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.wft encrypted/compressed files

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.wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by nfsx »

Hello can somebody tell me what compression/encryption it is used in .wft exported (locked) files.
I've done some research and came to conclusion that it is encrypted via encryption methods described here

And i even extracted the key(cypher text from) gtaiv.exe (needed for decrypting)

If someone can take even a small look or give me a hint i will be grateful.

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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by nfsx »

Could someone offer some assistance? :?
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Strobe »

Both files are Zlib compressed and can be unpacked without any problems.
Didn't use the cryptokey at all. However, i dont know a program that can read the files unpacked :P
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Decryptor »

Zmodeler can view .wft files

The locked_unpacked should be equal to unlocked file :)
So i am sceptic that it uses zlib

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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Strobe »

It uses zlib, a zlib decompressor depacked those files for me. So zmodel can depack zlib.

Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Decryptor »

Yes but it zmodeler2.exe also uses crypto library.
Can you make it import to zmodeler 2?

A locked .wft to import to zmodeler 2.

I beg you like a god.. :keke:
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by g3org32010 »

you really dont give up, huh?
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by rafal345 »

You want to import mod for GTA IV?
Mod files are blocked because of model thefts
The same situation is in GTA SA and NFS MW
(sorry for my English)
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by rstratton »

rafal345 wrote:You want to import mod for GTA IV?
Mod files are blocked because of model thefts
The same situation is in GTA SA and NFS MW
(sorry for my English)
funny theives locking stolen files

Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Engineer »

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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Engineer »

File format..

Code: Select all

//--- 010 Editor v3.0.1 Binary Template
// File:
// Author: Stanislav "listener" Golovin
// Revision: 0.6 (2009/09/08)
// Purpose: Defines a template for parsing  GTA IV frag type resources (PC)
// Changes: 
#include "Data/iv-types.bth"

// === fragType internal objects ===
struct Pair {
    DWORD   _f0;
    DWORD   _f4;

struct fragType_obj1 {
    pgArray_DWORD _f0;
    DWORD   _f8;
    pgPtr   _fC;
    pgPtr   m_pEventSet;   // pgPtr<rage::evtSet> (same as fragType::m_pCollisionEvents)
    Pair    _f14[20];
    DWORD   _fB4;
    float   _fB8;
    DWORD   _fBC;
    DWORD   _fC0 <format=hex>;
    DWORD   _fC4 <format=hex>;  // unused
    BYTE    _fC8;
    BYTE    _fC9;
    BYTE    _fCA;
    BYTE    _fCB;

struct fragType_obj3 {
    Matrix34        _f0;
    pgPtr           _f40;   // pgPtr<fragType_obj2> m_pParent ?
    DWORD           _f44;
    DWORD           _f48;   // WORD, WORD ?
    DWORD           _f4C;

struct fragType_obj2 {
    DWORD   _f0;
    pgPtr   m_pSkeleton;    // pgPtr<rage::crSkeletonData> points to m_pDrawable::m_pSkeleton
    DWORD   _f8;
    // pgPtr   _fC;
    struct {
        int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
        int type: 4;
        if (type == 5) {
            local uint doffset = FTell();
            local DWORD count = ReadUInt (doffset);   // read forward parameter count
            fragType_obj3 data[count] <optimize=false>;    
    } _fC;
    DWORD   m_dwBoneCount;
    pgPtr   _f14; // pgPtr<Matrix34>, points to _f18->pData[0]->pData
    pgObjectArray_Matrix34Array   _f18;
    DWORD   _f20;
    pgPtr   _f24;

struct pgPtr_fragType_obj2 {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        fragType_obj2 p;    

struct pgPtr_evtSet;
struct fragType_obj4 {
    pgPtr_evtSet    _f0;
    fragType_obj1   _f4;
    Vector4         _fD0;
    Vector4         _fE4;
    DWORD           _F0[4];
    DWORD           _f100;
    DWORD           _f104;  // float or hash
    DWORD           _f108;
    BYTE            _f10C;
    BYTE            _f10D;
    BYTE            _f10E;
    BYTE            _f10F;
    BYTE            _f110;
    WORD            _111;   // unused/uninitialized
    BYTE            _f113;
    float           _f114;
    float           _f118;
    char            _f11C[44];

struct pgPtr_fragType_obj4 {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        fragType_obj4 p;    

// ### rage::fragDrawable ###
struct fragDrawable {
    DWORD       __vmt <format=hex>; 
    pgPtr_OffsetMap         m_pOffsetMap;
    // >> pgBase ends here
    pgPtr_grmShaderGroup    m_pShaderGroup;
    // >> rmcDrawableBase ends here
    pgPtr_crSkeletonData    m_pSkeleton;
    grmLodGroup             m_LodGroup;
    // >> rmcDrawable ends here
    Matrix34    _f80;
    pgPtr_phBound   m_pBound; // pgPtr<rage::phBound>
    pgArray_DWORD   _fC4; // pgObjectArray<rage::phBound>
    pgPtr       _fCC;
    WORD        _fD0;
    BYTE        _fD2;
    BYTE        _fD3;
    DWORD       _fD4;
    DWORD       _fD8;
    DWORD       _fDC;
    pgPtr_String       _fE0;
    DWORD       _fE4;
    pgArray_DWORD   _fE8; // pgObjectArray<rage::crAnimation>

struct pgPtr_fragDrawable {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        fragDrawable drawable;    

// rage::evtSet
struct evtSet {
    DWORD   __vmt <format=hex>;
    pgObjectArray   _f4;
    DWORD   _fC;
    DWORD   _f10;
    DWORD   _f14;

struct pgPtr_evtSet {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        evtSet eventSet;    

// ### rage::crFrameDof and subclasses ###
typedef enum <BYTE> {
    FrameDofVector3 = 0,
    FrameDofQuaternion = 1,
    FrameDofFloat = 2,
    FrameDofInt = 3
} FrameDofType;

struct crFrameDof { // TODO: size (of ane subclass) = 0x20
    DWORD   __vmt<format=hex>;
    FrameDofType    m_eType;

struct pgPtr_crFrameDof {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        crFrameDof dof;

struct pgObjectArray_crFrameDof {
    int offset: 28 <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    WORD    m_wCount;
    WORD    m_wSize;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        pgPtr_crFrameDof data[m_wSize] <optimize=false>;

// ### rage::crFrame ###
struct crFrame {
    DWORD   __vmt <format=hex>;
    DWORD   _f4;
    DWORD   _f8;
    pgObjectArray_crFrameDof    m_dofs;

struct pgPtr_crFrame {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        crFrame frame;    

// ### rage::fragTypeChild
struct fragTypeChild {
    DWORD   __vmt<format=hex>;
    float   _f4;
    float   _f8;
    WORD    _fC;
    WORD    _fE;
    Matrix34    _f10;
    Matrix34    _f50;
    pgPtr_fragDrawable   _f90;
    pgPtr_fragDrawable   _f94; // pgPtr<rage::fragDrawable>
    pgPtr_evtSet    _f98;
    pgPtr_evtSet    _f9C;
    pgPtr_evtSet    _fA0;
    pgPtr_evtSet    _fA4;
    fragType_obj1   _fA8;
    fragType_obj1   _f174;
    fragType_obj1   _f240;
    DWORD           _f310;

struct pgPtr_fragTypeChild {
    int offset: 28  <format=hex>;
    int type: 4;
    if (type == 5) {
        local uint doffset = FTell();
        fragTypeChild p;    

// ### gtaFragType ###
struct gtaFragType {
    DWORD __vmt<format=hex>;
    pgPtr_OffsetMap m_pOffsetMap;
    // >> rage::pgBase ends here
    float   _f8;
    float   _fC;
    float   _f10;
    float   _f14;
    float   _f18;
    float   _f1C;
    Vector3 _f20;
    Vector3 _f30;
    Vector3 m_vUnbrokenCGOffset;
    Vector3 m_vDampingLinearC;
    Vector3 m_vDampingLinearV;
    Vector3 m_vDampingLinearV2;
    Vector3 m_vDampingAngularC;
    Vector3 m_vDampingAngularV;
    Vector3 m_vDampingAngularV2;
    pgPtr_String        _fB0;   // modelName ? txd name ?
    pgPtr_fragDrawable  m_pDrawable;    // rage::fragDrawable
    pgPtr   _fB8;
    pgPtr   _fBC;
    DWORD   _fC0;
    int     _fC4;
    pgPtr   _fC8;

    local int dcount = ReadByte (FTell()+0x126);
    struct {    // names inside strucutres in _fD0
        int _fCC_offset: 28;
        int _fCC_type: 4;
        if (_fCC_type == 5) {
            local uint doffset = FTell();
            pgPtr_String   _fCC_p[dcount+1] <optimize=false>;
    } _fCC;
    struct {
        int _fD0_offset: 28;
        int _fD0_type: 4;
        if (_fD0_type == 5) {
            local uint doffset = FTell();
            pgPtr_fragType_obj4   _fD0_p[dcount] <optimize=false>;
    } _fD0;
    struct {
        int _fD4_offset: 28;
        int _fD4_type: 4;
        if (_fD4_type == 5) {
            local uint doffset = FTell();
            dcount = ReadByte (doffset+0x11B);  // _f1F3
            pgPtr_fragTypeChild   _fD4_p[dcount] <optimize=false>;    // pgPtr<fragTypeChild>
    } m_ppChildren;
    pgObjectArray   _fD8;
    pgPtr   _fE0;
    pgPtr   _fE4;   // pgPtr<rage::phArchetype>
    pgPtr   _fE8;   // pgPtr<rage::phArchetype>
    pgPtr   _fEC;
    pgPtr   _fF0;
    pgPtr   _fF4;
    pgPtr   _fF8;
    pgPtr   _fFC;
    pgPtr   _f100;
    DWORD   _f104;
    pgPtr_evtSet   m_pCollisionEvents;  // pgPtr<rage::evtSet>
    fragType_obj1   _f10C;
    pgPtr_crFrame   m_pFrame;  // pgPtr<rage::crFrame>
    pgPtr_fragType_obj2   _f1DC;
    pgPtr_fragType_obj2   _f1E0;
    pgPtr   _f1E4;
    DWORD   m_nEstimatedCacheSize;
    DWORD   m_nEstimatedArticulatedCacheSize;
    BYTE    m_nSelfCollisionCount;
    BYTE    _f1F1;
    BYTE    _f1F2;
    BYTE    _f1F3;
    BYTE    _f1F4;
    BYTE    _f1F5;
    BYTE    _f1F6;
    BYTE    _f1F7;
    BYTE    _f1F8;
    BYTE    m_bBecomeRope;
    BYTE    m_artAssetID;
    BYTE    m_bAttachBottomEnd;
    DWORD   _pad_1FC; // unused 
    float   m_fMinForce;
    pgPtr   _f204;
    DWORD   _f208;
    DWORD   _f20C;
    // >> rage::fragType ends here
    pgArray_CLightAttr  m_lightAttrs;
    DWORD   _f218;
    DWORD   _f21C;

LittleEndian ();
SetBackColor (0xFFC0C0);
gtaFragType wft;
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Mr.Mouse »

Ah, well I did a little research of my own, Engineer, because you were too eager to get this topic back to where nfsx left off, and you showed similar behaviour. Guess what I found? You know what I found already because I was chatting with you just a few minutes ago on MSN.

Here's the log:

Code: Select all

Mr.Mouse says:
 Hi nfsx, you are banned ... again.. 
Engineer says:
 I am not nfsx
 Get your facts right first  
 And i dont think it is wise to be threating to me  
Mr.Mouse says:
 Ah, well, in that case, would you care to explain why your MSN login email address matches exactly the one this "nfsx" person that was banned used when registering at our board?
Engineer says:
 Couse i like nfs?
 You do know what NFS is
Mr.Mouse says:
 Hmm, so you are saying there can be two [email protected] addresses? 
Engineer says:
 Hey your name is Mike like that Mike that robed me yesterday so you are the one ,yeah!
 So you check if two user's are the same by email?
 And not by ip  
 Some Admin you are  
Mr.Mouse says:
 Indeed, I made a clear mistake there. I should have IP-banned you in the first place. But I corrected it now. 
Engineer says:
 SOCKS5 baby
 Dynamic IP is a magic thing  
 Good luck with IP ban xD
Mr.Mouse says:
 Hmm, I have a feeling we will find you again, and again. 
Engineer says:
 I dont give a shit about that forum
 Ban yourself while you are at it
Mr.Mouse says:
 That's okay. We don't feel bad if you do not like us. No harm done there. 
Engineer says:
 and .wft unlocker has been made
Mr.Mouse says:
 Good for you. 
Engineer says:
 Anything else?
Mr.Mouse says:
 Nope, we end here. 
Engineer says:
Mr.Mouse says:
 Have a good one. 
Engineer says:
 No thanks 
And so ends another episode in the story of nfsx that became an Engineer. Will he be back? Tune in next time, folks!
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Mr.Mouse »

You know, it is a pity. He has registered here under three names now, Decryptor (thanks Dinoguy for that find), nfsx and Engineer. I was willing to help him with his efforts, but he seems very impatient. He has already pissed off others apparently. ... ave-15777/

He should lighten up.
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by brienj »

Mr.Mouse wrote:You know, it is a pity. He has registered here under three names now, Decryptor (thanks Dinoguy for that find), nfsx and Engineer. I was willing to help him with his efforts, but he seems very impatient. He has already pissed off others apparently. ... ave-15777/

He should lighten up.
Well, I guess it was him that was asking for help on IM yesterday. He said that you told him to ask me for help, which I kind of doubt after reading this, but I am not helping anyone with this anymore, since I found out about how he was a dick to you. ;)

I hope people read my last sentence, if they even can, because if I get anymore IMs about this format, which to be honest, I could care less about, I will end up blocking them, unless they quit bugging me for help on it. ;)

BTW, from my initial analysis of the locked and un-locked files, you gotta be kidding me that nobody can unlock them easily. I'm pretty sure there are people that can, but those that can, wouldn't want to give the means or knowledge to those that can't, and I can see why in this case. :D
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Re: .wft encrypted/compressed files

Post by Mr.Mouse »

This whole Forza and NFS car modelling community seems to exist of a lot of dicks that come here to fight. Sure, there will be honest and decent people there, but the ones that come over here have a high percentage of people that troll and misbehave. They seek help, and then go back to their own community to boast how good they are, probably. Don't know about you, but I'm fed up with that. If I find anyone here wanting a tool to unlock any custom model from any racing game, I'll instaban em. It's the only way to be sure.
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