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Painkiller Cheats on all difficulty levels

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Painkiller Cheats on all difficulty levels

Post by Wizzy »

Thanx to Painfull Extractor, I was able to effect the following change.

To enable cheats for all difficulty levels, unpak Console.lua from lscripts.pak, open it in your favorite text editing program, look for the == Cheats == section and remove this entire line from each cheat -

if Game.Difficulty > 1 then CONSOLE.AddMessage(TXT.Cheats.LowLevelOnly) end

then just import back into the pak file and you are done..

Cheats in all levels.

Note : I still haven't figured out why PKPERFECT and PKALLCARDS cheats do not work.
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Post by Mr.Mouse »

Nice ! :)
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Post by Wizzy »

I'm running into problems with these ;

-- pkalllevels [enables all levels]
--function Console:Cmd_PKALLLEVELS()
-- if IsFinalBuild() then return end
-- if Game.GMode ~= GModes.SingleGame then return end
-- for i=1,table.getn(Levels) do
-- for j=1,table.getn(Levels) do
-- Game:MakeEmptyLevelStats(Levels[j][1])
-- Game.LevelsStats[Levels[j][1]].Finished = true
-- end
-- end
-- CONSOLE.AddMessage(TXT.Cheats.PKAllLevels)
-- PMENU.SwitchToMenu()
-- PMENU.SwitchToMap()

-- pkperfect [finish level with perfect score]
function Console:Cmd_PKPERFECT()

if Game.GMode ~= GModes.SingleGame then return end
Player.ArmorFound = Game.TotalArmor
Player.HolyItems = Game.TotalHolyItems
Game.PlayerAmmoFound = Game.TotalAmmo
Game.PlayerDestroyedItems = Game.TotalDestroyed
Player.SecretsFound = Game.TotalSecrets

Could someone else look at these and help figure out what I'm doing wrong ?

As you can see, the first one is commented out, but when I try to make it run i get an " 'end' expected to close function" error

The second one I haven't spent much time on yet.
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Post by Mr.Mouse »

Note: just moved it to this forum, as it seems a nice place for a discussion. ;)
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Post by Wizzy »

Edit edit edit, rofl.........
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Post by fleabay »

I'm running into problems with these ;
The -- is a comment, remove it to run the line.
The --[[ blah blah ]]-- is a bulk comment

You probably going to want to remove all the -- and --[[, ]]-- near the function you want to run and delete the unwanted lines, like IsFinalBuild and simular.
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Post by Wizzy »

Wizzy wrote:
As you can see, the first one is commented out, but when I try to make it run i get an " 'end' expected to close function" error
Yes, I believe I already made it clear that I know what -- represents.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, though.
that section of the script is commented out by default.
I did have the common sense to remove all the hyphens when attempting to get it to run.
And I had also removed the other lines as well.
It may be right under my nose, I dunno..
Do for loops need an end the same way an if statement does ?
I looked at it and thought I had an end to every event in place, but still recieved errors...

And it still doesn't work.

Next ?
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Post by fleabay »

Here are 3 working functions that i use

-- pkalllevels [enables all levels]
function Console:Cmd_PKALLLEVELS()
if Game.GMode ~= GModes.SingleGame then return end
if Game.Difficulty > 1 then CONSOLE.AddMessage(TXT.Cheats.LowLevelOnly); return end
for i=1,table.getn(Levels) do
for j=1,table.getn(Levels) do
Game.LevelsStats[Levels[j][1]].Finished = true

-- pkallcards [gives all black tarot cards]
function Console:Cmd_PKALLCARDS()
if Game.GMode ~= GModes.SingleGame then return end
if Game.Difficulty > 1 then CONSOLE.AddMessage(TXT.Cheats.LowLevelOnly); return end
for i=1,table.getn(Game.CardsAvailable) do
Game.CardsAvailable = true

-- pkperfect [finish level with perfect score]
function Console:Cmd_PKPERFECT()
if Game.GMode ~= GModes.SingleGame then return end
Player.ArmorFound = Game.TotalArmor
Player.HolyItems = Game.TotalHolyItems
Game.PlayerAmmoFound = Game.TotalAmmo
Game.PlayerDestroyedItems = Game.TotalDestroyed
Player.SecretsFound = Game.TotalSecrets
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Post by Wizzy »

I got the PKALLCARDS one working ( before I read your post, actually ) , but I copied pasted your exact entry for PKPERFECT and still get the "unknown command" error when typing it into the console.
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Post by fleabay »

Care to try this one?

function Console:Cmd_PKTRAUMA()
PMENU.SetItemDesc("Trauma", TXT.MenuDesc.Trauma)
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Post by Wizzy »

Ok, Whatever.
You are just wasting my time - this was intended for people who actually have something to contribute, or are looking to gain something from the posts already made.
As you seem interested in nothing more than throwing useless, crap information that does not work into this setting, you fit in neither of the above categories, so begone.
I'm sure there are plenty of places where you can play your childish "l33t" games, amusing yourself by attempting to waste people's time with worthless crap - this doesn't happen to be one of those places though.
Go back to the DreamCatcher forums and pretend to be above people there.
( Well, people other than me that is - for if you start wasting my time there, or start flame wars, I will either ignore you or engage in a brief but effective display of how little you really matter)
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Post by Mr.Mouse »

Wizzy wrote:Ok, Whatever.
You are just wasting my time - this was intended for people who actually have something to contribute, or are looking to gain something from the posts already made.
As you seem interested in nothing more than throwing useless, crap information that does not work into this setting, you fit in neither of the above categories, so begone.
I'm sure there are plenty of places where you can play your childish "l33t" games, amusing yourself by attempting to waste people's time with worthless crap - this doesn't happen to be one of those places though.
Go back to the DreamCatcher forums and pretend to be above people there.
( Well, people other than me that is - for if you start wasting my time there, or start flame wars, I will either ignore you or engage in a brief but effective display of how little you really matter)
Now who is trolling and flaming, Fleabay, or you Wizzy?
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Post by Wizzy »

Nope, not me.
But the information he posts is worthless, as it is simply a case of NOTHING he posts working.
So, given this fact, it strikes me that posting stuff he knows does not work is just an effort to amuse himself.
I have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt by actually trying everything I can find from him to see if it works, and quite simply, it is all a bunch of crap that does nothing.
And, at the other site, he has even gone so far as to represent himself as some sort of "l33t" type, the whole clannish mentality thing.
Well, I guess that might have some credence if anything he "offers" would actually work.
But it doesn't.
And I started this to get people involved who would either have something real to offer or who were looking to learn more about it.
He has only offered posts that contain bogus information, and obviously has no interest in learning anything, given his (laughably )assumed stance of "being ahead of everyone else" in re the scripting capabilities.
Therefore, I utterly fail to understand how his presence here has any reason whatsoever, other than to attempt to achieve the same "status" he has appointed to himself at the other site.
A status based upon nothing REAL, whatsoever, as nothing he posts is ( when you get right down to it ) worth the time it takes to read it.
Were he actually making any real effort to be a part of this and contribute, all would be well - but he is doing nothing more, it strikes me, than playing silly childish games by posting crap that doesn't work - the inevitable result of which is that the more people who try it and find it doesn't work, the greater the chance of increased posts by people whom he has irritated by wasting their time.
The kind of people this individual needs to feed his ego are those who fail to realize that he is just wasting their time, and who will post their frustration over and over again at not being able to get what he posted to work - a tactic which suggests to me that this individual is either a very emotionally insecure teenager or a very maladjusted "adult".
So far, his very presence here has developed into nothing more, collectively, than an utter waste of time.
So I would contend that his being here and posting crap that is only going to irritate people by virtue of it being an utter waste of their time makes this a case of him trying to employ what he surely regards as a "clever" way of trolling -- not by direct comments, but by doing something he knows will irritate people and spur them to angry posts.
So, indeed, who IS the one trolling ?
Spamming ?
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Post by fleabay »

I will be posting a new version of my scripts later on today at dreamcatcher. I think you will find many people thanking me for my WORKING efforts in the next few days, much in the same way as the last time.

Everything I have tried to help you with has worked fine for others. I don't need to be insulted for trying to help someone, even if your having problems.
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Post by Wizzy »

Really ?
Hmmm, ok......
Will these new versions be ones that actually do anything at all ?
Let's see - I read the read me file and followed your instructions to the letter about creating folders and placing of files.
And never mind that your assertion that you were able to enable the cheats with the scripts you posted being in error, even when importing them back into lscripts.pak....
But I'll listen if you have something else to add that you may have failed to address in the read me file.
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