem since they are just as separate mesh, no problem to delete them (or just not importing them). Main issue with Halo 5 it's rigging, only yesterday I figured it out more or less :( It's quite strange system if you ask me!
That looks pretty amazing. I'd love to be able to help out, if you need it, though I'll echo what others have said: I look forward to the script release!

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:02 am
by erik945
Wow, good job.
Can you show where is scale's value?

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:19 pm
by zaramot
erik945 wrote:Wow, good job.
Can you show where is scale's value?
Unfortunately, I have no idea where it is (I'm using manual scale values, fine for characters I tried though). It appears it's not in the mesh file, neither in skeleton file too. Again, unfortunatelly each Halo 5 model has a lot of extra files near it, so this could take time to locate scaling values/bounding box. + it's using Havok, so maybe it's something Havok related. If someone knows where it is, share the info, this is the only issue, which preventing me to post model-import script xD

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:03 pm
by Alexis
zaramot wrote:
erik945 wrote:Wow, good job.
Can you show where is scale's value?
Unfortunately, I have no idea where it is (I'm using manual scale values, fine for characters I tried though). It appears it's not in the mesh file, neither in skeleton file too. Again, unfortunatelly each Halo 5 model has a lot of extra files near it, so this could take time to locate scaling values/bounding box. + it's using Havok, so maybe it's something Havok related. If someone knows where it is, share the info, this is the only issue, which preventing me to post model-import script xD
Unfortunately, If it's similar to the other Halo games' model formats, the scaling is determined entirely by the bounding box. There are no other stored scale values.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:17 pm
by RosaWeyland
zaramot wrote:
erik945 wrote:Wow, good job.
Can you show where is scale's value?
Unfortunately, I have no idea where it is (I'm using manual scale values, fine for characters I tried though). It appears it's not in the mesh file, neither in skeleton file too. Again, unfortunatelly each Halo 5 model has a lot of extra files near it, so this could take time to locate scaling values/bounding box. + it's using Havok, so maybe it's something Havok related. If someone knows where it is, share the info, this is the only issue, which preventing me to post model-import script xD
I'm having this problem myself. Between my friend and I we're having problems finding out exactly how the scaling works. Every model seems to come out in a cube (1x1x1) and I've had to re-scale the stuff I'm pulling out manually to fix it. Of course, that means that the files are prone to errors since my scaling might not be absolutely accurate. I'm sending my friend a source copy of Adjutant, so maybe he can use that to figure the issue out. If we can, I'll be sure to let you know.

Are you having success with the multiplayer Spartan models, though? I can't seem to get those pulled at all.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:25 pm
by zaramot
Hmm, you mean customization parts? Well, I'm imported all models I have so far, maybe I just missing something. If it will not be hard for you to post few such files here or at least tell me their names, so I can try to locate them amoung mine xD

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:46 pm
by RosaWeyland
Sure - I'm mainly looking for the Marauder set, since I can't get that model from Halo Waypoint's .js files. The tool I'm using (which is quick, dirty and based off of hex2obj) won't open up the multiplayer armour files.

I'd also like to check - are you able to pull a clean, high-definition file of the Hydra launcher? For some reason I can only pull the medium-LoD file using my tool, and I'm curious as to whether it's an issue on my end or that the file will just be like that.

Re: Halo 5: Forge Models

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:12 pm
by zaramot
I never played Halo games, have no idea how those models looks. Do you have extracted files from Halo 5: Forge, right? Since, I don't have any files with such names lol