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Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:27 am

Post by themoviefund »

Yay it worked. Can you tell me what functions you've changed please? I've already editted Lambda's code to make my XML for my site.

For all you non-KMS people:

Code: Select all

import struct
import zlib
import sys
import os
import re

# ===========================================
# ============= Tree Flattening =============
# ===========================================

def flattenName(parent, child):
  if(parent == ""): return child
  else: return "%s.%s" % (parent, child)

def flattenRecurse(vals, name = ""):
  global flattenReturn
  if(type(vals) == type([])):
    if(type(vals[0]) == type("")):
      if(type(vals[1]) != type([])):
        result = [flattenName(name, vals[0]), vals[1]]
        for val in vals[1:]:
          flattenRecurse(val, flattenName(name, vals[0]))
      for val in vals:
        flattenRecurse(val, name)

def flatten(vals):
  global flattenReturn
  flattenReturn = []
  return flattenReturn

# ===========================================
# ============== Final Output ===============
# ===========================================

# findImage should work for image*'s, but the image*'s
#  aren't always valid, or possibly point to a parent
#  class's image...

#def findImage(name, vals):
#  name = name.replace("/", ".")
#  name = "%s.image" % name
#  for val in vals:
#    if(val[0] == name): return val[1]
#  name = "%s*" % name
#  for val in vals:
#    if(val[0] == name): return findImage(val[1], vals)
#  print "Could not find image %s" % name
#  sys.exit(-1)

def endMatches(str, values):
  for s in values:
    if(str[-len(s):] == s): return 1
  return 0

def textOut(vals):
  for val in vals:
    print "%s: %s" % (val[0], val[1])
  # Code used for testing findImage... which doesn't work (see above note)
  #for val in vals:
  #  if(endMatches(val[0], ["image*"])):
  #    print "Searching for %s: %s" % (val[0], val[1])
  #    print "%s: %s)" % (val[0][:-1], findImage(val[1], vals), val[1])
  #  else:
  #    print "%s: %s" % (val[0], val[1])

def htmlOut(vals):
  print "<table>"
  for val in vals:
    if(endMatches(val[0], ["image"])):
      print "<tr><td>%s</td><td><img src='%s'></td></tr>" % (val[0], val[1])
    elif(endMatches(val[0], ["mp3"])):
      print "<tr><td>%s</td><td><a href='%s'>mp3</a></td></tr>" % (val[0], val[1])
      print "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (val[0], val[1])
  print "</table>"

def safe_mkdir(dirName):
  except OSError, (errno, strerror):
    if(errno != 17):
      print "%d: %s" % (errno, strerror)

# ===========================================
# ============ PNG/Image Routines ===========
# ===========================================

def pack_chunk(tag,data):
  to_check = tag + data
  return struct.pack("!I",len(data)) + \
         to_check + \

def dumpToPNG(width, height, data):
  raw_data = ""
  for y in range(height):
    raw_data += chr(0)
    raw_data += data[y*width*4:(y+1)*width*4]

  return struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10) + \
           struct.pack("!IIBBBBB",width,height,8,6,0,0,0)) + \
         pack_chunk('IDAT', zlib.compress(raw_data,9)) + \
         pack_chunk('IEND', '')

def image16to32(width, height, data):
  datalen = len(data)
  buf = ""
  for i in range(width*height):
    # Not all images decompress correectly. This makes up for it.
    if(i > datalen/2 - 1):
      p = [0,0]
      p = struct.unpack("BB", data[i*2:i*2+2])

    a = p[1] / 16 ; a = a*16 + a
    r = p[1] % 16 ; r = r*16 + r
    g = p[0] / 16 ; g = g*16 + g
    b = p[0] % 16 ; b = b*16 + b

    if(a >  255): a = 255
    if(r >  255): r = 255
    if(g >  255): g = 255
    if(b >  255): b = 255

    buf += struct.pack("BBBB", r, g, b, a)
  return buf

# ===========================================
# =========== Abort/Debug Routines ==========
# ===========================================

def printItem(name, value):
  print "%-30s: %s" % (name, value)

def check(flag, val, f, msg="Default Error"):
  if(flag != val):
    item  = "Unknown: %s" % repr(flag) ; value = "Expecting: %s" % repr(val)
    printItem(item, value)
    printItem("Error", msg)
    printItem("FileLocation", repr(f.tell()))

def checkA(flag, vals, f, msg="Default Error"):
  if(not flag in vals):
    item  = "Unknown: %s" % repr(flag) ; value = "Expecting: %s" % repr(vals)
    printItem(item, value)
    printItem("Error", msg)
    printItem("FileLocation", repr(f.tell()))

# ===========================================
# ============ Basic File Reading ===========
# ===========================================

def rU8 (f): return struct.unpack('B',[0]
def rS8 (f): return struct.unpack('b',[0]
def rU16(f): return struct.unpack('H',[0]
def rU32(f): return struct.unpack('I',[0]
def rS32(f): return struct.unpack('i',[0]
def rU64(f): return struct.unpack('Q',[0]
def rF32(f): return struct.unpack('f',[0]
def rF64(f): return struct.unpack('d',[0]

def rPackNum(f):
  size = rS8(f)
  if(size == -128): size = rS32(f)
  return size

# ===========================================
# ============ String Decryption ============
# ===========================================

def hexStr(s):
  str = ''
  for c in s:
    str += "\\x%02x" % ord(c)
  return str

def xor  (a, p): return  ((a & ~p) ^ (~a & p)) & 0xff
def xor16(a, p): return  ((a & ~p) ^ (~a & p)) & 0xffff

def transStr(str):
  s = ''
  p = 0xAA
  for cc in str:
    a = ord(cc)
    s += struct.pack("B", xor(a,p) )
    p += 1
  return s

def transStr16(encStr):
  s = ''
  p = 0xAAAA
  for i in range(len(encStr)/2):
    a = struct.unpack("h", encStr[i*2:i*2+2])[0]
    #s += struct.pack("h", xor16(a,p) )
    s += "&#" + str(xor16(a,p))
    p += 1
  return s

# ===========================================
# ========= External File Extraction ========
# ============= (MP3s and PNGs) =============
# ===========================================

def dumpImage(f, imageName):
  global dumpDir
  global dumpImages

  width  = rPackNum(f)
  height = rPackNum(f)
  val   = rPackNum(f)    ; checkA(val, [0, 1, 2, 10, 513], f)
  val2  = rU8(f)         ; checkA(val2, [0, 2, 4], f)
  nulls =      ; check(nulls, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", f, "Dump Image")
  bufSize = rU32(f) - 1
  flag = rU8(f)          ; check(flag,  0x00, f);

  if(not dumpImages):, 1)
    obj = zlib.decompressobj()
    buf = obj.decompress(
    if(width*height*2 != len(buf)): print "Bad image: %s" % imageName
    g = open(dumpDir + imageName, "wb")
    g.write(dumpToPNG(width, height, image16to32(width, height, buf)))

def dumpMp3(f, size, endOfBlock):
  startOfMP3 = endOfBlock - size
  remaining = startOfMP3 - f.tell()
  #unknown =
  #g = open("%d.mp3" % mp3count, "wb")
  #mp3count += 1

# ===========================================
# ================= Header ==================
# ===========================================

def extractHeader(f):
  v = {}
  v["FileIdentity"] =
  v["FileSize"]     = rU64(f)
  v["FileStart"]    = rU32(f)
  v["Copyright"]    =["FileStart"] - f.tell())
  return v

# ===========================================
# ========== Directory / File Tree ==========
# ===========================================

def extractDirectory(f, baseName, blockOffset):
  global eFiles

  dirs  = []
  entryCount = rPackNum(f)
  for j in range(entryCount):
    filetype = rU8(f)    ; checkA(filetype, [0x02, 0x03, 0x04], f)
    if(filetype in [0x03, 0x04]):
      filename = rUStr(f)
    if(filetype in [0x02]):
      filenameloc  = rU32(f)
      filename = rUStrAt(f, filenameloc, blockOffset)
    filesize = rPackNum(f)
    unknown1 = rPackNum(f)
    unknown2 = rU32(f)

    v = {"Name": baseName + "/" + filename,
         "Size": filesize,
         "Unk1": unknown1,
         "Unk2": unknown2}

    if(filetype in [0x03]):
    if(filetype in [0x02, 0x04]):

  for dir in dirs:
    extractDirectory(f, dir["Name"], blockOffset)

def computeFileOffsets(fileBase):
  global eFiles

  totalOffset = 0
  for file in eFiles:
    file["Offset"] = fileBase + totalOffset
    totalOffset += file["Size"]

def extractDirectories(f, blockOffset):
  global eFiles
  eFiles = []
  extractDirectory(f, "", blockOffset)
  return eFiles

def extractDirTree(f, blockOffset):
  v = {}
  v["Unknown"] = rU16(f)
  v["Files"]   = extractDirectories(f, blockOffset)
  return v

# ===========================================
# ============= Everything else =============
# ===========================================

def subBlock(f, count, endOfBlock = 0):
  result = []
  if(count == 0): return '-NONE-'
  for i in range(count):
    flag = rU8(f)  ; check(flag, 0x1b, f)
    type = rU32(f)
    val1 = rPackNum(f) ; val2 = 0
    if(f.tell() != endOfBlock):
      val2 = rPackNum(f)
    result.append([val1, val2])
  return result

def rUStr(f): return extract00type(f)
def rUStrAt(f, loc, baseOffset): return extract00typeAt(f, loc, baseOffset)

previousStrings = {}
parsingFileTree = 0
def extract00type(f):
  size = rS8(f)
  if(size == 0):
    return ''
  elif(size < 0):
    if(size == -128): size = rU32(f)
    else:             size = -size
    result = transStr(

    # Keep a list of previous translations
    global previousStrings
    previousStrings[result] = 0

    return result
  elif(size > 0):
    if(size == 127): size = rU32(f)

    global parsingFileTree
      subSize = rS8(f) ; subCount = 1
      if(subSize < 0): subSize = -subSize
      else:            subSize = rU32(f) ; subCount += 4
      subStr  = transStr(*2 - subCount))

      for previousString in previousStrings.keys():
        if((len(previousString) == subSize) and 
           (previousString[0:size*2-1] == subStr)):
          return previousString
      print "Can't find String '%s' at %d" % (subStr, f.tell())
      if(size == 1):
        val = rU16(f)
        val = xor16(val, 0x558a)
        if(val < 256):
          return chr(val)
, 1)
      result =*2)
      result = transStr16(result)
      return result

def extract00typeAt(f, loc, baseOffset):
  pos = f.tell() + baseOffset, 0)
  value = extract00type(f)
  return value

def extract01type(f, baseOffset):
  loc = rU32(f)
  return extract00typeAt(f, loc, baseOffset)

def extract02type(f):
  return rU16(f)

def extract03type(f):
  return rPackNum(f)

def extract04type(f):
  type = rU8(f) ; checkA(type, [0x00, 0x80], f, "0x04 type")
  if   (type == 0x80): return rF32(f)
  elif (type == 0x00): return 0

def extract05type(f):
  return rF64(f)

def extract08type(f, name, baseOffset):
  return dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset)

def extract09type(f, name, baseOffset):
  size = rU32(f)
  loc = f.tell()
  endOfBlock = f.tell() + size
  result = dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset, f.tell() + size)
  if(f.tell() != endOfBlock):
    print "Incomplete Block [%s] at offset %d, size: %d, loc: %d" % (name, loc, size, f.tell()), 0)
  return result

def extract1btype(f, name, baseOffset, endOfBlock):
  flag  = rU16(f)
  flagb = rU16(f)

  locb  = f.tell()
  val1 = rPackNum(f) ; val2 = 0
  if(f.tell() != endOfBlock):
    val2 = rPackNum(f)

  if(f.tell() == endOfBlock):
    return [['x', val1], ['y', val2]], 0)
  val1 = rU8(f)
  if(val1 == 0x00):
    val2 = rU8(f) ; subt = 0
    if(val2 not in [0x00, 0x80] and flag != 0x01):
      nil = rU16(f)  ; check(nil,  0x00, f, "Inner 1b type1")

    if(val2 == 0x80):
      size = rU32(f)
      dumpMp3(f, size, endOfBlock)
      return ["mp3", name]
      vals = []
      if(not (val1 == 0x00 and val2 == 0x00) or (flag == 0x01)):
        descCount = rPackNum(f)
        for j in range(descCount):
          qname = dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset)
          val = dumpEntryValue(f, name + "/" + str(qname), baseOffset)
          vals.append([qname, val])

      if(f.tell() == endOfBlock):
        if(vals == []): return '-NONE-'
        else:           return vals
        imgname = name.replace('/', '.') + ".png"
        dumpImage(f, imgname)
        vals.append(['image', imgname])
        return vals
    blockval = val1
    return subBlock(f, val1, endOfBlock)

def computeName(image, name):
  name = name[0:name.rfind("/")+1]
  while(image[0:3] == "../"):
    name = name[0:-1]
    name = name[0:name.rfind("/")+1]
    image = image[3:]
  return name + image

def extract73type(f, name, baseOffset, endOfBlock):
  iname = rUStr(f)
  if(iname == "Shape2D#Convex2D"):
    count = rPackNum(f)
    return subBlock(f, count, endOfBlock)
  if(iname == "Shape2D#Vector2D"):
    val1 = rPackNum(f)
    val2 = rPackNum(f)
    return [["x", val1], ["y", val2]]
  if(iname == "Canvas"):
    space = rU16(f)  ; checkA(space, [0, 256], f)
    if(space == 256):
      nil = rU16(f)
      count = rU8(f)
      for i in range(count):
        qname = dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset)
        val = dumpEntryValue(f, name + "/" + str(qname), baseOffset)
    imgname = name.replace('/', '.') + ".png"
    dumpImage(f, imgname)
    return ['image', imgname]
  if(iname == "UOL"):
    nil = rU8(f)
    image = dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset)
    cName = computeName(image, name)
    return ['image*', cName]
  if(iname == "Sound_DX8"):
    nil = rU8(f)
    size = rPackNum(f)
    dumpMp3(f, size, endOfBlock)
    return ["mp3", name]
# ---------------------------------------------

def dumpBlock(f, name, baseOffset, endOfBlock = 0):
  global vals
  type = rU8(f)

  if   (type == 0x00): return extract00type(f)
  elif (type == 0x01): return extract01type(f, baseOffset)
  elif (type == 0x1b): return extract1btype(f, name, baseOffset, endOfBlock)
  elif (type == 0x73): return extract73type(f, name, baseOffset, endOfBlock)

def dumpEntryValue(f, name, baseOffset):
  global vals
  type = rU8(f)

  if   (type == 0x00): return "-NIL-"
  elif (type == 0x02): return extract02type(f)
  elif (type == 0x03): return extract03type(f)
  elif (type == 0x04): return extract04type(f)
  elif (type == 0x05): return extract05type(f)
  elif (type == 0x08): return extract08type(f, name, baseOffset)
  elif (type == 0x09): return extract09type(f, name, baseOffset)

def dumpFile(f, sname, baseOffset):
  global vals
  vals = {}

  flag = rU8(f)      ; check(flag, 0x73, f)
  imgName = rUStr(f) ; check(imgName, "Property", f)
  space = rU8(f)     ; check(space, 0x00, f, "File Outer Space")
  space = rU8(f)     ; check(space, 0x00, f, "File Outer Space 2")
  entries = rPackNum(f)
  vals = []
  for i in range(entries):
    name  = dumpBlock(f, sname, baseOffset)
    value = dumpEntryValue(f, str(name), baseOffset)
    vals.append([name, value])
  return vals

def dump():
  global dumpImages, dumpHTML
  global dumpDir, dumpDirBase
  f = open("data.wz", "rb")

  if(dumpImages or dumpHTML):
    origstdout = sys.stdout

  header = extractHeader(f)
  DirTreeOffset = f.tell()

  global parsingFileTree
  parsingFileTree = 1
  dirTree = extractDirTree(f, DirTreeOffset)
  parsingFileTree = 0

  for i in range(len(dirTree["Files"])):
    file = dirTree["Files"][i]["Offset"], 0)
    if ("String", file["Name"])):
      if(dumpImages or dumpHTML):
        dumpDir = dumpDirBase + file["Name"].replace("/", ".") + "/"

      print "%4d: %s, %d, %d" % (i, repr(file["Name"])[1:-1], file["Size"], file["Offset"])

      vals = dumpFile(f, file["Name"], file["Offset"])
      vals = flatten(vals)
        g = open(dumpDir + "index.html", "w")
        sys.stdout = g


        sys.stdout = origstdout

dumpImages = 1
dumpHTML = 1

dumpDirBase = "dump2/"
dumpDir     = dumpDirBase

Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Post by Omega »

Here's a diff.
Are you making a sauna for kms?

Compare: (<) (16616 bytes)
with: (>) (16796 bytes)

< def transStr16(encStr):
< s = ''
< p = 0xAAAA
< for i in range(len(encStr)/2):
< a = struct.unpack("h", encStr[i*2:i*2+2])[0]
< #s += struct.pack("h", xor16(a,p) )
< s += "&#" + str(xor16(a,p))
> def transStr16(str):
> s = ''
> p = 0xAAAA
> for i in range(len(str)/2):
> a = struct.unpack("h", str[i*2:i*2+2])
> s += struct.pack("h", xor16(a,p) )

< result = transStr16(result)
< return result
> ##transStr16 does not work in all cases...
> ## plus it needs extra UTF-16 to UTF-8 encoding
> ## handling. So for now, just return the hexStr
> ## of it. Maybe someone else can figure it out.
> # results = transStr16(result)
> return hexStr(result)

< f = open("string.wz", "rb")
> f = open("data.wz", "rb")
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:02 pm

Post by era »

Wow, thanx alot!

How come the MP3 files are not extracted?
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:27 am

Post by themoviefund »

My MS site:

In alpha stage.

To extract MP3's uncomment the "extractMp3" function.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:48 am

Post by SpareParts »

I think I need severe help on this.

So, I started the dump, allowed it to run, waited for 2 hours, and..

it died somewhere in the middle.

The extraction stopped at ".Map.Obj.etc.img".

Is it because of the MP3 Extraction? I decommented it during both of my tries.

Anyway, it there a way to freeze the frame before it closes? In other words, get the program to stop and wait for any key on the keyboard before it closes. That way, I can see what is the error message shown on the screen.

Oh thanks man, I have been editing the code here and there, and couldn't figure out what's wrong. =S
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Post by Omega »

SpareParts wrote:I think I need severe help on this.

So, I started the dump, allowed it to run, waited for 2 hours, and..

it died somewhere in the middle.

The extraction stopped at ".Map.Obj.etc.img".

Is it because of the MP3 Extraction? I decommented it during both of my tries.

Anyway, it there a way to freeze the frame before it closes? In other words, get the program to stop and wait for any key on the keyboard before it closes. That way, I can see what is the error message shown on the screen.

Oh thanks man, I have been editing the code here and there, and couldn't figure out what's wrong. =S
Open a command prompt, browse to the location of the file and type (at the command prompt) It should run, and when it finishes it shouldnt close the window.
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:27 am

Post by themoviefund »

Or you use Python IDLE. Start > Programs> Python> IDLE
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Post by Omega »

themoviefund wrote:Or you use Python IDLE. Start > Programs> Python> IDLE
Yes, but it doesn't feel as 1337 to type into idle as it does to type into cmd :P
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:02 pm

Post by era »

Q1 - Can you extract the questions given when you attempt the 3rd advancement(?), for example when you turn from an assassin into a hermit.

Q2 - When you try to extract, is there any way you can exclude the files already extracted and only extract the new files.

Q3 - The big bird that appears on the boat heading for Lipre is not extracted properly, is there some problem?(Actually, almost the whole Lipre place is not extracted properly.)

I'll be Waiting :)
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Post by Omega »

era wrote:Q1 - Can you extract the questions given when you attempt the 3rd advancement(?), for example when you turn from an assassin into a hermit.

Q2 - When you try to extract, is there any way you can exclude the files already extracted and only extract the new files.

Q3 - The big bird that appears on the boat heading for Lipre is not extracted properly, is there some problem?(Actually, almost the whole Lipre place is not extracted properly.)

I'll be Waiting :)
1. I did a quick search through a few directories but couldn't find anything. The info should be there though. Do you know any of the questions that were asked (exact strings), or the name of the map that the questions are asked in?

2. With the way it's written now, no.
3. I'm guessing you mean Riprey? Well the problem with images is that they aren't properly labeled in the data file. We don't actually know how to tell them apart 100%. The best way I've found is based on the name of the block containing the file, though that isn't perfect either. I'm going to try by where the file is referenced and that might work better.
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:55 am
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Post by Ghastly »

Hi I'm new here, I'm wondering if there is a KMS script? They have different folders such as;
String.wz,Effect.wz,Map.wz,Character.wz,Base.wz,Quest.wz,NPC.wz,sound.wz,Mob.wz and UI.wz
I wonder if it's possible to extract those?

Also I got a "Bad Image back.0.img" Any help?
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Post by Omega »

Ghastly wrote:Hi I'm new here, I'm wondering if there is a KMS script? They have different folders such as;
String.wz,Effect.wz,Map.wz,Character.wz,Base.wz,Quest.wz,NPC.wz,sound.wz,Mob.wz and UI.wz
I wonder if it's possible to extract those?

Also I got a "Bad Image back.0.img" Any help?
I think this has been answered before, but anywayz
Inside the file, there is a place where it tells filename (data.wz)
Change that to the filename of each and run the program one at a time. They will all extract to the dump folder, so make sure you rename the created folder to something unique after each run. That should work I think
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:42 am

Post by Lambda »

Ghastly wrote:Hi I'm new here, I'm wondering if there is a KMS script? They have different folders such as;
String.wz,Effect.wz,Map.wz,Character.wz,Base.wz,Quest.wz,NPC.wz,sound.wz,Mob.wz and UI.wz
I wonder if it's possible to extract those?

Also I got a "Bad Image back.0.img" Any help?
The bad image is bad data on the part of Wizet, or so I believe. Images are compressed using the same compression used for png. The "Bad Image" message comes up when the uncompression fails.
Posts: 388
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:10 pm
Been thanked: 84 times

Post by Rick »

era wrote:Q1 - Can you extract the questions given when you attempt the 3rd advancement(?), for example when you turn from an assassin into a hermit.
Non-quest related NPC text is all serverside (sent to client when you talk to it), so no, sorry.
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:50 am

Post by kiler »

With the new patch, it stops at weddingGL because of an incorrect value.
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