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Runmbe Roses Import

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Runmbe Roses Import

Post by chrrox »

I have tested this on 2011 models i will improve it more this is just a start

Code: Select all

if (heapSize < 200000) then
        heapSize = 2000000 -- allow ~ 40 MB instead of just 7.5 MB. Prevents "Runtime Error: Out of scripter memory"

fname = getOpenFileName \ 
caption:"SVR2011 Model File" \
types:"SVR2011 Model File(*.yobj)|*.yobj" \
historyCategory:"SVR2011 Object Presets"
f = fopen fname "rb"

fn ReadBEShort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 2 1
b = (bit.get short 16)
for i = 17 to 32 do short = bit.set short i b
return short
fn PrintOffset Var =
        local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)

fn floatSwap2 f = 
        i = bit.floatAsInt f
        h = bit.intashex i
        while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
        s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
        bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)

fn ReadBEword fstream = (
return (bit.swapBytes (readshort fstream #unsigned) 1 2)

        fn convertTo32 input16 = (
                inputAsInt = input16
                sign = bit.get inputAsInt 16
                exponent = (bit.shift (bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "7C00")) -10) as integer - 16
                fraction = bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "03FF")
                if sign==true then sign = 1 else sign = 0
                exponentF = exponent + 127
                --Ouput 32 bit integer representing a 32 bit float
                outputAsFloat = bit.or (bit.or (bit.shift fraction 13) (bit.shift exponentF 23)) (bit.shift sign 31)
                --Output Check  
                return bit.intasfloat outputasfloat

fn ReadBEHalfFloat fstream = (
return convertTo32(ReadBEword fstream)

fn ReadHalfFloat fstream = (
return convertTo32(readshort fstream#unsigned)

fn ReadBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long

fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
return floatSwap2(readfloat fstream)

fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
        local str = ""
        for i = 1 to fixedLen do
                str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)

Idstring = ReadFixedString f 4
Totalsize = ReadBElong f
Unk001 = ReadBElong f
Unk002 = ReadBElong f
Unk003 = ReadBElong f
Unk004 = ReadBElong f
MeshCount = ReadBElong f
MeshOff = ReadBElong f + 8
BoneCount = ReadBElong f
Unk008 = ReadBElong f
BoneOffset = ReadBElong f + 8
Unk010 = ReadBElong f
Unk011 = ReadBElong f
Unk012 = ReadBElong f
Unk013 = ReadBElong f
Unk014 = ReadBElong f
Unk015 = ReadBElong f
Unk016 = ReadBElong f
fseek f BoneOffset#seek_set
tarr = #()
rarr = #()
qarr = #()
Barr = #()
Parr = #()

for a = 1 to BoneCount Do (
BoneName = ReadFixedString f 16
tx = ReadBEfloat f
ty = ReadBEfloat f
tz = ReadBEfloat f
tw = ReadBEfloat f
rx = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
ry = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
rz = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
rw = ReadBEfloat f
parent = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0xC#seek_cur
qx = ReadBEfloat f
qy = ReadBEfloat f
qz = ReadBEfloat f
qw = ReadBEfloat f
tfm = (eulerangles rx ry rz) as matrix3
append tarr [tx,ty,tz]
append rarr tfm
append qarr [qx,qy,qz,qw]
append Barr BoneName
append Parr parent
BNArr = #()
for a = 1 to BoneCount Do (
tfm = rarr[a]
tfm.row4 = tarr[a]
 if (Parr[a] != -1) do (
tfm = tfm * BNArr[(Parr[a] + 1)].objecttransform
newBone = bonesys.createbone	\
				  tfm.row4	\
				  (tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
				  (normalize tfm.row3) = Barr[a]
			newBone.width  = 0.01
			newBone.height = 0.01
			newBone.transform = tfm
			newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
			newBone.wirecolor = yellow
			newbone.showlinks = true
			newBone.pos.controller      = TCB_position ()
			newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()
 if (Parr[a] != -1) then
 newBone.parent = BNArr[(Parr[a] + 1)]
append BNArr newBone

struct Mesh_Info_Struct

fseek f MeshOff#seek_set
Mesh_Info_Arr = #()
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
VCount1 = ReadBElong f
FaceSec = ReadBElong f
UsedFF = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0x50#seek_cur
Unk101 = ReadBElong f
Unk102 = ReadBElong f
Unk103 = ReadBElong f
VertOff = ReadBElong f + 8
WeightOff = ReadBElong f + 8
UVOff = ReadBElong f + 8
Unk107 = ReadBElong f
Objname = ReadFixedString f 16
Unk108 = ReadBElong f
Unk109 = ReadBElong f
MatPCount = ReadBElong f
matPOff = ReadBElong f + 8
FaceOff = ReadBElong f + 8
VertCount = ReadBElong f
Unk114 = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0x10#seek_cur
append Mesh_Info_Arr (Mesh_Info_Struct Objname:Objname VertOff:VertOff WeightOff:WeightOff UVOff:UVOff MatPCount:MatPCount matPOff:matPOff FaceOff:FaceOff FaceSec:FaceSec VertCount:VertCount)
print Mesh_Info_Arr
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
Vert_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()	

fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertOff#seek_set
scale1 = ReadBEfloat f
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertCount Do (
vx = ReadBEfloat f
vy = ReadBEfloat f
vz = ReadBEfloat f
fseek f 0x10#seek_cur
append Vert_array [vx,vy,vz]

fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].UVOff#seek_set
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertCount Do (
tu = ReadBEfloat f
tv = ReadBEfloat f * -1
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]
fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceOff#seek_set
Ftmp = #()
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceSec Do (
FSize = ReadBElong f as float
FCount = ReadBElong f as float
FStart = (ReadBElong f + 8) as float
append Ftmp [FSize,FCount,FStart]
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceSec Do (
fseek f Ftmp[b].z#seek_set
FaceEnd = ((ftell f) + (2 * Ftmp[b].y))
StartDirection = 1
Face_array2 = #()
f1 = ReadBEword f + 1
f2 = ReadBEword f + 1
FaceDirection = StartDirection
do (
f3 = ReadBEword f
if (f3==0xFFFF) then (
f1 = ReadBEword f + 1
f2 = ReadBEword f + 1
FaceDirection = StartDirection   
) else (
f3 += 1
FaceDirection *= -1
if (f1!=f2)AND(f2!=f3)AND(f3!=f1) then (
append Face_array2 [(f1),(f2),(f3)]
if FaceDirection > 0 then append Face_array [(f1),(f2),(f3)]
else append Face_array [(f1),(f3),(f2)]
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
)while (ftell f) < (FaceEnd)
msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh = Mesh_Name_array[a]
--msh.material = meditMaterials[1].materialList[(MatSlotTexID[a])]
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]

fclose f
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

Amazing news :mrgreen: , chrrox, so without weight data for now?
I can help you with testing wrestling games, i have the following titles:
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2006 (ps2)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2007 (xbox360)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2008 (ps2)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2008 (xbox360)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2009 (xbox360)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2010 (xbox360)
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2011 (xbox360)
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania (xbox360)
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

Now with weight support I will add materials / textures next.

Code: Select all

if (heapSize < 200000) then
        heapSize = 2000000 -- allow ~ 40 MB instead of just 7.5 MB. Prevents "Runtime Error: Out of scripter memory"

fname = getOpenFileName \ 
caption:"SVR2011 Model File" \
types:"SVR2011 Model File(*.yobj)|*.yobj" \
historyCategory:"SVR2011 Object Presets"
f = fopen fname "rb"

fn ReadBEShort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 2 1
b = (bit.get short 16)
for i = 17 to 32 do short = bit.set short i b
return short

fn PrintOffset Var =
        local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)

fn floatSwap2 f = 
        i = bit.floatAsInt f
        h = bit.intashex i
        while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
        s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
        bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)

fn ReadBEword fstream = (
return (bit.swapBytes (readshort fstream #unsigned) 1 2)

        fn convertTo32 input16 = (
                inputAsInt = input16
                sign = bit.get inputAsInt 16
                exponent = (bit.shift (bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "7C00")) -10) as integer - 16
                fraction = bit.and inputAsInt (bit.hexasint "03FF")
                if sign==true then sign = 1 else sign = 0
                exponentF = exponent + 127
                --Ouput 32 bit integer representing a 32 bit float
                outputAsFloat = bit.or (bit.or (bit.shift fraction 13) (bit.shift exponentF 23)) (bit.shift sign 31)
                --Output Check  
                return bit.intasfloat outputasfloat

fn ReadBEHalfFloat fstream = (
return convertTo32(ReadBEword fstream)

fn ReadHalfFloat fstream = (
return convertTo32(readshort fstream#unsigned)

fn ReadBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long

fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
return floatSwap2(readfloat fstream)

fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
        local str = ""
        for i = 1 to fixedLen do
                str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)

struct weight_data

Idstring = ReadFixedString f 4
Totalsize = ReadBElong f
Unk001 = ReadBElong f
Unk002 = ReadBElong f
Unk003 = ReadBElong f
Unk004 = ReadBElong f
MeshCount = ReadBElong f
MeshOff = ReadBElong f + 8
BoneCount = ReadBElong f
TexCount = ReadBElong f
BoneOffset = ReadBElong f + 8
TexOff = ReadBElong f + 8
MnameOff = ReadBElong f + 8
MnameCount = ReadBElong f
Unk013 = ReadBElong f
Unk014 = ReadBElong f
Unk015 = ReadBElong f
Unk016 = ReadBElong f
fseek f BoneOffset#seek_set
tarr = #()
rarr = #()
qarr = #()
Barr = #()
Parr = #()

for a = 1 to BoneCount Do (
BoneName = ReadFixedString f 16
tx = ReadBEfloat f
ty = ReadBEfloat f
tz = ReadBEfloat f
tw = ReadBEfloat f
rx = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
ry = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
rz = (ReadBEfloat f * 180) / pi
rw = ReadBEfloat f
parent = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0xC#seek_cur
qx = ReadBEfloat f
qy = ReadBEfloat f
qz = ReadBEfloat f
qw = ReadBEfloat f
tfm = (eulerangles rx ry rz) as matrix3
append tarr [tx,ty,tz]
append rarr tfm
append qarr [qx,qy,qz,qw]
append Barr BoneName
append Parr parent
BNArr = #()
for a = 1 to BoneCount Do (
if isvalidnode (getNodeByName Barr[a]) != true then (
tfm = rarr[a]
tfm.row4 = tarr[a]
 if (Parr[a] != -1) do (
tfm = tfm * BNArr[(Parr[a] + 1)].objecttransform
newBone = bonesys.createbone	\
				  tfm.row4	\
				  (tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
				  (normalize tfm.row3) = Barr[a]
			newBone.width  = 0.01
			newBone.height = 0.01
			newBone.transform = tfm
			newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
			newBone.wirecolor = yellow
			newbone.showlinks = true
			newBone.pos.controller      = TCB_position ()
			newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()
if isvalidnode (getNodeByName Barr[a]) == true then (
newBone = getNodeByName Barr[a]
 if (Parr[a] != -1) then
 newBone.parent = BNArr[(Parr[a] + 1)]
append BNArr newBone

struct Mesh_Info_Struct
fseek f MeshOff#seek_set
Mesh_Info_Arr = #()
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
VCount1 = ReadBElong f
FaceSec = ReadBElong f
BtableStart = (ftell f)
UsedBoneID = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0x50#seek_cur
WeightCount = ReadBElong f
Unk102 = ReadBElong f
Unk103 = ReadBElong f
VertOff = ReadBElong f + 8
WeightOff = ReadBElong f + 8
UVOff = ReadBElong f + 8
Unk107 = ReadBElong f
Objname = ReadFixedString f 16
Unk108 = ReadBElong f
Unk109 = ReadBElong f
MatPCount = ReadBElong f
matPOff = ReadBElong f + 8
FaceOff = ReadBElong f + 8
VertCount = ReadBElong f
Unk114 = ReadBElong f
fseek f 0x10#seek_cur
append Mesh_Info_Arr (Mesh_Info_Struct Objname:Objname VertOff:VertOff WeightOff:WeightOff UVOff:UVOff MatPCount:MatPCount matPOff:matPOff FaceOff:FaceOff FaceSec:FaceSec VertCount:VertCount WeightCount:WeightCount BtableStart:BtableStart )
print Mesh_Info_Arr
for a = 1 to MeshCount Do (
Vert_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()
Weight_array = #()

fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertOff#seek_set
scale1 = ReadBEfloat f
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertCount Do (
vx = ReadBEfloat f
vy = ReadBEfloat f
vz = ReadBEfloat f
fseek f 0x10#seek_cur
append Vert_array [vx,vy,vz]

fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].UVOff#seek_set
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertCount Do (
tu = ReadBEfloat f
tv = ReadBEfloat f * -1
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]

fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].WeightOff#seek_set
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].VertCount Do (
Bone1 = -1
Bone2 = -1
Bone3 = -1
Bone4 = -1
if Mesh_Info_Arr[a].WeightCount == 1 do (
Bone1 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight1 = ReadBEfloat f
if Mesh_Info_Arr[a].WeightCount == 2 do (
Bone1 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight1 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone2 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight2 = ReadBEfloat f
if Mesh_Info_Arr[a].WeightCount == 3 do (
Bone1 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight1 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone2 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight2 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone3 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight3 = ReadBEfloat f
if Mesh_Info_Arr[a].WeightCount == 4 do (
Bone1 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight1 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone2 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight2 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone3 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight3 = ReadBEfloat f
Bone4 = readbyte f
fseek f 0x3#seek_cur
Weight4 = readfloat f	
w = (weight_data boneids:#() weights:#())
maxweight = 0
if(Bone1 != -1) then
	maxweight = maxweight + weight1
if(Bone2 != -1) then
	maxweight = maxweight + weight2
if(Bone3 != -1) then
	maxweight = maxweight + weight3
if(Bone4 != -1) then
	maxweight = maxweight + weight4

if(maxweight != 0) then (
		if(Bone1 != -1) then (
			w1 = weight1 as float
			append w.boneids (bone1 + 1)
			append w.weights w1
		if(Bone2 != -1) then (
			w2 = weight2 as float
			append w.boneids (bone2 + 1)
			append w.weights w2
		if(Bone3 != -1) then (
			w3 = weight3 as float
			append w.boneids (bone3 + 1)
			append w.weights w3
		if(Bone4 != -1) then (
			w4 = weight4 as float
			append w.boneids (bone4 + 1)
			append w.weights w4
append Weight_array w
fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceOff#seek_set
Ftmp = #()
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceSec Do (
FSize = ReadBElong f as float
FCount = ReadBElong f as float
FStart = (ReadBElong f + 8) as float
append Ftmp [FSize,FCount,FStart]
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Arr[a].FaceSec Do (
fseek f Ftmp[b].z#seek_set
FaceEnd = ((ftell f) + (2 * Ftmp[b].y))
StartDirection = 1
Face_array2 = #()
f1 = ReadBEword f + 1
f2 = ReadBEword f + 1
FaceDirection = StartDirection
do (
f3 = ReadBEword f
if (f3==0xFFFF) then (
f1 = ReadBEword f + 1
f2 = ReadBEword f + 1
FaceDirection = StartDirection   
) else (
f3 += 1
FaceDirection *= -1
if (f1!=f2)AND(f2!=f3)AND(f3!=f1) then (
append Face_array2 [(f1),(f2),(f3)]
if FaceDirection > 0 then append Face_array [(f1),(f2),(f3)]
else append Face_array [(f1),(f3),(f2)]
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
)while (ftell f) < (FaceEnd)
fseek f Mesh_Info_Arr[a].BtableStart#seek_set
usedID = ReadBElong f
Used_Bone_array = #()
for b = 1 to usedID do (
bid = ReadBElong f
append Used_Bone_array bid

msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh = Mesh_Name_array[a]
--msh.material = meditMaterials[1].materialList[(MatSlotTexID[a])]
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]

max modify mode
select msh
skinMod = skin ()
addModifier msh skinMod

for i = 1 to Used_Bone_array.count do
	maxbone = BNArr[(Used_Bone_array[i])]
	if i != Used_Bone_array.count then
		skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 0
		skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
for i = 1 to Weight_array.count do
	w = Weight_array[i]
	bi = #()
	wv = #()
	for j = 1 to w.boneids.count do
		boneid = w.boneids[j]
		weight = w.weights[j]
		append bi boneid
		append wv weight
	skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod i bi wv
max create mode

fclose f
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

chrrox wrote:Now with weight support I will add materials / textures next.
Fantastic speed, chrrox, very nice. Looks like every time is same issue with weightings, but you did a great job and maybe you look at my research:

WWE Smackdown vs raw 2007 (xbox360) - bad weightings - you can notice by rotating arms - sample
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2008 (ps2) - not sure how to unpack it
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2008 (xbox360) - bad weightings - you can notice by rotating arms - sample
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2009 (xbox360) - looks like everything is ok - but for improving of capability you can check a sample
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2010 (xbox360) - bad weightings - you can notice by rotating arms - sample
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2011 (xbox360) - looks loke same problem with weightings - you can notice it by rotating arms
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania (xbox360) - bad weightings - you can notice by rotating arms - sample
WWE Smackdown vs raw 2006 (ps2) - not working (something happened, but i don't know exactly what) - sample
WWE SmackDown Here Comes the Pain (ps2) - not working - same problem as in srv2006-ps2 - sample
Rumble Roses XX (xbox360) - bad weightings too - on the brest
UFC 2010 Undisputed (xbox360) - importing only skeleton - it would be cool to have a model of this game - sample
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

hi, chrrox, do you have a time to solve those issue above?
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

its not bad weighting they just use a weird skeleton system.
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

chrrox wrote:its not bad weighting they just use a weird skeleton system.
so is no way to solve this issue? :scaredy:
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

upload the model i have not had any issues moving any model i tested.
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

chrrox wrote:upload the model i have not had any issues moving any model i tested. ...

p.s.: also i have same error with all samples i uploaded above, i'm using 3ds max 2008 x64 btw
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

yeah its because their rigs are meant for mocap only. They are just very advanced rigs all the weighting is in one area if you look at the feet and hands they move perfectly they just have a lot of movements that depend on moving more then one bone at a time.
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

chrrox wrote:yeah its because their rigs are meant for mocap only. They are just very advanced rigs all the weighting is in one area if you look at the feet and hands they move perfectly they just have a lot of movements that depend on moving more then one bone at a time.
but weighting is sooooo weird, i can't just simple rotate down the hands without any movements of vertexes in his brest :[
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

chrrox, can you look at this one more time? i only turning the jaw bone (open mouse) and face is screwed up :eek:

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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

All the formats are the same. I am not sure why this one model is giving you such a hard time. I am just reading what is in the file I have tested several other games and they do not have issues. Ma bee they changed something in some of the older formats I am not sure I was mainly interested in rumble rores and the newer games and they all seem to work fine. If you notice they have more then one bone effecting those areas so they must move together.
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by Tosyk »

i tested sample models from all games from this post, but every time i get same result, can you show me movements of your sample models, from 2011? maybe you right and i need change my system language.

i tested script on max: 2008 x64, 2011 x32, 2010 x64
If you notice they have more then one bone effecting those areas so they must move together.
yes, but it's just a mouth opening: jaw with a couple of bones, nothing more :(

add: i checked influences between lip bones, there is some strange unsymmetrical addiction of up bone to bottom
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Re: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Import

Post by chrrox »

here you go
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