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Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by HeliosAI »

@devilsnake88: very nice work on making it a video tutorial! However, i really recommend to convert at least the normal maps through Noesis. Photoshop loads the Blue channel as flat grey, however it is supposed to be white with some details in it: Shotgun example

As for the linked textures: There are 4k versions of them in the files. Also both NR and GPA don't really know what to do with the normal and gloss maps of this game. It doesn't surprise me all that much. I think getting textures directly from the game files and using Noesis on everything but the gloss maps is the best solution. Gloss maps (.8a,etc) only properly work in Photoshop.

Either way make sure you unpack all the games .pak files, then it's mostly easy to find things. Path to preorder shotgun is this:
for the mesh check the .skinm here:
Sometimes characters or items also have a .cfg file, but those are lower poly than the according .skinm one.

Morgan's models (male and female) are in:

In some cases you might not find textures directly next to the models (pajamas model of Morgan from the beginning for example). If you found the mesh you will see a .mtl file close to it however. Open that in HxD or a text editor and you can read what files it points to and where. In this model's case it points to
you won't find the .tif in that folder, but the .dds version will be there. Eyes, eyelashes, etc are all listed in these .mtl files for the head too.

Oh and one last thing, in "Objects\characters\HumansFinal\" there's a .cdf file for every character you meet in the game. You can open these in HxD or Text editor too and read what models are used to create these characters and where to find them in the files :)

EDIT: d:\...\Objects\Accessories\ has Psychoscope etc
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by devilsnake88 »

o0Crofty0o wrote:@devilsnake88: ...
Thank you.
Yes I know it ;)
Anyway, Great job to you guys.
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by judgedead53 »

Thanks for all this tools and tutorials, working perfectly :)

For the textures, I personally use a texture converter made for Star Citizen and it works perfectly for every type except cubemaps : https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... -converter (not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to another forums, feel free to remove it)

I have a few problems though. My main goal is to edit one texture and to put it back in the game. I've sorta did it but I was hoping an easier way.
The image I want to edit is "Objects-part5.pak\Objects\Environment\Props\Tech\Monitor_Mounted_A\". Extracting it with the tool above works fine but I have some problems to extract every mipmap manually (info about that later).
- Edited a few pixels, and repacked in the dds did not work (seems logic, replacing 7 sub-image with 1 big). Get a black texture in game.
- Edited only the biggest mipmap (with HxD) had 0 differences In Game, even on Very High.
- Edited every mipmaps (with HxD), filling whole random bytes with FFs works, but the monitors seems to use different mipmaps.

So my main question is, is there a simpler way to edit this image than to edit each byte of each mipmaps ? Or are there at least, some docs about the file format of .dds ?

Now the second part. Extracting the texture with the automated tool gives me a dds with each mipmaps on different layers.
Is it possible to split this file so that the Prey successfully read it ?
I also tried to extract every mipmaps manually using the method o0Crofty0o described previously. It works fine for the biggest one, but all the other ones renders blank, even in Photoshop with the Intel plugin (I did try to export through Noesis, edit the byte to 01 and opening in Photoshop).
Any ideas of what could have gone wrong ?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm a bit new in all this stuff but I'd really like to achieve this. Thanks for reading :D
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by georgesears »

Either it's me using tool wrong, or Hex Edit method proved better quality of assets.
Gamma, alpha transparency destroying the image or else
Normal maps are unusable if gained through this tool, just for me for some reason

First one is obtained via tool, second one via hex edit
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by HeliosAI »

Yeah i too think the tool doesn't work properly on Prey. Especially the normal maps turn out very wrong and most textures end up too dark.
Thank you anyway :)

Would you mind telling how you inject the textures back into the game at all? I'd like to try, maybe i can figure something out.
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by merlinsvk »

As far as I know, Sir Kane's tool just decrypts the zip archive and there is no manipulating with its content. So you are barking up the wrong tree :)
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by judgedead53 »

I've used the tool to extract "flat" textures, didn't mess with normal maps at all. But since it's made for another game, the results might be messed up, yeah.

The way I edit and reinject the textures is to edit each mipmap byte by byte with HxD, putting them back in the .zip the decryption tool gave me, and renaming it to .pak. The game doesn't seem to care if it's signed or encrypted and loads it anyway. It's the only thing I could think of that worked.

For example, I filled each mipmap (from .1 to .6, didn't edit the header one) with a different value for each one, from AA to FF. Here is the result : (the original one : )

As merlinsvk said, my questions might be off-topic there, and if you guys say so, I'll create another thread :D
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by georgesears »

OH Spolers!
Well. modding might be interesting, not just retextures.
Problem is, i don't understand why we can't just use CryEngine SDK tools to get assets....
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by judgedead53 »

Alright, I made some good progress on retexturing, figured I would share it here :)
Here's the first edit I managed to put in game (admire my beautiful photoshop skills :P) :

Now the "how did you do this" :
1. First, you want to know what is the original format of the image. I personally used Nvidia Texture Tools on the header dds.
Mine was BC1 sRGB.

2. Extract your texture using o0Crofty0o's method.
3. Load it up into Photoshop and edit it as you wish.
4. Save the image using the format we found earlier.
5. Generate the mipmaps. Divide your image size by 2, save it on the good format. Do it again until you've reached the same amount of mipmaps the game has.
There might be a way to generate them automatically that I don't know of.

6. Now, open every dds you've generated and remove their header (the 94 first bytes) and name them the same way the game originally did (.dds.6 for example)
7. Replace the files in the decrypted pak, rename it to .pak and replace the original crypted file by this new one.
8. Enjoy :D.

PS: I'm sorry if that's not very clear, my english is not really good :/
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by georgesears »

I wish there was a tool or batch script to do all that stuff.
Doing it manually is a chore
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by Taner038 »

How to edit the font this game?

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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by Taner038 »

Taner038 wrote:How to edit the font this game?

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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by Taner038 »

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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by jflieger »

So I found the files for the maps inside the UI, in Textures/ArkAutoMaps/, but they're all low-detail. They don't include the pathways, stairs, etc. Is there something I'm missing for the extra detail? I've done a lot of searching inside the file system, and I can't seem to find anything else. I was also looking for the UI textures for the workstations, and the small avatar images for the TranScribe audio logs, and can't seem to find those either. Is there a different .pak file other than Objects and Textures that they might be hiding in?
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Re: Prey (2017) pak decryption tool

Post by Sir Kane »

Gamedata.pak, then Libs\UI\Textures.
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