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Reign of Revolution MaxScript Help

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Reign of Revolution MaxScript Help

Post by CriticalError »

Hello guys, well today unpack files of R2 to see if the maxscript made by chroox is working or not, after checking a lot fo files, no one opened, just a few of them, so here I upload some samples and maybe somebody can take a look and edit this maxscript? really would be cool if this can be fixed, and add material assign too, ok many thanks for all and hope can fix that, thanks for support it and have a nice day.
if (heapSize < 20000000) then
heapSize = 200000000

fname = getOpenFileName \
caption:"R2 Model File" \
types:"R2 Model File(*.rmb)|*.rmb" \
historyCategory:"R2 Object Presets"
f = fopen fname "rb"

fn PrintOffset Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn PrintCount Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the Count 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)

fn Readword fstream = (
return readshort fstream #unsigned

fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
local str = ""
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)

struct Mesh_Info_Struct
struct bone_Info_Struct
struct weight_Info_Struct
struct weight_data

fseek f 0x14 #seek_set
texture_count = readlong f
mesh_count = readlong f
bone_count = readlong f
mesh_offset = readlong f

for a = 1 to texture_count do (
texname = readstring f
fseek f (0x103 - texname.count)#seek_cur
meditMaterials[1] = Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[1].diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:texname
print texname
printoffset (ftell f)
Mesh_Info_Array = #()
for a = 1 to mesh_count do (
null1 = readlong f
null2 = readlong f
name1 = readstring f
fseek f (0x3F - name1.count)#seek_cur
name2 = readstring f
fseek f (0x3F - name2.count)#seek_cur
type1 = readlong f
type2= readlong f
type3 = readlong f
vertcount = readlong f
facecount = readlong f
fseek f 0x4B0 #seek_cur
facecount2 = readlong f
fseek f 0x18C #seek_cur
vertcount = readlong f
fseek f 0x18C #seek_cur
append Mesh_Info_Array (Mesh_Info_Struct name1:name1 name2:name2 type1:type1 type2:type2 type3:type3 vertcount:vertcount facecount:facecount)

printoffset (ftell f)

BNArr = #()
for a = 1 to bone_count do (
boneID = readlong f
BoneParentID = readlong f
unk04 = readlong f
unk05 = readlong f
fseek f 0x4C #seek_cur
bone_name = ReadFixedString f 0x40
bone_parent_name = ReadFixedString f 0x40
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm2 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm3 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]

newBone = bonesys.createbone \
tfm.row4 \
(tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
(normalize tfm.row3) = bone_name
newBone.width = 0.01
newBone.height = 0.01
newBone.transform = tfm2
newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
newBone.wirecolor = yellow
newbone.showlinks = true
newBone.pos.controller = TCB_position ()
newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()

if (BoneParentID != -1) then
newBone.parent = BNArr[BoneParentID + 1]
append BNArr newBone

printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to mesh_count Do (
Vert_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()
BonePallet_array = #()
Weight_array = #()
WeightID_array = #()
BoneID_array = #()
used_id_array = #()
for b = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].type3 Do (
BonePallet = (readbyte f#unsigned) + 1
append BonePallet_array BonePallet

for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
vx = readfloat f
vy = readfloat f
vz = readfloat f
append Vert_array [vx,vy,vz]
printoffset (ftell f)

for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
nx = readfloat f
ny = readfloat f
nz = readfloat f
append Normal_array [nx,ny,nz]
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
tu = readfloat f
tv = readfloat f * -1
append UV_array [tu,tv,0]
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
ix = readfloat f
iy = readfloat f
iz = readfloat f
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
ux = readfloat f
uy = readfloat f
uz = readfloat f
printoffset (ftell f)
if Mesh_Info_Array[a].type1 != 0 Do (
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
w1 = readfloat f
w2 = readfloat f
w3 = readfloat f
w4 = readfloat f
append WeightID_array (weight_Info_Struct w1:w1 w2:w2 w3:w3 w4:w4)
printoffset (ftell f)
for a = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount do (
b1 = readbyte f#unsigned
b2 = readbyte f#unsigned
b3 = readbyte f#unsigned
b4 = readbyte f#unsigned
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b1 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b2 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b3 + 1)
appendIfUnique used_id_array (b4 + 1)
append BoneID_array (bone_Info_Struct b1:b1 b2:b2 b3:b3 b4:b4)
printoffset (ftell f)

for i = 1 to Mesh_Info_Array[a].vertcount Do (
w = (weight_data boneids:#() weights:#())
maxweight = 0
if(WeightID_array.w1 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array.w1
if(WeightID_array.w2 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array.w2
if(WeightID_array.w3 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array.w3
if(WeightID_array.w4 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + WeightID_array.w4

if(maxweight != 0) then (
if(WeightID_array.w1 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array.b1 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w1
if(WeightID_array[i].w2 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b2 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w2
if(WeightID_array[i].w3 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b3 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w3
if(WeightID_array[i].w4 != 0) then (
append w.boneids (BoneID_array[i].b4 + 1)
append w.weights WeightID_array[i].w4
append Weight_array w

for b = 1 to ((Mesh_Info_Array[a].facecount) / 3) Do (
f1 = ((readshort f) + 1)
f2 = ((readshort f) + 1)
f3 = ((readshort f) + 1)
append Face_array [f1,f2,f3] --save faces to Face_array
printoffset (ftell f)
print BonePallet_array
msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh
if used_id_array.count != BonePallet_array.count Do (
for c = 1 to used_id_array.count Do (
appendIfUnique BonePallet_array used_id_array[c]
if BonePallet_array.count == 0 Do (
msh.transform = (getnodebyname Mesh_Info_Array[a].name2).transform
append BonePallet_array ((finditem BNArr (getnodebyname Mesh_Info_Array[a].name2)))
msh.material = meditMaterials[1] = Mesh_Info_Array[a].name1
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]
if BonePallet_array.count != 0 Do (
max modify mode
select msh
skinMod = skin ()
addModifier msh skinMod
for i = 1 to BonePallet_array.count do
maxbone = BNArr[(BonePallet_array[i])]
if i != BonePallet_array.count then
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 0
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
for i = 1 to Weight_array.count do
w = Weight_array[i]
bi = #()
wv = #()
for j = 1 to w.boneids.count do
boneid = w.boneids[j]
weight = w.weights[j]
append bi boneid
append wv weight
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod i bi wv
max create mode
fclose f

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Re: Reign of Revolution MaxScript Help

Post by shakotay2 »

CriticalError wrote:after checking a lot fo files, no one opened, just a few of them,
lol, noone == a few of them?
Anyway, the samples you provided have a bone count of zero thus the script has to be changed slightly:
and add material assign too, ok many thanks for all and hope can fix that, thanks for support it and have a nice day.
well, I'm not very familar with max, the search path for texture files must be set correctly, I guess.

I didn't bother and just expanded the texname like this:

for a = 1 to texture_count do (
texname = readstring f
texname = "C:\Programme\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\Scripts\R2 Samples\"

(This is working for the model i003023.rmb only, of course. It just picks the diffuse texture.)
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Tuts: a) Bigchillghost, viewtopic.php?f=29&t=17889
b) Extracting simple models:
"Quoting the whole thing. Would u ever stop this nonsense?"
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Re: Reign of Revolution MaxScript Help

Post by Szkaradek123 »


Here is a blender importer for animation and skinned meshes.
It works only with Blender version 249 and Python 249.

It supports:
-rmb - file with skinned mesh
-rab - animation file

For autotexturing:
-unpack "model.rfs" to "model" folder
-unpack "texture.rfs" to "texture" folder

If problem with game version, please send me files.
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Re: Reign of Revolution MaxScript Help

Post by raykingnihong »

Szkaradek123 wrote:Hello

Here is a blender importer for animation and skinned meshes.
It works only with Blender version 249 and Python 249.

It supports:
-rmb - file with skinned mesh
-rab - animation file

For autotexturing:
-unpack "model.rfs" to "model" folder
-unpack "texture.rfs" to "texture" folder

If problem with game version, please send me files.
Thank you, my friend, the script works very well, good job
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