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Gal Gun x360

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Gal Gun x360

Post by chrrox »

Here is a max script to import these models mre info here

Code: Select all

if (heapSize < 200000) then
   heapSize = 30000000 -- allow ~ 40 MB instead of just 7.5 MB. Prevents "Runtime Error: Out of scripter memory"

fname = getOpenFileName \
caption:"Gal Gun Model File" \
types:"Gal Gun Model File(*.gmd)|*.gmd" \
historyCategory:"Gal Gun Object Presets"
f = fopen fname "rb"

fn ReadBEShort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 2 1
b = (bit.get short 16)
for i = 17 to 32 do short = bit.set short i b
return short

fn PrintOffset Var =
   local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)

fn floatSwap2 f =
   i = bit.floatAsInt f
   h = bit.intashex i
   while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
   s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
   bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)

fn ReadBEword fstream = (
return (bit.swapBytes (readshort fstream #unsigned) 1 2)

   fn convertTo32 input16 = (
      inputAsInt = input16
      sign = bit.get inputAsInt 16
      exponent = (bit.shift (bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "7C00")) -10) as integer - 16
      fraction = bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "03FF")
      if sign==true then sign = 1 else sign = 0
      exponentF = exponent + 127
      --Ouput 32 bit integer representing a 32 bit float
      outputAsFloat = bit.or (bit.or (bit.shift fraction 13) (bit.shift exponentF 23)) (bit.shift sign 31)
      --Output Check   
      return bit.intasfloat outputasfloat

fn ReadBEHalfFloat fstream = (
return convertTo32(ReadBEword fstream)

fn ReadBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long

fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
return floatSwap2(readfloat fstream)

fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
   local str = ""
   for i = 1 to fixedLen do
      str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)

struct weight_data

Version = ReadBElong f
print Version
Unk02 = ReadBElong f
Unk03 = ReadBElong f
Vstart = ReadBElong f
Unk05 = ReadBElong f
MeshCount = ReadBElong f
Unk07 = ReadBElong f
MStart_Array = #()
if Version == 0x1050000 Do (
while (ftell f) <= Vstart Do (
test = ReadBElong f
if test == 0xFF060800 do (
append MStart_Array (ftell f)
if Version == 0x1010000 Do (
while (ftell f) <= Vstart Do (
test = ReadBElong f
if test == 0xFF060700 do (
append MStart_Array (ftell f)
print MStart_Array
fseek f 0x40#seek_set
test = 0
do (
test = ReadBElong f
) while test != 0xFFFF0000
fseek f -12#seek_cur
BoneCount = ReadBEword f
fseek f 0x6#seek_cur
BNArr = #()
for a = 1 to BoneCount Do (
BoneParent = ReadBEword f
BoneUnk = ReadBEword f
m11 = ReadBEFloat f; m12 = ReadBEFloat f; m13 = ReadBEFloat f
m21 = ReadBEFloat f; m22 = ReadBEFloat f; m23 = ReadBEFloat f
m31 = ReadBEFloat f; m32 = ReadBEFloat f; m33 = ReadBEFloat f
m41 = ReadBEFloat f; m42 = ReadBEFloat f; m43 = ReadBEFloat f
tfm = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]

m11 = ReadBEFloat f; m12 = ReadBEFloat f; m13 = ReadBEFloat f
m21 = ReadBEFloat f; m22 = ReadBEFloat f; m23 = ReadBEFloat f
m31 = ReadBEFloat f; m32 = ReadBEFloat f; m33 = ReadBEFloat f
m41 = ReadBEFloat f; m42 = ReadBEFloat f; m43 = ReadBEFloat f
tfm2 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
print tfm
print tfm2
print "---"
newBone = bonesys.createbone	\
				  tfm.row4	\
				  (tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
				  (normalize tfm.row3) = (a as string)
			newBone.width  = 0.01
			newBone.height = 0.01
			newBone.transform = tfm
			newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
			newBone.wirecolor = yellow
			newbone.showlinks = true
			newBone.pos.controller      = TCB_position ()
			newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()

 if (BoneParent != -1) then
 newBone.parent = BNArr[BoneParent + 1]
append BNArr newBone	
fseek f MStart_Array[MeshCount]#seek_set
VOff_Array = #()
FOff_Array = #()
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
VNull = ReadBElong f
VOff = (ReadBElong f) + 0x14
append VOff_Array VOff
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
FNull = ReadBElong f
FOff = (ReadBElong f) + 0x14
append FOff_Array  FOff
print VOff_Array
print FOff_Array

for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
Vert_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
Face_array = #()

fseek f VOff_Array[a]#seek_set
VType1 = ReadBElong f
VCount = ReadBElong f
VType2 = ReadBElong f
for b = 1 to VCount Do (
vx = ReadBEfloat f
vy = ReadBEfloat f
vz = ReadBEfloat f
	if VType1 == 28 do (
fseek f 0x30#seek_cur
tu = 0
tv = 0
	if VType1 == 29 do (
NX = ReadBEfloat f
NY = ReadBEfloat f
NZ = ReadBEfloat f
Unk07 = ReadBElong f --color
tu = ReadBEfloat f * 1
tv = ReadBEfloat f * -1
Unk04 = ReadBElong f
Unk05 = ReadBElong f
Unk06 = ReadBElong f
Unk08 = ReadBElong f
Unk09 = ReadBElong f
Unk10 = ReadBElong f
Unk11 = ReadBElong f
Unk12 = ReadBElong f
	if VType1 == 38 do (
NX = ReadBEfloat f
NY = ReadBEfloat f
NZ = ReadBEfloat f
Unk04 = ReadBElong f
Unk05 = ReadBElong f
Unk06 = ReadBElong f
Unk07 = ReadBElong f --color
tu = ReadBEfloat f * 1
tv = ReadBEfloat f * -1
Unk08 = ReadBElong f
Unk09 = ReadBElong f
Unk10 = ReadBElong f
Unk11 = ReadBElong f
Unk12 = ReadBElong f
Unk13 = ReadBElong f
Unk16 = ReadBElong f
Unk17 = ReadBElong f
append Vert_array [vx,(vy * -1),(vz * -1)]
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]

fseek f FOff_Array[a]#seek_set	
FType1 = ReadBElong f
FCount = ReadBElong f
FType2 = ReadBElong f
for b = 1 to FCount / 3 Do (
f1 = (ReadBElong f) + 1
f2 = (ReadBElong f) + 1
f3 = (ReadBElong f) + 1
append Face_array [f1,f2,f3]

msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh = Mesh_Name_array[a]
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]

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Re: Gal Gun x360

Post by epopoe »

thank you chrrox

but i got an error

MAXScript FileIn Exception
-- Unable to convert: undefined to type: Integer64

fn ReadBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream

long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4 <--error in here

long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
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Re: Gal Gun x360

Post by chrrox »

you would have to post the file.
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Re: Gal Gun x360

Post by epopoe »

now I solved this problem

That I didnt decompess gmd files

thanks chrrox interest in my problem

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Re: Gal Gun x360

Post by epopoe »

This is a part of akira's texture

how can I import bin format
who can help me

(Sorry about wrong grammar,English always hard for me)
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