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Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:42 am
by Evin
Yeah, because the AWAN PC version released just yesterday, the tool not tested with those files. I know about the problem, and I'm working on it.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:18 am
by dogkarl
evin wrote:Yeah, because the AWAN PC version released just yesterday, the tool not tested with those files. I know about the problem, and I'm working on it.
It's because the file in AWAN PC version are all little endian. The first byte in the bin file actually is a bool value which tells you whether the file is BE or LE. I modified your tool, now it works on AWAN PC version. If you want, I can send you the source file I modified.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:38 am
by OneTwo
Please tell me whether the added support for the unpack\pack files:
ep999-000.rmdp (Alan Wake PC) [2,83 Gb]
ep999-000.rmdp (Alan Wake's American Nightmare PC) [941 Mb]

and support for console commands?

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:30 am
by Evin
Updated tool and AWAN PC text file coming up in few days. I'm testing right now.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 9:12 pm

Alan Wake's American Nightmare...

Did you know that the game archives contain a secret page of Alan Wake's manuscript?

Here is the original of the image, the text is almost not visible:

I made ​​transcription the best of their ability. But the two words (marked [...]) have remained undeciphered. I would be grateful for any help.

In the cabin, two stuffed ravens stare at Wake and Alice from atop a bookshelf. Wake is surprised to find his typewriter sitting on the desk. Alice was planned the whole thing behind Wake's back to get him writing again. The vacation was just a ruse to get Wake here. Wake feels angry and betrayed. Every-one keeps pushing him to do something he is not ready to do. Wake and Alice [...] about it. Suddenly, the lights in the cabin start to flicker. Unseen by Wake and Alice, Barbara Jagger stands in the shadows in the cabin. As soon as it began, the flickering stops and Jagger is gone. Alice is [...] by the flickering lights. Wake is too angry to stay. He needs to cool off, to clear his head.

Wake storms out of the cabin. He is certain that Alice will not follow him into the dark. When Wake gets to the car, he hears Alice. She is screaming in terror, calling his name. There is a splash of water and then silence. Alarmed, Wake pluck up a flashlight from the car and rushes back to the lake. Wake is surprised to see that the cabin is dark, the lights are out. He looks for Alice. Wake round the dark water with his lamp. He seen her form underwater, sinking into the darkness. He draws a shuddering breath and dives into the black water.

Wake wakes up gasping from a nightmare. He is in the car. The car has crashed against a tree. It's night. He is bleeding from his forehead. He has hit his head. He staggers out. He calls out Alice's name. There is no reply.

P.S.: In attachment the english text of Alan Wake's American Nightmare. And there is not this page.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 9:53 pm
by Acewell
CONSTANT EGO wrote:Wake and Alice [...] about it.
Wake and Alice argue about it.
CONSTANT EGO wrote:Alice is [...] by the flickering lights.
Alice is startled by the flickering lights.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:52 am
by Evin
Tool updated in the first post.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:58 am
by adasiuu
hi guys, how to edit .binfnt font files? thanks

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:19 am
by Evin
Open the file by hex editor, find this text: "DDS". This is where the font texture start. It's end is the end of the font file.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:17 pm
by NateChad
Hi, where is "CINE" audio files?

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:46 pm
by Edudant
Hello there!
thanks for the great tool!

Iam trying to do a simple thing - making game with spanish audio and english subtitles. So I first exported both en.bin and es.bin files and just exchanged the string_table english into string_table spanish one. Then imported the en file. This sounds logical to me.
But when clicking import, 2 new files are created :

the "2" on the end of each file looks strange at first to me. So I just renamed the original files and in those new files just deleted the "2" in the name. But then the game just wont start.

Any idea?


Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:40 am
by Evin
The "bin2/rmdp2" are the new files, the repacked data.
Move/rename the original bin/rmdp file, than delete the "2" from the end of the new files. That's it.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:32 pm
by Edudant
Yes I did that as I wrote in the post. But then I doble click on the icon and the game wont start.
what could it be?

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:15 pm
by Evin
Than move the original files.

Re: Alan Wake and AW's American Nightmare

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:37 pm
by Edudant
Yes I did that, but still the game wont start untill I put back the original files.

not sure if doind everything allright, heres what I do:

1)in AWtool clicked browse in input and chose ep999-000-en.bin
2)chose file type to unpack/repack .bin. there is convert text file option on by default
4)did 1)-3) the same for ep999-000-es.bin
5)overwrote string_table.bin from en directory to es directory
6)imported ep999-000-es directory
7)moved the original files to desktop
8)renamed the new files(delete both "2")
9)run the game and nothing happened, stayed in windows