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Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by daemon1 »

Matheuh wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 2:20 am Do you think its possible to do that for Battlefield Hardline it will be insane! :O
Absolutely possible. Just it will require time to implement.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by Matheuh »

daemon1 wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 4:17 pm
Matheuh wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 2:20 am Do you think its possible to do that for Battlefield Hardline it will be insane! :O
Absolutely possible. Just it will require time to implement.
I want it ! hahahaha
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by SilverEvo »

Ok re-doing the process few times and now skeleton for vehicles somewhat working with incorrect bones.

nvm it works only for aircraft....
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by Matheuh »

Hi! Any ideas where i can find transforms for mesh on BFH maps?
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by mono24 »

Matheuh wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 2:19 pmHi! Any ideas where i can find transforms for mesh on BFH maps?
Not sure how many of them are already visible once you deserialize the EBXs to readable text and there you will find transforms in 4x3 matrix values, but for more complex map assets they are hidden inside havok assets, as far as i know there's no way to decompile those to a readable format.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by Matheuh »

mono24 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 9:44 pm
Matheuh wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 2:19 pmHi! Any ideas where i can find transforms for mesh on BFH maps?
Not sure how many of them are already visible once you deserialize the EBXs to readable text and there you will find transforms in 4x3 matrix values, but for more complex map assets they are hidden inside havok assets, as far as i know there's no way to decompile those to a readable format.
Alright thanks a lot!
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by HotDaniel »

Hey guys, I'm trying to get extract maps from BF 2042. I have downloaded the 2042.rar and follows the instructions. The questions I have are:
1 - Do I need to extract every single .toc beforehand or can I extract only specific ones?
2 - Once I have extracted either res or chunks, I am not seeing .meshsets in any folders at all. Do I need to set the .ini file to extract all files, not just res or chunks?

I need the meshset to generated meshes of maps, correct? What am I doing wrong in the process? Do I need other tools than the 2042.rar files?
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by mono24 »

HotDaniel wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:05 pm Hey guys, I'm trying to get extract maps from BF 2042.
Well, maps from this game are not supported the same way SWBF2 is, but if you where to extract it you need entire game as the assets are scattered through out entire game, so not just res and chunks, in third line inside the *.ini type all or if nothing is written it will extract entire game.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by HotDaniel »

If maps are not supported is it stupid to extract the assets? Or will I still be able to recreate parts or full maps from the extracted files? I'm assuming characters and weapons are still able to be extracted, correct?

Also, which .toc would I need to extract for the full game rip? Or do I need to use the tool on each .toc?

I appreciate the help.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by mono24 »

HotDaniel wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:17 pm If maps are not supported is it stupid to extract the assets? Or will I still be able to recreate parts or full maps from the extracted files? I'm assuming characters and weapons are still able to be extracted, correct?...
Why would it be stupid, either way, when comes about Frostbite engine based games best way is to dump/extract entire game.
In order for you to fully re-create the map manually you'd need to reverse on your own the EBXs and other res asset types to extract the matrix transforms and instances for the map assets, not to mention the terrain format, so unless your a reverser, i doubt it.
HotDaniel wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:17 pm...Or do I need to use the tool on each .toc?...
After you've configured your entire setup before extraction just run this batch at root of the game folder:

Code: Select all

for /r %%a in (*.toc) do tool.exe %%a
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by Berserker79 »

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to apply to Mass Effect: Andromeda the process explained here by mono24 (with Dragon Age: Inquisition as example) in order to use the ME:A morph tool and obtain a non-distorted face mesh from the corresponding morph file.

I had no problem getting the process to work with DA:I, but when I attempted to do the same with ME:A it seems that I have run into some problem, because the mesh I obtained still looks distorted. My suspicion is that I may have “corrupted” files due to using the wrong script to dump the game or maybe I’m not giving the Fb_MEA_morph.exe tool the correct assets to work with.

I will explain below the steps that I followed and hope someone here can spot the mistake or provide some suggestion. If anyone has direct experience using the Fb_MEA_morph.exe tool, your input would really be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Here’s what I did so far:

1) Full dump of the game

I’ve gone through the whole thread several times, but I did not find any explicit mention or reference to a script that is known to dump ME:A. Therefore, I tried using first the swbf2full script and then the fb3dump script (both posted by daemon1 in this thread), but neither seemed to work with ME:A. In each of these scripts, I modified the line bf4Directory=r“[gamepath]” to point to my ME:A install directory (D:\Games\ Mass Effect Andromeda) and modified the outputfolder=“[outputfolderpath]” line to point to an existing folder created to store the dumped files. Next, I loaded the script in IDLE (Python 2.7.6 32-bit), hit F5 and got an error early on. I can post more details about the error if helpful, e.g. if I do need to (re)dump the game using either of these scripts.

Also, I tried to use UFBE 0.2.1 for good measure, but got an error right away once I hit “scan bundles”.

I resorted to using NicknineTheEagle’s Frostbite scripts, which apparently got the job done. A total of 87.2 GB got dumped, out of the 47.3 GB the game has, specifically:
chunks=164,772 Files
ebx=182,538 Files
res=96,458 Files

I understand the chunks dumped using this script are not named in a way that is compatible with the morph tools, so I followed mono24’s explanations here to rename the files in the two chunks folders that were dumped, using the suggested Regular Expression software (Renamer).

2) Using the Fb_MEA_morph.exe tool

I created a new folder in the bundles folder and placed there the following assets in an attempt to get Suvi’s head morph:
  • a) Fb_MEA_morph.exe (of course!);
  • b) bhmf_skeleton.ebx (<- human female skeleton, found in \MEA_dump\bundles\ebx\game\characters\_skeletons);
  • c) hmf_suvi_morphstatic.res (<- this seems to be the only file that could store Suvi’s morph that was dumped, found in \MEA_dump\bundles\res\game\characters\appearance\heads\global);
  • d) hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh.res (<- supposedly the base mesh for Suvi’s morph, found in \MEA_dump\bundles\res\game\characters\human\hmf\0_heads\hmf_head_cora).
Regarding d) above, I did not have the slightest idea of the base mesh to use. While DA:I simply has a base mesh for each race/gender used by 99% of the morph files, it looks like the morph system as implemented in ME:A is a bit more complicated. After looking with FrostyEditor at the resource named “headitem_suvi_morph” under game\characters\appearance\heads\global I decided to give hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh.res a try, simply because there is a pointer to a “Dynamic Morph” resource named “hmf_head_cora_37yr_dm” which FrostyEditor shows to be in the same folder as hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh. However, none of the "Dynamic Morph" resource types seem to have been dumped.

BTW, the above “headitem_suvi_morph” resource was not dumped as well and that’s when I noted that several subfolders under game\characters\appearance\heads were also not dumped, in addition to all resources of the type “DynamicMorphHeadData” found in several of the folders under game\characters\human\hmf\0_heads.

With the above resources a) to d) in the folder, I ran the tool with the following command line:

Code: Select all

Fb_MEA_morph.exe hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh.res bhmf_skeleton.ebx hmf_suvi_morphstatic.res
The result was the following files:

Code: Select all

My suspicions that something went wrong increased, because when I used the morph tool for DAI the three output files had the same name as the morph file (e.g. “hf_adamant_clarel.ascii”, etc) and not that of the base mesh as in this case.

Anyway, I imported hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh.ascii in Blender and sure enough I got a head mesh with a skeleton:


Went on with the process and deleted the skeleton, imported hmf_head_cora_skinned_mesh_ani.smd as “Make New Armature”, rotated the imported skeleton 90 degrees to match the mesh, parented all the mesh parts to the imported skeleton, and applied the second frame of the animation to hopefully fix the face. Alas, the face remained pretty much distorted (if not more):


Any ideas on how to get this to work, please? Maybe the whole problem lies in the dumper script I used? If so, it would be some great help if you can point me in the direction of the correct script to dump ME:A and/or explain if I need to tweak either of the swbf2full or fb3dump scripts to properly dump ME:A.

On the other hand, it is entirely possible that I fed Fb_MEA_morph.exe the wrong resources, in particular I am really unsure that I have used the correct base mesh file. Here too, some input would be particularly useful of anyone has successfully used the MEA morph tool.

Thanks for reading through all this and thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by mono24 »

Berserker79 wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:13 am...Also, I tried to use UFBE 0.2.1 for good measure, but got an error right away once I hit “scan bundles”...
Although at this very moment i do not remember anything at all from the process that was made long time ago, i know for a fact that current posted UFBE does not support MEA, Nicknine's script does not support metadata either up on extraction of the resources that is needed for conversion with daemon's tools for either of the Frostbite games, so all and all i cant figure out based on what you described what could be wrong, yet looking at the *.res extension of your assets that's wrong to begin with.

PS. Thank you for taking the time to post a detailed explanation of your whole process and how it all progressed, if all users would follow such template, things would move along quite faster and get proper responses too and not be totally ignored.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by Berserker79 »

mono24 wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:51 pm Although at this very moment i do not remember anything at all from the process that was made long time ago, i know for a fact that current posted UFBE does not support MEA, Nicknine's script does not support metadata either up on extraction of the resources that is needed for conversion with daemon's tools for either of the Frostbite games, so all and all i cant figure out based on what you described what could be wrong, yet looking at the *.res extension of your assets that's wrong to begin with.
Thanks for your reply mono24.

Based on the above, at this stage my best option seems that of doing another dump of MEA using a different dumper script, rather than Nicknine's script, and re-try all over again to use the morph tools. I realize that the whole process dates to quite a few years back, but do you remember by any chance which of daemon's dumper scripts supports MEA and if I need to edit something else other than the bf4Directory=r“[gamepath]” and outputfolder=“[outputfolderpath]” lines to get it to work? Thanks!
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by daemon1 »

A made new experimental tools for frostbite game maps, that supports Decima DMF format.
Here is a video of example level
Last edited by daemon1 on Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Frostbite model tools (Battlefield, Battlefront and others)

Post by daemon1 »

Berserker79 wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:59 am which of daemon's dumper scripts supports MEA
use UFBE. Found its logs from 2019, and i see i used it to dump faces, including Suvi.
I dont remember how morph tool worked for her specifically.
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