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3d figure Web model ripping

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3d figure Web model ripping

Post by oamio »

I'm not sure if this is a picture or 3d model
I think ripping is possible if it is 3d
I would like your attention to the ability
All I can do is introduce the material
Last edited by oamio on Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by oamio »

Alright, This is texture file
Now, I am sure of that is 3d model
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by oamio »

Maybe this is model file
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by Bigchillghost »

Easy to extract:
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by akderebur »

Yes, easy structure. Everything is in order. Indices at the beginning, after that starts the vertex positions, followed by uvs. You can even find the index/vertex counts in the json file, if you don't want to look for yourself. Anyway here is the exported model : ... FG01_0.obj

Btw pretty impressive polycount. I wonder if it is the actual model that got printed for the figure.
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by oamio »

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Is it part of the model file?
Last edited by oamio on Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by Bigchillghost »

oamio wrote: It is part of the file
A real mess. What's the point of this? The model attributes are described in FG01.json, and that would be pretty much enough for building the mesh.
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by oamio »

Bigchillghost wrote:
oamio wrote: It is part of the file
A real mess. What's the point of this? The model attributes are described in FG01.json, and that would be pretty much enough for building the mesh.
Okay, I'm modified my article
buytheway I cant find FG01.json in Crome
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Re: 3d figure Web model ripping

Post by Bigchillghost »

oamio wrote:buytheway I cant find FG01.json in Crome
It's FG01.json.gz in the cache. You get the json after decompression.
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