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Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

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Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by ash_link »

Valve had made custom vtf-like textures inside of the XZP files. Is it possible if anyone can crack the format?

Alyx's Hair and face in xtf format ... r.xtf.html
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

I've got a work in progress tool that can convert to a .dds file (the format is pretty similar to the .vtf file format - texture data seems to be stored the same way, though the low res image data may not be, and there is new fallback image data too - the header is in the Source SDK anyway).

Interestingly the file you linked is actually stored as IMAGE_FORMAT_P8 which I don't think the PC version of the engine even supports. I guess Valve needed a way to keep texture memory low and using palettised textures was one of the options they chose.
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

Alright so I've got extraction of DXT1 and DXT5 textures working but not P8 (and they're the only three formats I've come across).
Turns out the P8 images are swizzled. It looks like the swizzling/deswizzling code is in the SourceSDK:

Code: Select all

 * Swizzler
 * Purpose: To allow simple manipulations of a swizzled texture, without the 
 * hassle or overhead of unswizzling the whole thing in order to tweak a few 
 * points on the texture. This works with both 2D and 3D textures.
 * Notes: 
 *   Most of the time when messing with a texture, you will be incrementing
 *   by a constant value in each dimension.  Those deltas can be converted
 *   to an intermediate value via the SwizzleXXX(num) methods which can be
 *   used to quickly increment a dimension.
 *   The type SWIZNUM is used to represent numbers returned by the SwizzleXXX()
 *   methods, also known as "intermediate values" in this documentation.
 *   Code in comments may be uncommented in order to provide some sort of 
 *   parameter sanity. It assures that any number passed to num will only 
 *   alter the dimension specified by dim.
 * Elements:
 *   m_u = texture map (converted) u coordinate
 *   m_v = texture map (converted) v coordinate
 *   m_w = texture map (converted) w coordinate
 *   m_MaskU = internal mask for u coordinate
 *   m_MaskV = internal mask for v coordinate
 *   m_MaskW = internal mask for w coordinate
 *   m_Width = width of the texture this instance of the class has been initialized for
 *   m_Height = height of the texture this instance of the class has been initialized for
 *   m_Depth = depth of the texture this instance of the class has been initialized for
 * Methods:
 *   SWIZNUM SwizzleU(DWORD num) -- converts num to an intermediate value that
 *     can be used to modify the u coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SwizzleV(DWORD num) -- converts num to an intermediate value that
 *     can be used to modify the v coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SwizzleW(DWORD num) -- converts num to an intermediate value that
 *     can be used to modify the w coordinate
 *   DWORD UnswizzleU(SWIZNUM index) -- takes an index to the swizzled texture, 
 *     and extracts & returns the u coordinate
 *   DWORD UnswizzleV(SWIZNUM index) -- takes an index to the swizzled texture, 
 *     and extracts & returns the v coordinate
 *   DWORD UnswizzleW(SWIZNUM index) -- takes an index to the swizzled texture, 
 *     and extracts & returns the w coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SetU(SWIZNUM num) -- sets the U coordinate to num, where num is an intermediate 
 *     value returned by Convert; returns num.
 *   SWIZNUM SetV(SWIZNUM num) -- sets the V coordinate to num, where num is an intermediate 
 *     value returned by Convert; returns num.
 *   SWIZNUM SetW(SWIZNUM num) -- sets the W coordinate to num, where num is an intermediate 
 *     value returned by Convert; returns num.
 *   SWIZNUM AddU(SWIZNUM num) -- adds num to the U coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) U coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM AddV(SWIZNUM num) -- adds num to the V coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) V coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM AddW(SWIZNUM num) -- adds num to the W coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) W coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SubU(SWIZNUM num) -- subtracts num from the U coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) U coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SubV(SWIZNUM num) -- subtracts num from the V coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) V coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM SubW(SWIZNUM num) -- subtracts num from the W coordinate, where num is an intermediate value 
 *     returned by Convert; returns the new (swizzled) W coordinate
 *   SWIZNUM IncU() -- increments the U coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) U coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM IncV() -- increments the V coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) V coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM IncW() -- increments the W coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) W coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM DecU() -- decrements the U coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) U coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM DecV() -- decrements the V coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) V coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM DecW() -- decrements the W coordinate by 1, returns the new (swizzled) W coordinate.
 *   SWIZNUM Get2() -- returns the index to the swizzled volume texture, based on 
 *     the U, and V coordinates, as modified by the previous methods.
 *   SWIZNUM Get3() -- returns the index to the swizzled volume texture, based on 
 *     the U, V, and W coordinates, as modified by the previous methods.
 * Performance:
 *   The algorithm used in most methods of this class require only Subtraction and a binary And
 *   operation to complete the operation. In the AddXXX methods, a negation, a subtraction, and two
 *   binary And operations are required. For this reason, the SubXXX methods are actually faster than
 *   AddXXX. Inc and Dec are roughly the same speed however.
#pragma once

#ifndef DWORD
typedef unsigned long DWORD;


class Swizzler 

    // Dimensions of the texture
    DWORD m_Width;
    DWORD m_Height;
    DWORD m_Depth; 

    // Internal mask for each coordinate
    DWORD m_MaskU;
    DWORD m_MaskV;
    DWORD m_MaskW; 

    // Swizzled texture coordinates
    DWORD m_u;
    DWORD m_v;
    DWORD m_w;     

    Swizzler(): m_Width(0), m_Height(0), m_Depth(0),
        m_MaskU(0), m_MaskV(0), m_MaskW(0),
        m_u(0), m_v(0), m_w(0)
        { }

    // Initializes the swizzler
        DWORD width, 
        DWORD height, 
        DWORD depth
        Init(width, height, depth);

    void Init(
        DWORD width,
        DWORD height,
        DWORD depth
        m_Width = width; 
        m_Height = height; 
        m_Depth = depth;
        m_MaskU = 0;
        m_MaskV = 0;
        m_MaskW = 0;
        m_u = 0;
        m_v = 0;
        m_w = 0;

        DWORD i = 1;
        DWORD j = 1;
        DWORD k;

            k = 0;
            if (i < width)   
                m_MaskU |= j;   
                k = (j<<=1);  

            if (i < height)  
                m_MaskV |= j;   
                k = (j<<=1);  

            if (i < depth)   
                 m_MaskW |= j;   
                 k = (j<<=1);  

            i <<= 1;
        while (k);

    // Swizzles a texture coordinate
    SWIZNUM SwizzleU( 
        DWORD num 
        SWIZNUM r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1; i <= m_MaskU; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskU & i) 
                r |= (num & i);
                num <<= 1;

        return r;

    SWIZNUM SwizzleV( 
        DWORD num 
        SWIZNUM r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1; i <= m_MaskV; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskV & i)
                r |= (num & i);
                num <<= 1;

        return r;

    SWIZNUM SwizzleW( 
        DWORD num 
        SWIZNUM r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1; i <= m_MaskW; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskW & i)
                r |= (num & i);
                num <<= 1;

        return r;

    SWIZNUM Swizzle(
        DWORD u, 
        DWORD v, 
        DWORD w
        return SwizzleU(u) | SwizzleV(v) | SwizzleW(w);
    // Unswizzles a texture coordinate
    DWORD UnswizzleU( 
        SWIZNUM num
        DWORD r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1, j = 1; i; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskU & i)  
                r |= (num & j);   
                j <<= 1; 
                num >>= 1; 

        return r;

    DWORD UnswizzleV( 
        SWIZNUM num 
        DWORD r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1, j = 1; i; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskV & i)  
                r |= (num & j);   
                j <<= 1; 
                num >>= 1; 

        return r;

    DWORD UnswizzleW( 
        SWIZNUM num 
        DWORD r = 0;

        for (DWORD i = 1, j = 1; i; i <<= 1) 
            if (m_MaskW & i)  
                r |= (num & j);   
                j <<= 1; 
                num >>= 1; 

        return r;

    // Sets a texture coordinate
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SetU(SWIZNUM num) { return m_u = num /* & m_MaskU */; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SetV(SWIZNUM num) { return m_v = num /* & m_MaskV */; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SetW(SWIZNUM num) { return m_w = num /* & m_MaskW */; }
    // Adds a value to a texture coordinate
    __forceinline SWIZNUM AddU(SWIZNUM num) { return m_u = ( m_u - ( (0-num) & m_MaskU ) ) & m_MaskU; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM AddV(SWIZNUM num) { return m_v = ( m_v - ( (0-num) & m_MaskV ) ) & m_MaskV; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM AddW(SWIZNUM num) { return m_w = ( m_w - ( (0-num) & m_MaskW ) ) & m_MaskW; }

    // Subtracts a value from a texture coordinate
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SubU(SWIZNUM num) { return m_u = ( m_u - num /* & m_MaskU */ ) & m_MaskU; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SubV(SWIZNUM num) { return m_v = ( m_v - num /* & m_MaskV */ ) & m_MaskV; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM SubW(SWIZNUM num) { return m_w = ( m_w - num /* & m_MaskW */ ) & m_MaskW; }

    // Increments a texture coordinate
    __forceinline SWIZNUM IncU()              { return m_u = ( m_u - m_MaskU ) & m_MaskU; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM IncV()              { return m_v = ( m_v - m_MaskV ) & m_MaskV; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM IncW()              { return m_w = ( m_w - m_MaskW ) & m_MaskW; }

    // Decrements a texture coordinate
    __forceinline SWIZNUM DecU()              { return m_u = ( m_u - 1 ) & m_MaskU; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM DecV()              { return m_v = ( m_v - 1 ) & m_MaskV; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM DecW()              { return m_w = ( m_w - 1 ) & m_MaskW; }

    // Gets the current swizzled address for a 2D or 3D texture
    __forceinline SWIZNUM Get2D()          { return m_u | m_v; }
    __forceinline SWIZNUM Get3D()          { return m_u | m_v | m_w; }
But I'm not too sure how to use it. For each pixel I've called UnswizzleU and UnswizzleV which both seem to return correct-looking values (spot-checking I see UnswizzleU returns values in the range of the width and UnswizzleV returns values in the range of the height).
I then index the image data like so: m_pImageData[0][(m_Header.iWidth * v) + u]
But writing that out to files doesn't anything that looks right. Anyone got any idea how to use code correctly?
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

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[Xbox] Half-life 2 (*.xtf)

Post by Acewell »

here is Noesis python script for fun to open some xtf samples i had from this game :D
supports dxt1, dxt5, paletted morton swizzled rgba8888 and morton swizzled rgba8888
not 100% sure of the last two but they looked okay to me :D
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

Ah thanks, I took a quick look and hopefully I'll be able to simplify what I have.
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Re: [Xbox] Half-life 2 (*.xtf)

Post by gongagaga »

Acewell wrote: Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:10 am here is Noesis python script for fun to open some xtf samples i had from this game :D
supports dxt1, dxt5, paletted morton swizzled rgba8888 and morton swizzled rgba8888
not 100% sure of the last two but they looked okay to me :D
im getting error from this script
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'inc_noesis'
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by TrumpetPro »

Just out of curiosity... why? Is there anything the Xbox port has that the PC game doesn't?
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

Some of the maps are different.
Not sure if there are any other changes - the textures are definitely lower resolution at least.
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Re: [Xbox] Half-life 2 (*.xtf)

Post by Acewell »

gongagaga wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:48 pmim getting error from this script
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'inc_noesis'
its a script for Noesis, you must place the script in
the Noesis\plugins\python folder. :D
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

I've got a tool which will do the conversion now: ... gssmt-v004
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by swiggy »

tschumann wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:41 am Alright so I've got extraction of DXT1 and DXT5 textures working but not P8 (and they're the only three formats I've come across).
Turns out the P8 images are swizzled. It looks like the swizzling/deswizzling code is in the SourceSDK:

Code: Select all

 * Swizzler
 * Purpose: To allow simple manipulations of a swizzled texture, without the 
 * hassle or overhead of unswizzling the whole thing in order to tweak a few 
 * points on the texture. This works with both 2D and 3D textures.
 * Notes: 
 *   Most of the time when messing with a texture, you will be incrementing
 *   by a constant value in each dimension.  Those deltas can be converted
 *   to an intermediate value via the SwizzleXXX(num) methods which can be
 *   used to quickly increment a dimension.
 *   The type SWIZNUM is used to represent numbers returned by the SwizzleXXX()
 *   methods, also known as "intermediate values" in this documentation.
 *   Code in comments may be uncommented in order to provide some sort of 
 *   parameter sanity. It assures that any number passed to num will only 
 *   alter the dimension specified by dim.
But I'm not too sure how to use it. For each pixel I've called UnswizzleU and UnswizzleV which both seem to return correct-looking values (spot-checking I see UnswizzleU returns values in the range of the width and UnswizzleV returns values in the range of the height).
I then index the image data like so: m_pImageData[0][(m_Header.iWidth * v) + u]
But writing that out to files doesn't anything that looks right. Anyone got any idea how to use code correctly?
I'm trying to unswizzle images into my convert tool, I've read up and understand the concept of swizzling im lost on how to implement and unswizzle code wont work :(

Did you get the unswizzle image c++ code working in the end?
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Re: Half-life 2 XBOX *.xtf files

Post by tschumann »

Yes I used that exact code.
I don't really understand swizzling to be honest.
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