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Alan Wake's American Nightmare — .TEX File

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:39 pm
by JPulowski
Is there a way to view .tex files from Alan Wake's American Nightmare? I've already to use tex to dds function in Alan Wake Tool but no chance. :/

Re: Alan Wake's American Nightmare — .TEX File

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:31 pm
by Gh0stBlade
Do you have any more samples? They don't look like standard .TEX files to me. Similar to those Capcom ones which were never converted from my knowledge.

The header of your .tex file is like:
0x0 long; Unknown
0x4 long; DXT Version
0x8 long; Width
0xC long; Height
0x10 long; Depth
0x14 long; No. of Mip maps

Maybe someone else can help you from here i just checked the .meta which shows some info about the format.