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Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

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Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by luxox18 »

Wolfenstein the new order is a Id Tech 5 x64 game that run under opengl but textures can't be extracted or ripped because use the virtual textures system. (same engine that RAGE)

We can obtain models but no textures :(

the *.pages files contain all textures but are compressed

someone can take a look of these *.pages files please?

here are two pages files , one of 13mb and other 26mb

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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by killerpepo »

.pages file structure , all little endian

Code: Select all

offset type      description
0x00   int[4]    0x77339904
0x04   int[4]    size in tiles
0x08   int[4]    ?
0x0c   int[4]    log2(size in tiles)
0x10   char[2]   'UU'
0x12   char[6]   ?
0x18   int[4]    size of the file in bytes
0x1c   int[4]    0x0
Information taken from this thread : viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7763

Hope someone can complete the job.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by luxox18 »

apparently the textures in *.pages files use JPEG XR with DCT based compression and the game transcode this images to DXT
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by luxox18 »

here are some DCT images extracted from the game, the pages files have the same format but are compressed :/

DCT have the same header from a simple JPEG image but compression is different ... acters.rar
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by m0xf »

File structures:

Code: Select all

enum pageCompression_t : int
enum  HDPFlags_t : int

struct pageHeader_t
	int magic;
	pageCompression_t pageCompression;
	unsigned int finerDiskOffset[4];
	unsigned short finerDiskLength[4];
	unsigned short x;
	unsigned short y;
	unsigned short level;
	unsigned short reserved;

struct pageFileHeader_t
	int magic;
	int pagesWide;
	int installedMipAndOffset;
	short numLevels;
	short layoutVersion;
	int totalPages;
	int diskOffsetScale;
	long long totalFileSize;
	//pageHeader_t subRoot;

struct HDPHeader_t
	unsigned char qualityDiffuse;
	unsigned char qualityNormal;
	unsigned char qualitySpecular;
	unsigned char qualityPower;
	unsigned char flags;
	unsigned char pad;
	unsigned short diffuseSize;
	unsigned short normalSize;
	unsigned short specularSize;
	unsigned short powerSize;
	unsigned short alphaSize;

Now used HD photo, very similar to this specification.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by ZerOHearth »

Any new news?
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by luxox18 »

nope , nothing :(
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by ZerOHearth »

Can somebody please figure out that. :cry:
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by volfin »

Well, thanks to the info m0xF posted, I can now navigate the QuadTree pretty well.

This 010 script will break down a single branch of the quadtree in most any *.pages file:

Code: Select all

//--- 010 Editor v5.0 Binary Template
// File:
// Author:
// Revision:
// Purpose:

enum pageCompression_t 

enum  HDPFlags_t
   HDP_HAS_COVER = 0x8

typedef struct HDPHeader_t
   unsigned char qualityDiffuse;
   unsigned char qualityNormal;
   unsigned char qualitySpecular;
   unsigned char qualityPower;
   unsigned char flags;
   unsigned char pad;
   unsigned short diffuseSize;
   unsigned short normalSize;
   unsigned short specularSize;
   unsigned short powerSize;
   unsigned short alphaSize;

typedef struct pageHeader_t
   uint magic_signature; // Signatuer ID 0xCABFED04
   pageCompression_t pageCompression; // Compression Type (seems always 0x05, HDP Type)
   uint PageDiskOffset[4];  // Sub-Node Offset from start of file, divided by DiskOffsetScale
   ushort PageDiskLength[4]; // Sub-Node Length, divided by DiskOffsetScale
   ushort x; // Unclear, deeper nodes have larger values (Perhaps quardrant location)
   ushort y; // Unclear, deeper nodes have larger values (Perhaps quardrant location)
   ushort QuadTreeLevel;  // Node's level in the Quadtree
   ushort reserved;

 struct Pages_File { 
    char Signature[4]; // Signatuer ID 0x77339904
    ulong pageswide;  // # of pages wide (always square so also # of pages tall) Possibly needs multiplied by DiskOffsetScale.
    ulong installedMipAndOffset; // purpose unclear
    ushort QuadtreeLevelCount;   // How many levels to the Quadtree
    ushort LayoutVer; // always zero?
    ulong totalPages; // Number seems inaccurate, almost always 0x155555
    ulong DiskOffsetScale; // Factor to scale various offsets and sizes by. 
    uint64 totalFileSize; // Size of the file in bytes.

// Root node
pageHeader_t SubRoot; 

// subnodes
pageHeader_t SubRoot; // Read Leaf Data
HDPHeader_t test; // Get DCT header data
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata1[SubRoot[0].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[0].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata2[SubRoot[1].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[1].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata3[SubRoot[2].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[2].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata4[SubRoot[3].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[3].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata5[SubRoot[4].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[4].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata6[SubRoot[5].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[5].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata7[SubRoot[6].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[6].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;
HDPHeader_t test;
// Get Data for Leaf (based on Offset/Length parent leaf specified)
char compdata8[SubRoot[7].PageDiskLength[0]*DiskOffsetScale-(FTell()-SubRoot[7].PageDiskOffset[0]*DiskOffsetScale)];
// Move to first subleaf of leaf we just read.

pageHeader_t SubRoot;

} MegaTexture;
I only go 8 levels deep, though most of these quadtrees have 12 levels. I'm only skimming the outer edge of the tree.

At any rate, it breaks the file down to the page level.

The Page_Block data is the data in the arrays named compdata1 thru compdata8.

According to what ID has said, a Page_Block should be a 128x128 pixel block with 10 layers (3 layers; RGB diffuse, 3 layers; RGB Specular, 2 Layers; RG Normal, 1 Layer; Alpha, 1 Layer; Power).

So this is where I am now, figuring out how this block of data decodes to a 10 layer 128 by 128 pixel block. The endcoing is supposed to be JPEG XR type DCT, but that leaves things very open ended. There's also a lot of talk about Huffman encoding, so I'm unclear if the disk image is Huffman compressed on top of DCT compressed or not.

I notice these blocks tend to all start with the same byte sequence:

Code: Select all

0x71 0x00 0xA3 0xC6 0x0A 0x3C 0x60 0xA3 0xC6 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0x00
which tells me there is probably another data structure on top here yet undiscovered. But at least a few layers of the onion are now peeled away. I'll keep at it.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by ZerOHearth »

Nice work many THX. :bravo:

How can i load this script to test it.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by volfin »

ZerOHearth wrote:Nice work many THX. :bravo:

How can i load this script to test it.
It's scripted in 010 Editor.

You would open the *.pages file with 010 editor, then the file I pasted above as a template (usually named *.bt)

For viewing data 010 is pretty good. Things like QuickBMS are better at creating output once you know what's what. I could probably make a QuickBMS script based on this to dump the Page_Blocks for easier examination. but will be a day or two. I have some other work to do first.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by volfin »

Here's a BMS script to cut out the first 3 page_blocks it encounters as 3 discrete files "Page_Block0.dat", "Page_Block1.dat", and "Page_block2.dat". It also prints the header info for those blocks.

Code: Select all

# Dumps 3 pages of data, displays header for each page that is dumped

endian little

startfunction Print_Header
	endian big # header is Big Endian for some reason
	print "---"
	get DiffuseQuality byte
	print "DiffuseMap Quality: %DiffuseQuality%"
	get NormalQuality byte
	print "NormalMap Quality: %NormalQuality%"
	get SpecularQuality byte
	print "SpecularMap Quality: %SpecularQuality%"
	get PowerQuality byte
	print "PowerMap Quality: %PowerQuality%"
	get Flags byte
	print "Flags: %Flags%"
	get padding byte
	print "padding ignore?: %padding%"

	get DiffuseSize short
	print "DiffuseMap DataSize: %DiffuseSize%"
	get NormalSize short
	print "NormalMap DataSize: %NormalSize%"
	get SpecularSize short
	print "SpecularMap DataSize: %SpecularSize%"
	get PowerSize short
	print "PowerMap DataSize: %PowerSize%"
	get AlphaSize short
	print "AlphaMap DataSize: %AlphaSize%"
	print "---------------------------"
	endian little # back to little for the rest of the file

goto 0x14 
get DiskOffsetScale long
print "Diskoffsetscale:%DiskOffsetScale%"
goto 0x28
get Block0_Offset long 
goto 0x38
get Block0_Length short

math Block0_Offset * DiskOffsetScale
math Block0_Length * DiskOffsetScale
print "-- Page_Block0.dat ------------------------"

xmath Block0_Offset_skipheader "Block0_Offset + 56"
xmath Block0_Length_skipheader "Block0_Length - 56"
print "Block0_Offset:%Block0_Offset_skipheader%"
print "Block0_Length:%Block0_Length_skipheader%"
# skip to header and print it.
xmath Block0_Offset_atheader "Block0_Offset + 40"
goto Block0_Offset_atheader
callfunction Print_Header

#dump Page_block zero
log "Page_Block0.dat" Block0_Offset_skipheader Block0_Length_skipheader

math Block0_Offset + 8 #skip to first sub-Page_block
goto Block0_Offset

# get all the branches for testing
get Block1_Offset1 long 
get Block1_Offset2 long
get Block1_Offset3 long
get Block1_Offset4 long
get Block1_Length1 short
get Block1_Length2 short
get Block1_Length3 short
get Block1_Length4 short

# Find a branch that's populated (the first may not always be at the top)
if Block1_Offset1 != 0
	print "Branch 1 chosen."
	math Block1_Offset = Block1_Offset1
	math Block1_Length = Block1_Length1
elif Block1_Offset2 != 0
	print "Branch 2 chosen."
	math Block1_Offset = Block1_Offset2
	math Block1_Length = Block1_Length2
elif Block1_Offset3 != 0
	print "Branch 3 chosen."
	math Block1_Offset = Block1_Offset3
	math Block1_Length = Block1_Length3
elif Block1_Offset4 != 0
	print "Branch 4 chosen."
	math Block1_Offset = Block1_Offset4
	math Block1_Length = Block1_Length4

math Block1_Offset * DiskOffsetScale
math Block1_Length * DiskOffsetScale
print "-- Page_Block1.dat ------------------------"

xmath Block1_Offset_skipheader "Block1_Offset + 56"
xmath Block1_Length_skipheader "Block1_Length - 56"
print "Block1_Offset:%Block1_Offset_skipheader%"
print "Block1_Length:%Block1_Length_skipheader%"

# skip to header and print it.
xmath Block1_Offset_atheader "Block1_Offset + 40"
goto Block1_Offset_atheader
callfunction Print_Header

#dump Page_block zero
log "Page_Block1.dat" Block1_Offset_skipheader Block1_Length_skipheader

math Block1_Offset + 8 #skip to first sub-Page_block
goto Block1_Offset
get Block2_Offset long 
math Block1_Offset + 16 
goto Block1_Offset
get Block2_Length short
math Block2_Offset * DiskOffsetScale
math Block2_Length * DiskOffsetScale
print "-- Page_Block2.dat ------------------------"

xmath Block2_Offset_skipheader "Block2_Offset + 56"
xmath Block2_Length_skipheader "Block2_Length - 56"
print "Block2_Offset:%Block2_Offset_skipheader%"
print "Block2_Length:%Block2_Length_skipheader%"

# skip to header and print it.
xmath Block2_Offset_atheader "Block2_Offset + 40"
goto Block2_Offset_atheader
callfunction Print_Header

#dump Page_block zero
log "Page_Block2.dat" Block2_Offset_skipheader Block2_Length_skipheader

Here's a sample of the printout from "c12p1.pages"

-- Page_Block0.dat ------------------------

DiffuseMap Quality: 30
NormalMap Quality: 13
SpecularMap Quality: 25
PowerMap Quality: 40
Flags: 6
padding ignore?: 0
DiffuseMap DataSize: 1720
NormalMap DataSize: 3218
SpecularMap DataSize: 803
PowerMap DataSize: 128
AlphaMap DataSize: 0

00000080 5870 Page_Block0.dat

Branch 2 chosen.

-- Page_Block1.dat ------------------------

DiffuseMap Quality: 30
NormalMap Quality: 13
SpecularMap Quality: 25
PowerMap Quality: 40
Flags: 6
padding ignore?: 0
DiffuseMap DataSize: 3043
NormalMap DataSize: 4004
SpecularMap DataSize: 1951
PowerMap DataSize: 171
AlphaMap DataSize: 0

000017a6 9170 Page_Block1.dat

-- Page_Block2.dat ------------------------

DiffuseMap Quality: 30
NormalMap Quality: 13
SpecularMap Quality: 25
PowerMap Quality: 40
Flags: 5
padding ignore?: 0
DiffuseMap DataSize: 4655
NormalMap DataSize: 4633
SpecularMap DataSize: 3514
PowerMap DataSize: 238
AlphaMap DataSize: 0

000054fe 13040 Page_Block2.dat

- 3 files found in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 28168 13563938
There's some interesting patterns in these numbers. For one, the sum of the different *Map DataSizes adds up to the whole block size. For example on Block 2: 4655+4633+3514+238+0=13040 which you notice is the size of that block (Block2_Length).

So those likely point into the block to indicate where the various layer types start. The "Quality" parameters probably indicate the amount of DCT compression peformed on each layer. And the "Flags" may be in reference to the "HDPFlags_t" type m0xF laid out earlier. but if so, some values are missing.

Perhaps this will help someone with exploring these Page_Blocks as a discrete entity. I feel we only need to determine how to decode a single Page_Block to crack this open. Knowing where the layers begin/end is a small but important step toward that.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by luxox18 »

amazing work volfin! keep it up :D
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by m0xf »

Data blocks represents HDPhoto bitstream without IMAGE_HEADER (see "HDPhoto_Bitstream_Spec_1.0.doc"). It's very complex format. I tried to adapt HD photo decoding library, but without results.
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Re: Wolfenstein .Pages files (idtech5 virtualtextures)

Post by volfin »

m0xf wrote:Data blocks represents HDPhoto bitstream without IMAGE_HEADER (see "HDPhoto_Bitstream_Spec_1.0.doc"). It's very complex format. I tried to adapt HD photo decoding library, but without results.
yes, i've been pursuing that as well, though using the JPEG XR specification (which is materially identical).
So far I haven't been able to produce any recognizable output either. I fear they may be LZW compressing it on top of the DCT transform, or may be using a custom colorspace (some slides talk about using 5:4:0 which isn't a standard colorspace for HDP; it only recognizes 4:2:0/4:4:4/4:2:2)

So right now i've pretty much hit a brick wall.
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