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Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:20 pm
by triad
So it doesn't work for the avatar into the inferno?

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:37 pm
by FurryFan
triad wrote:So it doesn't work for the avatar into the inferno?
No it does not, let me write up different scripts for that game. Also I will write up more scripts, that go more levels deeper, as RCB files contain/are contain in RSC files, and then mesh files can be within sides those

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:48 pm
by FurryFan
I am adding more scripts, for the first avatar game:
The improved PAK script, will extract both compressed and uncompressed PAK files: ...

Code: Select all

<bms games="'Avatar The Last AirBender'" platforms="'PS2'" ext="PAK">
ImpType Standard ;
ComType zlib_noerror ;
Set F Long 20 ;
GoTo F 0 ;
Get F Long 0 ;
Set JF Long 16 ;
GoTo JF 0 ;
Get JF Long 0 ;
Set D Long 28 ;
GoTo D 0 ;
SavePos D 0 ;
For T = 1 To F ;
GoTO D 0 ;
Get FO Long 0 ;
Get CS Long 0 ;
SavePos H 0 ;
GoTo JF 0 ;
Get FN String 0 ;
SavePos JF 0 ;
GoTo H 0 ;
Get W Long 0 ;
Get W Long 0 ;
SavePos D 0 ;
GoTo FO 0 ;
Get Test short 0 ;
If Test = 40056 ;
CLog FN FO CS 350687200 0 ;
Else ;
Log FN FO CS 0;
Endif ;
Next T ;
The script called "" will extract files from the rsc files (some files from extracted rsc files will be duplicates of existing files, however some files are only found within rsc files, so it is still worth extracting them. ...

Code: Select all

get SIZE asize 0 ;
Math SIZE -= 8 ;
GoTo 8 0 ;
Get CS Long 0 ;
GoTo 4 0 SEEK_CUR ;
Get namelength Byte 0 ;
GetDString FN namelength 0 ;
Padding 16 ;
SavePos FO 0 ;
Log FN FO CS 0;
GoTo FO 0 ;
SavePos i 0 ;
For Q = 0 < SIZE ;
GoTo i 0 ;
GoTo 2 0 SEEK_CUR ;
GoTo 8 0 SEEK_CUR ;
Get CS Long 0 ;
GoTo 4 0 SEEK_CUR ;
Get namelength Byte 0 ;
GetDString FN namelength 0 ;
Padding 16 ;
SavePos FO 0 ;
Log FN FO CS 0;
GoTo FO 0 ;
GoTo -1 0 SEEK_CUR ;
SavePos i 0 ;
Math Q = i ;
Math i += 1 ;
Next Q ;
The script called "avatar1ps2rcb" will extract RCB files. ...

Code: Select all

get SIZE asize 0 ;
Math i = 0 ;
For Q = 0 < SIZE ;
GoTo i 0 ;
SavePos FO 0 ;
Get D Long 0 ;
Get ZZ Byte 0 ;
Math FN = FO ;
string FN += "." ;
string FN += ZZ ;
GoTo 7 0 SEEK_CUR ;
Get CS Long 0 ;
Math CS += 16 ;
Log FN FO CS 0 ;
GoTo FO 0 ;
GoTo -1 0 SEEK_CUR ;
SavePos i 0 ;
Math Q = i ;
Math i += 1 ;
Next Q ;
The extensions I have seen within RCB files have the following uses:
.00 some types of strings
.01 texture related
.03 model
.07 texture
.16 cutscene related
.50 model container (will contain at least one model)
.51 animation
.52 animation related.

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:07 pm
by FurryFan
This script will extract the PAK files from both Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 ...

Code: Select all

<bms games="'Avatar 2 and Avatar 3'" platforms="'PS2'" ext="PAK">
ImpType Standard ;
ComType zlib_noerror ;
GoTo 0x8 ;
Get base Long 0 ;
GoTo 0x14 ;
Get filenumber Long 0 ;
GoTo 0x10 ;
Get filenamebase Long 0 ;
Math filenamebase += base ;
GoTo base ;
SavePos werefox 0 ;
For T = 1 To filenumber ;
GoTo werefox 0 ;
Get fileoffset Long 0 ;
Get decompressedsize Long 0 ;
Get compressedsize Long 0 ;
Get D Long 0 ;
Get D Long 0 ;
Get Type Long 0 ;
SavePos werefox 0 ;
GoTo filenamebase ;
Get filename String 0 ;
SavePos filenamebase 0 ;
If Type = 2053925218 ;
CLog filename fileoffset compressedsize decompressedsize 0 ;
Else ;
Log filename fileoffset decompressedsize 0;
Endif ;
Next T ;

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:09 am
by FurryFan
I have made an early version of a script that will convert the mesh files from the first PS2 avatar game into .3ds files. First to get files to work on you must do the following.

Run this script on pak files from the disc: ...

Then run the same script again on the pak files within the pak files ...

Then run this script below on rsc files ...

Then run this script below on rcb files ...

Then run this script below on the .50 extension files extracted meshes will now have there names back ...

Then run this script below on the mesh files the script must be run on the windows command prompt with the w option, the w must be lower case and everything should be in your quickbms folder, and the quickbms folder path should have no spaces (ie do not use "program files") and no Asian characters, ...
for example on my computer I typed in:

Code: Select all

C:\v\quickbms.exe -w C:\v\ C:\v\act_gener_fn_rhino_ingame___ C:\v
then when it says what file to use type in what you want to save the 3ds file as for example rhino.3ds make sure the file does not exist before running it, otherwise it will be overwritten and not work.

Important currently supports only 2byteInt vertexes so if script makes no output file try a different mesh file for now

The script is not perfect yet but I do now how to fix it and will soon, here is a picture of output

I want to add support for ALL avatar games, for all systems.

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:44 am
by flipdark95
So I've figured out most of what your method is for extracting the models, but for some reason when I run the script in CMD to convert the mesh file to a .3DS format, it won't work. Am I doing something wrong?

Here's a picture of the QuickBMS script and what I'm doing.
QuickBMS Avatar Model Rip Problem.PNG
Edit: Never mind, got everything working. I read the instructions incorrectly and didn't realise is the name of the converted 3DS File.

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:27 pm
by flipdark95
So, just wondering, anybody know about any scripts out there that can extract the RCB files for the Avatar games after the first one? The QuickBMS scripts can currently only handle the first game's models.

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:09 pm
by flipdark95
Would really like to know what the status is on ripping models from the later 2 games. I'd love to be able to extract them for use as references and research in my 3D modelling.

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:17 pm
by AvatarAang
FurryFan wrote:This script will extract the PAK files from both Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 ...

Code: Select all

<bms games="'Avatar 2 and Avatar 3'" platforms="'PS2'" ext="PAK">
ImpType Standard ;
ComType zlib_noerror ;
GoTo 0x8 ;
Get base Long 0 ;
GoTo 0x14 ;
Get filenumber Long 0 ;
GoTo 0x10 ;
Get filenamebase Long 0 ;
Math filenamebase += base ;
GoTo base ;
SavePos werefox 0 ;
For T = 1 To filenumber ;
GoTo werefox 0 ;
Get fileoffset Long 0 ;
Get decompressedsize Long 0 ;
Get compressedsize Long 0 ;
Get D Long 0 ;
Get D Long 0 ;
Get Type Long 0 ;
SavePos werefox 0 ;
GoTo filenamebase ;
Get filename String 0 ;
SavePos filenamebase 0 ;
If Type = 2053925218 ;
CLog filename fileoffset compressedsize decompressedsize 0 ;
Else ;
Log filename fileoffset decompressedsize 0;
Endif ;
Next T ;
Thanks, its working, but what im gonna do with .RCB files? They supposed to be unpackaged, right?

Edit: Its working, but now im stuck with the last part like the flipdark95

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:52 pm
by AvatarAang
flipdark95 wrote:So I've figured out most of what your method is for extracting the models, but for some reason when I run the script in CMD to convert the mesh file to a .3DS format, it won't work. Am I doing something wrong?

Here's a picture of the QuickBMS script and what I'm doing.
QuickBMS Avatar Model Rip Problem.PNG
Edit: Never mind, got everything working. I read the instructions incorrectly and didn't realise is the name of the converted 3DS File.
Can you explain please, what there is need to do?

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:15 am
by Smolgreen
Links to scripts seem to be gone, could someone reupload them?

Re: PS2 Avatar The Last Airbender - models?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:18 pm
by MarKreationsStudios
Can you fix the download links??