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Kingdom Hearts (1, 2FM, and Re:CoM)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:43 am
by Knehcs
I'm looking to dump the audio (both battle clips and cutscene clips) from these three games. I've tried using PSound on the disc image files (after splitting them into smaller file sizes so that it might actually scan them completely), but I know I'm missing still missing quite a lot of sounds. I was wondering if anyone here could direct me to the tools necessary to do this?

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I would have posted this in the audio forum, but I realized I may need to dump files then look for audio.

Re: Kingdom Hearts (1, 2FM, and Re:CoM)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:23 pm
by Devilot
Psound will get all cutscene audio, and also some japanese one, I am pretty sure of it.
to get battle quotes you need to tell Psound to scan the actual battle models, audio data is there.

The dumper will help you getting those but all my attempts to ask someone to re-upload it have been ignored. the only one I could find is for KH2fm and it's here, brilliant work by Xeeynamo ... l-mix.html

are you trying to dump BGM as well?