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Retro computing is fab

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:21 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Check out my latest system:

A Philips MSX2 (128K Video, 128K Ram, 64K Rom), NMS8250. I used to own an MSX (1 en 2) back in the day when I was 12. :D

I just wanted it back! Got myself a bunch of original Konami cartidges as well! Brilliant! Nemesis, Maze of Galious, Vampire Killer and others!

On the picture you see I started a game of King's Valley...You just gotta love that game!

I already own two Commodore 64's, one Commodore 128D (BOXED!) and a Commodore Amiga 500.

Now I want an MSX-1 (Philips, VG8020), Commodore VIC-20 (my first computer ever, 3.5K Ram!!!, numerous of times I was coding some program in BASIC, only halfway through: "?Out of memory error" :D ) and a ZX Spectrum (the first one, 48K, and a more 'modern' model, ZX Spectrum 2B). :D :D

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:24 pm
by The_Gee
hmmm I only have 4 c- 64 with two of them broken down to use as spare parts (hehe). Anyway, of the recent compus I still have an old 286 which you could put from 20MHz to 8MHz, although it sounds utterly stupid to reduce the clocking speed of any computer, it was very very crucial upon playing a lame version of pacman on the pc (:wink:). Running Pacman of 20MHz was impossible as the ghosts would overtake any person in 0.000001 seconds (only superman skills would save the pacman at this level :D :D ).
I would like to meet the person who surivived one level at 20 MHz (haha).

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:36 pm
by Rahly
Yeah before they discovered how to use timing :). Just imagine meeting someone who could play it at 3000+Mhz :D

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:46 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Lol, ghosts moving at light speed, haha.

"PUSH BUTTON TO START" - *click* - "GAME OVER" hehe

I also have a C64 that I lifted out of his box, and had attached to my PC at some point (the internal print). I could just plug in its keyboard (on the print) when I needed it. I had a videocard that could handle TV in, so I could view the running C64 on my monitor, while I still had all the functionality of my PC. If you want to use the SID chip (the c64's sound chip), and you don't have one of those custum made cards (with a SID on 'em), you just have to be creative huh, if you want to compose some tunes :D

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:01 pm
by Paus
well, I have a commodore vic 20 haha

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:05 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Wat moet je er voor hebben? ("what do you want for it?").

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:18 pm
by Paus
Tja, ik zit er over na te denken of ik hem wel weg moet doen. En wat is dan een gangbare prijs. Ik denk er nog wel even over na.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:08 pm
by The_Gee
the normal price for a Vic20 would be arround -20 euro ( :D )

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:13 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Right, so Paus gives me the VIC20 AND 20 euro :D

Well, you just decide what you want to do. Look around on for prices, or ebay for worldwide prices.

I saw one being sold for 15 euro, but that had also some games and stuff added to the package.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:29 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Yep, I got myself a good ol' VIC 20, in original box! Good stuff, pictures soon! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:08 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Here we go with the pictures of my beloved VIC20 (anno 1982). 8)

The front side of the original box.

"Met kleur en muziek!" (With colour and music) :D

The back side of the box.

"An expandable computer system" which was literally (and therefore grammatically unstable) translated to Dutch: "Een met uitbreidingsmogelijkheden computer systeem". 8)

The trusty VIC20 itself! Notice the nice colours, emphasizing the Colour Computer. 8)

The whole set-up, with original tapedeck. Did you know the VIC only had one joystick port? Now you do. :mrgreen:

Check out that TV screen as well, notice how it has 22 columns. Imagine going through a listing showing in lines that have 22 characters per line. Luckily that it had only 3.5 BASIC KRam standard. I got it with an 16K expansion cartridge though...THAT'S LIKE 6 times MORE MAN!!!!!! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:07 pm
by Mr.Mouse
My list of computers as of today:

- 2 commodore 64s (64K) in good shape (old and new model),
- 1 broken commodore 64 print (fixable)
- 1 MSX2 NSM8250 128KRam, 128 KVideoRam, dual drive (3.5), 256 colours
- 1 Commodore Amiga 500 (expanded to 1 MB)
- 1 Commodore 128D (built-in diskdrive), 128K, in original box
- 1 Commodore VIC20, 3.5 KRam, in original box
- 1 Sinclair ZX Spectrum (48K, issue 2), broken (trying to fix, blown transistors and regulators)
- 1 IBM compatible, AMD 2600+, Geforce FX 5600, Sound Blaster Audigy 24-bit

Plus a truck load of peripherals, such as diskdrives, taperecorders, joysticks, books, cartridges and tape/disk software.


If you have any computers that are either broken or in good shape, I can use them. Especially sinclair computers at the moment. :P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:30 pm
by Captain
Mr.Mouse wrote:My list of computers as of today:

- 2 commodore 64s (64K) in good shape (old and new model),
- 1 broken commodore 64 print (fixable)
- 1 MSX2 NSM8250 128KRam, 128 KVideoRam, dual drive (3.5), 256 colours
- 1 Commodore Amiga 500 (expanded to 1 MB)
- 1 Commodore 128D (built-in diskdrive), 128K, in original box
- 1 Commodore VIC20, 3.5 KRam, in original box
- 1 Sinclair ZX Spectrum (48K, issue 2), broken (trying to fix, blown transistors and regulators)
- 1 IBM compatible, AMD 2600+, Geforce FX 5600, Sound Blaster Audigy 24-bit
Wow that's really impressive man. Too bad none of these systems will run Half-Life 2 decently :bahaha:

Or maybe you can hook them all together to create some kind of Frankenstein computer.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 4:14 pm
by Mr.Mouse

But at least you don't need a high-tech computer to run Transport Tycoon Deluxe decently huh, addict? :P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 4:20 pm
by Captain
Mr.Mouse wrote: But at least you don't need a high-tech computer to run Transport Tycoon Deluxe decently huh, addict? :P