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Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:59 am
by ral
For those people who put the Map Textures by hand together in Photoshop I can give the hint to look at PIMG files ;)
This git repo and the knowledge that you need PIMG files should be enough to write a Tool fast. Shouldn't even take a day and you have all your maps put together ;)

Currently I'm busy with other stuff and I'm getting a bit bored of the GW2 files because knowing all the structs of all files made it a bit boring for me :P

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:57 am
by Gordon21
polarbearsrawr wrote:
b00mb0 wrote:First post here ;)

I'm currently looking for a way to automate the construction of the ingame map (as to create a png file out of every map tiles). Right now, i'm using gw2Browser to extract map tiles, to after stich them manually in photoshop .... i know..
I've been working on this exact thing,(mostly by hand) and I'll just warn that it requires several hundred GB of swap space for Photoshop for the highest resolution map :) The final BMP type save file should be just under 2GB or so, with dimensions currently at 27648 x 25600.
Actually only 40 GB

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:51 pm
by Loumie
If you're programming in C++ you can also use rhoot gw2Format util which gives an easy to use interface for manipulating PF files Chunks:

In conjunction with you should actually be able to build pretty cool tools and very quickly.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:34 pm
by hazballs
Can anybody tell me how icons are linked to strings and how to match them up? There are a lot of items (particularly weapons and armor) that are not currently on the wiki that are on GW2, I'd like to get stuck in updating it.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:11 am
by neuroquila
So someone managed to extract the ATEP files just as they should be. He says he did that with the help from "ATEXreader" with "small changes to it". He's opened this page here: ... really impressive.
I wasn't able at all to extract the ATEP files from the dat using atexreader because something goes terribly wrong with the channels and what you get is not what's visible in-game and I'm not able to correct this. My C knowledge isn't sufficient to make any improvements.
So please could someone (maybe the author of this page above) please help me in extracting those files? I don't want to rely on someones work if I plan to use that for an application!

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:43 am
by ral
neuroquila wrote:So someone managed to extract the ATEP files just as they should be. He says he did that with the help from "ATEXreader" with "small changes to it". He's opened this page here: ... really impressive.
I wasn't able at all to extract the ATEP files from the dat using atexreader because something goes terribly wrong with the channels and what you get is not what's visible in-game and I'm not able to correct this. My C knowledge isn't sufficient to make any improvements.
So please could someone (maybe the author of this page above) please help me in extracting those files? I don't want to rely on someones work if I plan to use that for an application!
In the ATEXreader V6 just go to the following function

Code: Select all

RGBA *ProcessDXT5(unsigned char *data,int xr, int yr) { }
and comment-out the line

Code: Select all

If i remember correctly that was all that is needed.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:59 am
by neuroquila
thanks for your help!
I successfully changed and compiled it but that didn't changed anything on the output...
Edit: ok, right..that change targets DXT5 and yes it did something to those files but ... have a look for yourself ;)


Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:58 pm
by ral
Yes, there are files like that but if you look through all files you'll also find the ones you probably want :) Just ignore these kind of images except you'll find out what they're good for ;)

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:07 pm
by neuroquila
oh...indeed. I only picked a handful of files to test it and so I couldn't see it's working.

I think those others image files have something to do with AI, environment or stuff like that since these consist only of points and circles and 4 different colors: black, blue, red, green; just like heat maps!

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:39 pm
by ShadowWalker
I have a question, is it possible to extract ALL skill images + descriptions (effects, time to recharge etc)?

I'm planning to some applications but for that I need all those things :/. One of the applications will allow you make your own builds on your computer without logging in on GW2 or on the internet.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:03 am
by Xdta
ShadowWalker wrote:I have a question, is it possible to extract ALL skill images + descriptions (effects, time to recharge etc)?

I'm planning to some applications but for that I need all those things :/. One of the applications will allow you make your own builds on your computer without logging in on GW2 or on the internet.
Yes, but the method on how to do it isn't public and ArenaNet changed the format of the content files about a week ago.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:35 pm
by ShadowWalker
So all the things that have been discovered in this thread (and the not-public methods) are unusable? :/

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:28 pm
by Darkstar
IIRC there was a switch for GW2.EXE to download the DAT file as uncompressed. I cannot find it anymore. Is it still in the .EXE nowadays? If so, does anyone know what switch it was?


Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:44 pm
by brandon02852
Can somebody please write a tutorial on how to use the GW2Inflate DLL? The author just slapped it up here without giving anybody any idea on how to use it.

Re: [Request] Guild Wars 2 DAT

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:52 am
by Pesmontis
Rhoot wrote:So here's my patchworked necromancer. She's got the wrong colors since the textures are for the default colors. She's also got the ugliest hat in existence since the character selection shows it regardless of whether or not it's hidden in-game. Also, yes. The boots looked that messed up in-game as well.

Edit: Note that this is without any sort of textures other than diffuse (and alpha for the boot laces and eyelashes).


Edit 2: Or there's this if you'd prefer.

In the second image, I think the mesh data isn't wrong, it's just that the mesh hasn't got bones & skin applied.
This kind of mesh deformation was also found with Sacred 2 models (gr2 models).
In the latter case, the facial bones have scale factors in their 4x4 transform matrices.