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Diablo Immortal textures

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Diablo Immortal textures

Post by rman1234 »


I am trying to uncompress the Diablo Immortal textures that come with the game. It uses the Netease Messiah engine.

It looks like they are compressed all in the same file with different mipmap levels. Luckily, I managed to extract the bytes from the compression part and it looks like it is ZZZ4 (LZ4?).

However, when I used the Dishonored Messiah LZ4 script it creates a file that I don't know how to open :(

I uploaded one example (it should be a coin image) on each step:

Step 1, original file: ... ure2D/file
Step 2, compression section: ... 2.lz4/file
Step 3, LZ4 uncompressed: ... 1.lz4/file

Could you please help me out with this? All texture files seem to have the same format, so with this example I should be able to get all of them.

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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by zaramot »

Yeah, I need help with those textures aswell! Here's info template, it might be useful. ...

Meanwhile I'll be looking at model format, which looks pretty okay for now

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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by zaramot »

Managed to decompress highest mip from texture, now it's headerless astc (should be lol) texture, which isn't very useful for me, since I have no idea how to convert it ... _n.7z/file
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by Spiritovod »

@zaramot: You can convert such images through PVRTexTool, it has option for wrapping raw data with desired parameters. Here is converted example from the first post with parameters from template you've linked (43 = ASTC 8x8). I suppose it can be also automated with batch scripts, as the tool works in cli mode too. Alternatively, you can write a script to convert texture2d file into valid astc file with proper header, which can be converted with the same tool in more convenient way. ... sp=sharing
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by zaramot »

Thanks a lot! At least I know for sure in which location I should look. I must admit, that I'm very unfamiliar with this pvrtextool, though I tried it before posting here. Just for some reason it looks like tool can't see astcenc.exe, I think so, even if pvrtextool not saying it. Though in list of compressions in "wrap raw data", there's nothing about astc.

EDIT: Thanks a lot! Downloaded proper tool and encoder and everything worked! That's great, much appreciated for all the help!

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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by Spiritovod »

Here is sample script for converting texture2d files into astc files, compatible with PVRTexTool directly (suitable for batch convert). Not all formats are covered though, only some ASTC ones, but I don't have any samples for tests. Also, I'm not sure about alpha channel flag, probably it's one of those byte fields.

Update: Script is updated with proper support for texture2D files with multiple mips. Also, it now supports BC7 format as well. For more info read this post.
Update 2: Script is updated with support for uncompressed data chunks.
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Last edited by Spiritovod on Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by rman1234 »

Yes! It was as easy as that, just an ASTC file :)

I am now trying to get the strings and database to see if I can get a list of item names, skill descriptions and so on but I am facing an encrypted file:

I could open the Resources.mpk and Resources.mpkinfo thanks to the script and now I get a bunch of files that are probably encrypted but I can't figure out how to go from here.

Here are some examples: ... cfc3a/file ... 281b1/file ... 7d578/file

I can only tell that the first two hex characters are always "E2 06" but I can't find any other coincidences. Any idea about what encryption or compression method they used on these files?

I am trying to get the item and skill database with all the descriptions.


PS: Resources.mpk and Resources.mpkinfo here: ... s.mpk/file ... kinfo/file
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by Rushster »

Looking to grab the map files out of the game. Not sure where to start. Any tips to help get me on my way?
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by Spiritovod »

Apparently PC version is using more of BC formats, so script for textures above is updated with support for at least BC7 format. Also, fixed mpk script is available through linked post as well, since original one has particular issue with PC version of the game.
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by sharase »

Once you have the appropriate tool, you can use it to decompress the extracted bytes to obtain the original textures subway surfers
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by neusi »

Thanks for the tool. I don't know if this 2 problem is only for me and I messed some where but.
1.this file don't convert. This is the bms error

offset filesize filename
This format is not supported! Add it to definitions first.

- 0 files found in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 140 114812 . offset 0000000000007234
coverage file -1 0% 0 16 . offset 0000000000000000
coverage file -2 0% 0 148 . offset 0000000000000000
2.some texture are broken I think.
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by neusi »

The broken texture
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Re: Diablo Immortal textures

Post by werwerwerwewww »

You can do the following:
Using DIDT, download the game files. Rename and decompress from DIDT to a folder:

Run from admin Powershell ISE:
Get a list of files from a folder of subfolders by extension .Texture2D:
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data_BetaROW_Android -Recurse -Include *.Texture2D | Select-Object FullName | Out-File C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/Texture2D_path.txt

Open C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/Texture2D_path.txt via Notepad++, delete at the beginning of the file:
full name
We remember the finite number of lines.

After downloading quickbms, and putting it in the C:\Data_BetaROW_Android folder, create a quickbms_listfiles.txt file containing the text below, for an equal number of lines in the Texture2D_path.txt file:
C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\quickbms.exe -F "{}.Texture2D" -o "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\" "ABCD" "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\"
C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\quickbms.exe -F "{}.Texture2D" -o "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\" "ABCD" "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\"
C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\quickbms.exe -F "{}.Texture2D" -o "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\" "ABCD" "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\"

Replace values in lines containing "ABCD" with file paths from C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/Texture2D_path.txt:
$psFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\quickbms_listfiles.txt"
$list2FilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\Texture2D_path.txt"
$tempFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\tempFile.txt"
$list2Content = Get-Content -Path $list2FilePath
$list2ContentIndex = 0
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
if ($line -match "ABCD") {
# Замена ABCD на соответствующую строку из файла list2
$line = $line -replace "ABCD", $list2Content[$list2ContentIndex]
$line | Add-Content -Path $tempFilePath
Remove-Item -Path $psFilePath
Move-Item -Path $tempFilePath -Destination $psFilePath
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath

We open quickbms_listfiles.txt through Notepad++, we see that "ABCD" is replaced by empty to *.Texture2D
Copy everything and paste it into Powershell ISE. We are waiting for quickbms to work on all textures and drop *.astc into the C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\ folder
Then we get again a list of files in txt:
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_ -Recurse -Include *.astc | Select-Object FullName | Out-File C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt

Open C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt via Notepad++, delete at the beginning of the file:
full name
We remember the finite number of lines.

Create C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.txt with the text below, equal to the number of lines from the file C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt
astcenc -d AAAA BBBB

Replace values in lines containing "BBBB" with file paths from C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt:
$psFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.txt"
$list2FilePath = "C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt"
$tempFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\tempFile.txt"
$list2Content = Get-Content -Path $list2FilePath
$list2ContentIndex = 0
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
if ($line -match "BBBB") {
# Замена ABCD на соответствующую строку из файла list2
$line = $line -replace "BBBB", $list2Content[$list2ContentIndex]
$line | Add-Content -Path $tempFilePath
Remove-Item -Path $psFilePath
Move-Item -Path $tempFilePath -Destination $psFilePath
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath

As a result, opening C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.txt in Notepad++, we will see something like:
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_feidao_01_xzx.Texture2D.astc
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_01_xzx.Texture2D.astc
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_02_xzx.Texture2D.astc

Ctrl+F from Notepad++ -> Replace .astc to .tga, check'n'save:
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_feidao_01_xzx.Texture2D.tga
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_01_xzx.Texture2D.tga
astcenc -d AAAA C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_02_xzx.Texture2D.tga

Replace values in lines containing "AAAA" with file paths from C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt:
$psFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.txt"
$list2FilePath = "C:/Data_BetaROW_Android/astc_path.txt"
$tempFilePath = "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\tempFile.txt"
$list2Content = Get-Content -Path $list2FilePath
$list2ContentIndex = 0
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
if ($line -match "AAAA") {
# Замена ABCD на соответствующую строку из файла list2
$line = $line -replace "AAAA", $list2Content[$list2ContentIndex]
$line | Add-Content -Path $tempFilePath
Remove-Item -Path $psFilePath
Move-Item -Path $tempFilePath -Destination $psFilePath
Get-Content -Path $psFilePath

astcenc -d C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_feidao_01_xzx.Texture2D.astc C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_feidao_01_xzx.Texture2D.tga
astcenc -d C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_01_xzx.Texture2D.astc C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_01_xzx.Texture2D.tga
astcenc -d C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_02_xzx.Texture2D.astc C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\2019_jiaoying_02_xzx.Texture2D.tga

Finally downloading ...
Unpack everything in C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_ , rename C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.txt -> C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\astc_to_tga.bat
Run command promt from admin:
cd C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\
Waiting a million hours

Delete *.astc:
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Data_BetaROW_Android\_\" -Filter "*.astc" -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force

Result on the picture. The script is still running...
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