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Forza - xds format

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:56 pm
Hi xentax,

I was wondering if anyone will be able to help me with a file extension named xds ? I'm a pretty big noob when it comes to textures so bare with me :D

anyway what i want to do is say like put my own texture into the xds format.

I know so far ..
first 53 bytes are xds header and size info
It has a alpha channel
1 pixel = 4 bytes, first 3 bytes are like say raw pixel data so like ff0000 = basic red (some other extensions use same style)
4th byte of the pixel means if alpha or not (make it = 00 becomes invisible unless alpha off, or make it FF and the pixel shows normally) example xds file.

the pixel mapping (or w/e it's called) is different from the main known extensions and some people said it's similar to dds but i don't see any resemblance

Sorry that im a big noob ^^ and any help is greatly appreciated


Re: Forza - xds format

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:31 am
Please anyone?
