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Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

General game file tools that are useful for more than one game
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Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ikskoks »


I have for you tool pack with all tools that can make your life easier ;)
Tools are for games from Metal Gear Solid series.


Multi-purpose toolset for Metal Gear Solid 2
Extracts and replaces files in DAR and QAR archives
Converts XTI textures to TGA and DDS files (single texture mode), extracts TGA subtextures needed for models
Converts TGA and DDS files to XTI textures
Converts (most) static KMY models to OBJ file
Solidus supports MGS:TTS (The Twin Snakes), the GameCube game.
Thanks to Turfster, LionheartUK & TheDyingInformant for their hard work. They spent months researching and pulling things apart.

Masher is a package for creating and playing back highly compressed high quality movies under Win95/98/NT. It is targeted especially for game development. The movie player is coded almost entirely in Assembler and takes advantage of MMX technology. Playback is in 16 bit color exclusively, but the use of realtime dithering effectively displays more than 2 million colors.
This tool can play DDV movies from Metal Gear Solid and convert AVI to DDV files.

Konami DAT Utility
Packer and unpacker for almost all *.DAT files from konami games)

Unpacker and REPACKER for *.DAR files
(thanks to mirex, unmass has a packing function)

Metal Gear Solid 2 KMY Importer for Milkshape 1.7
This plugin allows you to load all static Metal Gear Solid 2 3D objects
into Milkshape.)

BioHazard File Archive Tool
for extracting *.DIR files from MGS PSX version)

This pack also contains many tutorials and guides about translating and modding Metal Gear Solid games.

Edit: Some new tools below

PC DAR tool 1.5 (fugtao version)
Extract *.dar files from PC.

PSX DAR tool 1.5 (fugtao version)
Extract *.dar files from PSX.

KMD2OBJ 2.51 (fugtao version)
An advanced conversor for KMD models files.

DIR tool 1.5 (fugtao version)
Extract *.dir files

DIR tool 1.51 (fugtao version)
Extract contents from STAGE.DIR

CON tool 1.0 (fugtao version)
Convert CON files into text

RAR tool 1.0 (fugtao version)
Extract images from *.rar files

GCX tool 2.0 (fugtao version)
Decodes GCX scripts into something readable near to GCL

GCX tool 2.0.4 (fugtao version)
Decodes GCX scripts into something readable near to GCL

HZM tool 1.0 (fugtao version)
Draw on screen the info stored within.

HZM tool 1.2 (fugtao version)
Draw on screen the info stored within.

DIR tool 1.8 (fugtao version)
Extracts content from STAGE.DIR

Some Ruby Scripts

Edit2: New tools have been discovered today (19.09.2020). List below
dar-extract_*, qar-extract_psp, zar-extract

Tools for unpacking archive files from the corresponding platform. dar-extract_psx supports dictionaries for giving proper names to the files within. To use the dictionary feature, place a dictionary file somename.txt in the same folder as the executable, then use dar-extract_psx file somename

Tool for unpacking STAGE.DAT and FACE.DAT from MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, ZoE2 and MGS Twin Snakes. Supports dictionaries, place a file called common.txt, suffixed with the game name, or one matching a stages name in the same folder as the executable, prefixes with your game name (e.g. mgs2-, trial2-, tts-, etc.). Dictionaries will be loaded automatically and do not need to be passed by hand. If a file fails with the autodetection (either missing or mismatched game ID), you can pass an ID as additional argument to override the autodetection. Use this at your own risk, check the code (specifically the switch around line 870) for IDs.

Tool to unpack the files from the on-disc VFS from MGS2S on Xbox. Currently, this requires the VFS files to be merged by hand. Remember to back-up your files before doing this.
To do so, simply concatenate the files, e.g. cat disc1_{0..8}.dat > disc1.dat or copy /B disc1_0.dat + disc1_1.dat + [...] + disc1_8.dat disc1.dat. Then pass the resulting disc1.dat to dat-merge. Follow the same procedure for disc2_*.dat. The unpacked files can be unpacked just like the files from the PS2 games.

Tool for unpacking MGS1 FACE.DAT, supports a dictionary as well. Place one with the name mgs1-face.txt next to the executable.

Tool for decoding a gcx script into readable text. Probably incomplete.

Pass a string to compute its kojimahash for all known flavours.

Tool to unpack MGS1 STAGE.DIR, supports dictionaries. See dat-extract_enc for naming convention.

Converts txp textures found in the PSP games to PNG.
Other code included

Code for handling the dictionaries used by the unpacking tools.

Contains functions to compute the hashes used for matching dictionaries against hashes contained within the archives.
Sources -->

LiquidGear - Metal Gear Solid 3 / Collection HD *.sdt Text Editor

Metal Gear Solid 3/4 translation toolkit

This is a toolkit for translating Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Below you can see a list of what each tool does:

DATCodecTool - Extracts texts from the codec.dat file and inserts then back. Works on both MGS3 and MGS4.

DATMovieTool - Extracts subtitles from movie.dat and demo.dat, and can also insert the modified subtitles back. Like the codec tool, works on both MGS3 and MGS4.

DATSpeechTool - Extracts *.spc files from a speech.dat (with a scenerio.gcx from the init folder), and extracts subtitles from each *.spc. It can insert subtitles back into the *.spc, and can re-create the speech.dat aswell. Only works on MGS4, since MGS3 don't have a speech.dat file.

A note about the DATCodecTool and DATMovieTool: It's still unknown where the pointers for the data inside those files (codec.dat, movie.dat and demo.dat) are, therefore if you change the lengths of the texts inside those files, there's a possibility that the game will crash. Due to the fact that those files have paddings (with movie.dat and demo.dat being aligned into 2kb blocks), there's usually a lot of room for expansion. But again, it's recommended that you keep the same lengths, or recalculate the pointers if you know where they are. Keeping the same lengths is the sure-fire to make it work.

Please look carefully the usage instructions of each tool, since each tool is used in a different way.
Sources -->

GB Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel script tool. Game uses MTE and LZ compression for text. This tool can work with it.
Sources -->
C# Fox Engine dat/qar, fpk, fpkd, pftxs and sbp unpacker/repacker
Sources -->
MGSV QAR Dictionary Project
The QAR dictionary project is a project to name every file used in MGSV Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.
Sources -->
A tool for converting files between Fox Engine texture (.ftex) and DirectDraw Surface (.dds).
Sources -->
Fox Engine / Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain file format research dump.
Sources -->
A tool for compiling and decompiling Fox Engine XML files. Compiled XML files have these file extensions:
Sources -->
A bundle of tools related to text editing Fox Engine / MGSV Ground Zeroes files.
Sources -->
MGS:Peace Walker PS3 RTM CCAPI Tool
A memory editor for the ps3 version of peace walker using ccapi via ps3lib.dll.
Sources -->

Edit: BMS Scripts below

Metal Gear Solid Pdt . Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP (*.pdt)
Metal Gear Solid Pdt Music . Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP music-only (*.pdt) (script 0.1.4) . XOR
Metal Gear Solid Xbarc . Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (script 0.2.2a) . xmemdecompress . XBAR
Mgs5 Stpl . Metal Gear Solid V STP . STPL
Last edited by ikskoks on Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:49 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by kurt28 »

Have you used this tool to translate MGS1?
The font in utf-8 is shown?
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ikskoks »

Have you used this tool to translate MGS1?
Translating this game is only possible in hex editor. So it is very uncomfortable.
I don't know where are the fonts, but i think they can be placed in one of the *.dar archives in *.mgz file.

All textures in MGS 1 are in *.tga and *.pcx graphic format. I found the way to edit *.tga images using Graphics Gale, but i don't have any idea how to edit .pcx files and repack tem to .dar archives.

So to edit this game you must first change extension in one of the *.mgz files to *.zip and unpack content to you disk. Then you have to use Unmass to extract PCX textures from .dar files, edit files and pack them with unmass. In the end just replace original *.dar with edited *.dar

but there's a catch ;)
I didn't find any way to display changed textures in game properly... If you find working method, please share it with me and others in this topic ;)

And about text to translate - all codec talks are in radio.dat file, all cut-scenes dialogues are in *.dmo and *.vox files and other stuff are in MGSI.exe

And other tools are also useful. For example with Masher we can edit movies from Metal Gear Solid in *.DDV format.
Solidus can convert for us VOX files to WAV etc.
Last edited by ikskoks on Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by 3pacalypse »

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! My dream came true thanks to you guys!
A Member of the Bulgarian Game Localization Teams: &
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by lionheartuk »

You might also want to add that Solidus supports MGS:TTS (The Twin Snakes), the GameCube game.

It extracts the textures but not the models if I remember rightly.

It also works on a few files from MGS3, but only uncompresses them, it doesn't actually extract anything, it just decrypts them so you can see the original naming.

You might also want to add 'Thanks to Turfster, LionheartUK & TheDyingInformant' in the solidus section, being the 3 people that spent months researching and pulling things apart.

Thanks for collecting it all together though. The Konami.DAT tool doesn't work so great for MGS3 however.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ikskoks »

You might also want to add that Solidus supports MGS:TTS (The Twin Snakes), the GameCube game.
You might also want to add 'Thanks to Turfster, LionheartUK & TheDyingInformant' in the solidus section
Added to the first post :)
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ameneko »

MGS PC PCX textures have extra data in an otherwise unused part of the header that contain vram coordinates for the image and its palette(s). This data must be preserved. You also may not change the bpp(8 or 4 bpp) or the dimensions of a texture without changing _all_ of the textures. This is due to how textures are packed into vram :[ If you convert them to TIM's there is an official Sony tool that can make repacking them into vram easier, though there are some visual issues in the tool, then convert back to PCX. There may also be issues regarding replacing the palettes for existing textures.

The KMD format in MGS is also somewhat documented here. There is some currently unused, incomplete, and quite possibly not compiling code in this file, beware.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by yanneric »

Thank you for those Tools!! i have a question, there is an kmy importer which is great, but does a kmy exporter exist? is it possible to convert back an obj to kmy and put it back in the game? (it would be to mod the game), thanks in advance
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ikskoks »

but does a kmy exporter exist? is it possible to convert back an obj to kmy and put it back in the game?
I'm sorry, but I think that kmy exporter doesn't exist and it isn't possible to convert back an obj to kmy. :(
(At least for now, maybe someday it will be possible when someone will ceate a tool for this. Don't loose your hope. :))
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by yanneric »

ikskoks wrote:
but does a kmy exporter exist? is it possible to convert back an obj to kmy and put it back in the game?
I'm sorry, but I think that kmy exporter doesn't exist and it isn't possible to convert back an obj to kmy. :(
(At least for now, maybe someday it will be possible when someone will ceate a tool for this. Don't loose your hope. :))
ok, i won't :) thanks
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by carnage »

I'm with the translation project of MGS1 to 3 years, I intend to finish it one day kkk.
I must have the source information of the game, if you need I will look at my stuff and post here.
Another thing the. DAT to be inserted back into the ISO if the size is larger than the original is necessary to recalculate the LBA and size of the ISO, if not the codec start the game crashes.

ePSXe. stopped working
Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...


I tested the tool in the DAT files and generates error so you saw the tool Konami. Dat, only recognizes from MGS2.
I have a tool made ​​for these files in Delphi if I need to pass the source code to add to your tool.
Last edited by carnage on Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by ikskoks »

I have a tool made ​​for these files in Delphi if I need to pass the source code to add to your tool.
I didn't create these tools. I just uploaded them here. ^^
So i don't have any source code ;p

But all users (me too) will be very grateful if you post here your tool in Delphi. It will help to translate MGS to many other languages.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by carnage »

ikskoks wrote:
I have a tool made ​​for these files in Delphi if I need to pass the source code to add to your tool.
I didn't create these tools. I just uploaded them here. ^^
So i don't have any source code ;p

But all users (me too) will be very grateful if you post here your tool in Delphi. It will help to translate MGS to many other languages.
Yes, I will post the BETA version, the final version will post once you finish the translation.
Put the information where the sources are, but it would be interesting to have a BMS script to do the dump / insert.

I need to resolve this problem to insert the file. DAT back to iso, I do not know if the bug image above is due to the tool or LBAs.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools

Post by keystothemaxim »

I have re-uploaded Solidus here.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid (series) - Tools


keystothemaxim wrote:I have re-uploaded Solidus here.
Links had been dead for a while, i just joined the forum btw...

Keen to try to find out if any of these tools can be used with the MGS HD Collection / Legacy Collection Files...

There was even talk years ago of An Attempt At Porting MGS4 Elsewhere or at least Extracting all Assets for a Slow Remake etc / More MODs Featuring old Levels ETC...
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