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Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:54 pm
by Csimbi
Donations are deductable from tax...

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:06 am
by Dinoguy1000
Might this be an appropriate time to look at switching hosts, as well, Mr.Mouse? I know we're having some trouble getting any support with the wiki from the current hosts, but other than that I don't know how their QoS is.

If the answer's a "yes", I'd suggest Curse, which have experience hosting gaming fora and wikis, and I could get you in touch with one of their community managers (at least, I think that's her job); Curse covers the financial and technical costs of hosting, allowing the community to focus on the content.

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:12 am
by DrEmuler
hi im Dr.Emuler a S.T.A.R.S Modding Team Member.

Well my english is not really good but im gonna try to expose my ideas properly.

1.-Youtube adsense.
but make new account upload tutorials, or demo videos and make money with that.

2.-Enable a paypal donation system.

3.-Use ADFLY.COM in the forum links.

4.-Enable the VIP members that have special features and of course that have a monthly cost.

5.-in the last of chances sell the content :S

thats my ideas.

about the "legal" of this site in some countries modding is not a illegal action but in some countries yes.

so if the webmaster is "payng" for the host, i suggest move it to russian server or something like that and open a new google adsense account because in that country modding is not illegal.

i hope this site still open running its very useful.

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:15 am
by goder2910
How about AdFly ?

In my country, people used it too much for earning money.

The AdFly will plus point when other people click a link.

Maybe we should attach "AdFly" to some download links in the forum.

But i suggest the forum should open a donation system :D

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:16 am
by MrAdults
Dazz wrote:I use a few advertisers - Intergi, who have a minimum user requirement, and CPMstar who do an alright job - better than Google did when I used them.
If you need to reduce costs, I have my own dedicated hosting server which I could offer to you at a heavily reduced rate.

While I've had a falling out MrAdults, it doesn't mean anything about this, don't worry.

I'd be more than happy to help you guys out.
While the decision of what to do about XeNTaX ad's/hosting is ultimately Mr.Mouse's (and/or the other admins here), I want nothing to do with you and don't want Noesis anywhere near you or your hosting, and I would definitely never allow you to host Noesis or anything relating to it.

I wouldn't exactly call your refusal to cease openly and vigorously violating copyright law a "falling out". You're a huge liability to Noesis and any community you touch. I won't deny that I personally hold you in disdain for your irresponsible views, but I also see you objectively as an incredibly dangerous influence. Your mentality is also openly encouraging people to redistribute copyrighted content as their own and even offer it to others who don't know where it came from. This is even a danger for indie developers that may happily accept content donations only to find out that it came from another commercial game. I also don't imagine you're quite so stupid as to be overlooking all of the *very many* harmful consequences of what you're doing, nevermind the simple fact that it's plainly illegal, and you haven't a single positive thing this theft provides that Noesis itself couldn't *legally* provide for users who legally own the content in question. This makes me question your agenda to an even greater degree.

I have no desire to continue this dialog with you, but I do have a desire to ensure that you have absolutely nothing to do with Noesis or XeNTaX. I'm not going to ban you, but I am going to make it a point to assert my opinion that you are toxic and that no one here should have anything to do with you or your site(s).

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:41 am
by EagleEye is used by The Let's Play Archive, and it stays afloat. ... uction.php

P.S. Sorry for sounding like an advertisement.

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:12 am
by Mr.Mouse
Thanks to everyone so far for some intriguing suggestions! A lot of cool options, and the t-shirt and mug thing is really a fun idea as well. We will explore the options. The website is not in any danger of shutting down at the moment, just so you know.

Some users are happy to see GoogleAds make a mistake though, judging from our "member" tempo that sent this message to us:
what a pleasure, cut off of you income, finally

"false reasons"? yeah, sure

now you need help and you won't get any

good luck selling mugs!

... and don't bother to reply, I'm not reading the inbox

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:12 am
by finale00
Oh, mugs are a great idea.
I've been wanting to get a new one.

I see a lot of people agree with mugs :)

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:15 am
by Dinoguy1000
Mr.Mouse wrote:Thanks to everyone so far for some intriguing suggestions! A lot of cool options, and the t-shirt and mug thing is really a fun idea as well. We will explore the options. The website is not in any danger of shutting down at the moment, just so you know.

Some users are happy to see GoogleAds make a mistake though, judging from our "member" tempo that sent this message to us:
what a pleasure, cut off of you income, finally

"false reasons"? yeah, sure

now you need help and you won't get any

good luck selling mugs!

... and don't bother to reply, I'm not reading the inbox
Some folks are impossible to please. If they really enjoy being utterly unable to enjoy anything, more power to them; I certainly won't lose any sleep at night because of it. :wink:

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:36 pm
by Csimbi
finale00 wrote:Oh, mugs are a great idea.
I've been wanting to get a new one.

I see a lot of people agree with mugs :)
Ask yourself: Would you buy a mug every month?

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:26 pm
by AlphaTwentyThree
Although I'd certainly buy a mug and shirt, the last post has a high amount of truth in it.
Is there some possibility to externalize the "code" tag? I'd like to suggest AdFly together with pastebin for code. I personally wouldn't mind to go via AdFly to get QuickBMS or java code. If it's somehow possible, you could disable the AdFly link for the author of the post. To get a better readability of the posts, it would be extremely helpful if the link could directly open INSIDE the forum body so that you'll view the pastebin content like normal code as now.

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:35 pm
by Dinoguy1000
It's certainly possible, but I'd hate to see it done on phpBB, which is far from mod-friendly.

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:01 pm
by sparkweb
MrAdults wrote:That's actually a pretty good idea. I'd love a XeNTaX shirt. And a XeNTaX mousepad. And beer mugs.
me too
it's an idea to see using sites like zazzle
or spreadshirt.
again, it would be beneficial on product sales are
tee shit, cofee mus badge etc etc ^^ :]

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:27 am
by Ninja
Is buying priority tickets for scripts, or temporary exclusive use of scripts, legal?
Basically buying the access to expertise for expedited solutions to novel problems.......
I know more than a few people that come here as their first port of call to access content that gains them prestige in other areas, and I've seen that when more than a few people jump on a 3D thread, scripts are made within a few days if not hours.

Other than that I can only think of getting sponsorship from somewhere, if that were game companies it would need to be from ones who encourage modding/fanart.

Can't afford a T-shirt :(

Re: Tips on income/financial support of the Game Research Fo

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:41 am
by artworkplay
Paypal donations boss. I may not be able plunk in some big bucks but I'll try to pinch in a few.