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Rohan Online: GMF Models

Post questions about game models here, or help out others!
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Rohan Online: GMF Models

Post by mariokart64n »

can anyone looking into this if they got time. I'm a n00b at findingfloats, and can't seem to find any logical xyz coordinates. I'm not even sure the first ones I'm pulling out are even vertices.. maybe there bone positions
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Post by fatduck »

This game looks petty good that why I am interest!

Here is what I found about GMF:

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Since this one out-dated, so I deleted it. See the new formats below
Last edited by fatduck on Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mariokart64n »

wow that whole upper chunk was just all info on the bones in the transform matrix eh

surprising, there where just static items in the game too. that seems memory consuming, with all that junk.

you want me to upload a few character files?
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Post by fatduck »

I want to download the whole client but I can't found any download in their website?
Could you point me to the right direction!?
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Post by babebabe »

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Post by fatduck »

1.8G for the client and it's in Japanese!? >_<!
I lost my interest to download it!

Could you upload some character models with textures for me. So I can look up for the format.
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Post by babebabe »

Here guy, a plenty of GMF file (6M compressed), many of them is ver 1000, abit different from 900 and 1200, hope you findout soon ^^
If you needed a texture, I will upload later
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Post by fatduck »

Holy shit! I was wrong about the format before! I think the 1st and the 2nd section should be another mesh with bone/skin data!

Does this game use Normal Map, Specular Map etc!? It seem to have more than 1 layer of texture coordinate as well!

And also there should have some external skeleton files as well as animation files!

Could you upload:
1. Texture files for the about mesh
2. Material files
3. Skeleton files and/or animation files

PS: I think ver 900 and 1000 are the same! Will post the new format I found later.
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Post by babebabe »

Hey guys, here (9M)
GAF file is for animation
GRF file is material
GTX file is texture
GMF is mesh, of course ^_^
As I see, Rohan just used standard texture, not normal map.
Next day I will upload bigger package containt all monster data ^_^
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Post by fatduck »

I had a quick look on the animation file(GAF)! There is no bones structure(skeleton parent/child info.) inside!

Is there any skeleton file as well!?
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Post by babebabe »

0h 5h!t, I just forgot it ^_^
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Post by fatduck »

OK, here is what I got so far!
I use the "0bear01_01.gmf" as base and wonder if "m_bear101.grf" exist? Otherwise the name for looking up the material use internal name for it!? Maybe there are some script/info file to control the conbination of all sort of files together.

Format of the Mesh/Geometry file: GMF
Strange enough there are 3 meshes in one GMF, all with same verts and faces count!? And the direction of V texture coordinate in mesh 1 oppisite in Mesh 2 and Mesh 3. Mesh 2 usually divided in small pieces like for the explosiion!?

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Header Section
char[4]		header	//CMF
dword		ver	//Version
dword		??	
dword		nMLen	//length of material name
char[nMLen]	sMtl	//material name(internal)??

Mesh 1 Section
dword		nVerts	//Verts count
dword		nFaces	//Faces count
dword		??
dword		nLayer	//No. of UV layers
*dword		??	//appears in version 1200 only
struct VertPool {
 float X 3	posXYZ	//Position XYZ
 float X 3	norXYZ	//Normal XYZ
 byte X 7	??	//always FF
 dword		??	//always 0
 struct TexCoord {
  float X 2	uv	
 } TexCoord[nLayer]
 dword		nABone	//No. of Bones for this vert
 struct BoneSkin {			//appears when bFlag == 1
   dword	nBLen	//length of Bone name
   char[nBLen]	sBone	//Bone name
   float	wgt	//Bone weight
   float X 3		//another set of position ??
   float X 3		//another set of normal ??
 } BoneSkin[nABone]
} VertPool[nVerts]
struct Face {
 dword 		nIdx1	//Face index 1
 dword 		nIdx2	//Face index 2
 dword 		nIdx3	//Face index 3
} Face[nFace]

Mesh 2 Section
dword		nLOD	//always 20
dword		nPart	//No. parts of this mesh
struct MeshPart {
 dword		nBone	//No. bones for this part
 struct BonesData {
  dword		nLen	//length of bone name
  char[nLen]	sBName	//Bone name
 } BonesData[nBone]
 dword		nFidx	//face index count
 struct face {
  word	f1	//face index 1
  word	f2	//face index 2
  word	f3	//face index 3
 } face[nFidx/3]
 dword	nVert	//vert count
 struct vertPool {
  float X 3	vt	//Position xyz
  byte X 4	??	//Vert color??
  float X 3	norl	//Normal
  float X 3	??
  *dword		??	//appears in version 1200 only
  float X 2	uv	//Texture coordinate
  *float X	??	//7 bytes for ver 1200, 5 for the others
 } vertPool[nVert]
} MeshPart[nPart]
Mesh 3 Section
Same as Mesh 2 Section
Format of the material file: GRF

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char[4]		header	//CRF
dword		ver	//Version
dword		nMLen	//length of material name
char[nMLen]	sMtl	//material name (Internal name)??
byte X 4 	colAmb	//Ambient Color RGB, 4th byte possibly not used
byte X 4 	colDif	//Diffuse Color RGB
byte X 4 	colSpc	//Specular Color RGB
byte X 4	??	//possibly another color
dword		nTex	//Texture count
byte		??	//always 1, terminator
struct Texture {
 dword		nTLen	//length of Texture name
 char[nMLen]	sTex	//texture name
} Texture[nTex]
Format of the Skeleton file: GSF

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char[4]		header	//CSF
dword		ver	//Version
dword		nBones	//Bones count
struct Bone {
 dword		nBLen	//length of Bone name
 char[nBLen]	sBone	//Bone name
 float X 3	pos1	//Position XYZ
 float X 4	rot1	//Rotation Quat XYZW
 float X 3	pos2	//another set of Position XYZ ??
 float X 4	rot2	//another set of Rotation Quat XYZW ??
 dword		nPLen	//length of Parent name
 char[nBLen]	sPBone	//Parent name
 dword		nChild	//Children count
 struct ChildBone {
  dword		nCLen	//length of Child name
  char[nBLen]	sCBone	//Child name
 } ChildBone[nChild]
} Bone[nBones]
Format of the Animation file: GAF

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char[4]		header	//CAF
dword		ver	//Version
float		fTime	//Length of this animation in second
dword		??	//always 1, No. of amnimation ??
dword		nBones	//No. of bones
struct Animation {
 dword		nBLen	//length of Bone name
 char[nBLen]	sBone	//Bone name
 dword		nKeys	//no. of key frames
 struct KeyData {
  float		fKTime	//key time
  float	X 3	posXYZ	//position XYZ
  float X 4     rotXYZW	//rotation quat XYZW
 } KeyData[nKeys]
} Animation[nBones]
The last one texture file: GTX is actually DDS file. Just rename it will do.

I havn't tested the skeleton and animation file so not sure if they are correct!
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Post by mariokart64n »

yay, i can't wait to see more :D ..any luck on the characters
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Post by fatduck »

There are no different between Items and Characters.

The formats above had been tested!
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Post by fatduck »

Forgot to mention that the skeleton format had been tested correct as well.
Since I am not going to write any program for it so I am not able to test the animation. I should leave these for anyone who interested in! :P
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