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Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:49 am
by Xakzii
#Delete request :)

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:49 pm
by Xakzii
Bump~ :roll:

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:06 am
by Xakzii

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:56 pm
by marsata
Yeah,I'd like to know that too...

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:37 am
by Jecht

Why don't ya think the ONLY way for make bones for that game?

because know how many the flyff game was out, and still, they ever make a plugin/scrip for 3D max our Cinema 4D...

it's normally that they don't care.
because the only way that the edit they gonna take effect are in the private servers, and many times for make them as CS Sets/Weapons, make the stupid use real money for buy it. [and we know that make money with mods our something like that it's not allowed.]

now returning to the topic.
they are just one way for make mods our ever import/extract.
and that his with the old tool "o3dconvertor" that thing, that look so simple, it's the master machine for that game.

for give ya a example, i'm the first guy in the world that make a mod of a complete model of other game for this game: ... 7-62-1.png

The other problem with the Flyff game it's that all the data it's not out.
for example:
all the sets of lv 1 to 60 are not in the folders.
and the only way for get them as data it's combining the "CS View" + "3DRipper Tool"
but, don't expect to put it again in game, because they are not the date for replace.

PD: i'm a noob in animation, so in that i don't touch it XD

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:22 am
by CriticalError
so well first of all I wanna say thanks for it, is really good stuff, second I do some test with o3d viewer program for export .obj but the UNWRAP is fucked just take a look in the shot.


Ok now when using O3D Importer I get this, I get file but anyway I still have error.


Code: Select all

-- Error occurred in btnAni.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\stdplugs\stdscripts\FlyFF Importer 3D Studio; position: 34895
--  Frame:
--   f: undefined
--   curBoneFrame: undefined
--   nextBoneFrame: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "BoneData" in undefined <<
-- Error occurred in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\stdplugs\stdscripts\FlyFF Importer 3D Studio; position: 28730
--  Frame:
--   i: 1
--   m: Standardmaterial:Standard
--   strMa: undefined
--   strTemp: ""
--   bt: Bitmaptexture:Bitmap
--   j: "mvr_AiBatt"
--   called in btnModel.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\stdplugs\stdscripts\FlyFF Importer 3D Studio; position: 29163
--  Frame:
--   strO3D: "C:\Users\CriticalError\Desktop\Flyff Models\Models\Monster1\mvr_AiBatt.o3d"
--   f: "C:\Users\CriticalError\Desktop\Flyff Models\Models\Monster1\mvr_AiBatt.o3d"
--   O3D: (ClsO3D name:"mvr_AiBatt" id:-1162553081 Forces:#([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]) PerSLERP:0.5 Events:#([0,1.85582,-0.225535]) BoneData:undefined AnimationData:undefined CollisionMesh:undefined ObjectMesh:#(#((ClsGeometry MeshType:1 UsedBones:undefined id:14 ParentIndex:0 ParentType:undefined LocalTM:(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) BBMin:[-0.533629,0.549034,-0.229658] BBMax:[0.489171,1.21457,0.714863] Lit:0 opacity:0 Bump:0 rigid:0 vertices:#([0.189634,0.999886,0.00751777], [0.0936398,0.993078,0.161471], [0.0990573,1.18443,0.0513815], [0.105243,1.11863,-0.144908], [0.100429,0.902369,-0.143862], [0.0923014,0.855763,0.0447788], [0.163403,0.996293,0.0967391], [0.16922,1.09568,0.0495008], [0.172565,1.07091,-0.0481172], [0.165751,0.943356,-0.0688041], [0.153543,0.903938,0.0109629], [0.100505,1.12441,0.12797], [0.0901294,1.18129,-0.0506156], [0.143901,1.00213,-0.137149], [0.0913492,0.845464,-0.0255563], [0.102227,0.896705,0.102788], [8.1e-007,1.09582,0.175894], [-9.2e-007,0.831996,-0.110488], [-4.4e-007,0.836222,0.0763231], [4.6e-007,0.989596,0.19821], ...) VBs:(ClsVertex Positions:#([0.189634,0.999886,0.00751777], [0.16922,1.09568,0.0495008], [0.163403,0.996293,0.0967391], [0.100505,1.12441,0.12797], [0.0936398,0.993078,0.161471], [0.0990573,1.18443,0.0513815], [0.189634,0.999886,0.00751777], [0.172565,1.07091,-0.0481172], [0.16922,1.09568,0.0495008], [0.147656,1.1366,-0.0258354], [0.0901294,1.18129,-0.0506156], [0.0990573,1.18443,0.0513815], [0.138401,1.12879,-0.0941253], [0.173803,1.00768,-0.0890913], [0.142876,1.07108,-0.132237], [0.102768,1.08718,-0.159397], [0.105243,1.11863,-0.144908], [0.141965,0.946443,-0.124879], [0.103176,0.944698,-0.160766], [0.143901,1.00213,-0.137149], ...) Weights:#(#(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(0.746269, 0.253731), #(1.0), #(1.0), #(0.925926, 0.074074), #(1.0), ...) BoneIDs:#(#(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1), #(1, 11), #(1), #(1), #(1, 9), #(1), ...) normals:#([0.996571,-0.0778817,0.0279225], [0.735086,0.598984,0.317594], [0.843606,-0.121549,0.523024], [0.541944,0.445237,0.712784], [0.509055,-0.111437,0.85349], [0.586512,0.792908,0.165228], [0.996571,-0.0778817,0.0279225], [0.945891,0.272311,-0.176459], [0.735086,0.598984,0.317594], [0.736553,0.651333,-0.182362], [0.449106,0.871413,-0.197341], [0.586512,0.792908,0.165228], [0.723502,0.586684,-0.363795], [0.933897,-0.0269133,-0.356529], [0.791302,0.231012,-0.566104], [0.528369,0.316856,-0.787673], [0.511611,0.521497,-0.682858], [0.784868,-0.302958,-0.540554], [0.645229,-0.295222,-0.704644], [0.705628,-0.037705,-0.707579], ...) UVCoords:#([0.0103219,0.712459,0], [0.0363546,0.834615,0], [0.0437728,0.707876,0], [0.12398,0.871251,0], [0.132734,0.703776,0], [0.125826,0.947786,0], [0.510585,0.713646,0], [0.488028,0.804025,0], [0.483487,0.835571,0], [0.455534,0.887502,0], [0.381682,0.943859,0], [0.393032,0.947956,0], [0.44382,0.877445,0], [0.490312,0.723402,0], [0.45017,0.803908,0], [0.39904,0.801869,0], [0.401652,0.864125,0], [0.450395,0.644967,0], [0.400904,0.647908,0], [0.452244,0.716002,0], ...)) faces:#([1,2,3], [3,4,5], [3,2,4], [2,6,4], [7,8,9], [10,11,12], [10,13,11], [7,14,8], [15,16,17], [18,19,20], [7,21,22], [23,24,18], [22,21,23], [25,26,27], [1,3,25], [25,28,26], [25,3,28], [3,5,28], [5,29,30], [6,31,32], ...) IIBs:#(1, 8, 7, 12, 2, 3, 1, 9, 8, 33, 13, 3, 22, 26, 31, 23, 4, 34, 24, 14, ...) HavePhysique:true Physiques:#(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...) Materials:#((ClsMaterial Diffuse:(color 255 255 0) Ambient:(color 255 255 0) Specular:(color 229.5 229.5 0 229.5) Emissive:(color 0 0 0 0) Power:0.0 MapName:"")) MaterialBlocks:#((ClsMaterialBlock StartVertex:1 PrimCount:496 TextureID:1 Effect:4 amount:0 BonesUsed:undefined)) StaticFrames:undefined))) LODCount:1 GroupCount:0)
--   version: 22
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- No ""+"" function for undefined <<
ok now about .ani files? can be converted to any other format like DAE?

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:39 am
by delium
removed -- pls delete :)

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:00 am
by Jecht
Like i told ya!

USE the o3dConvertor!! that thing convert the models in OBJ with out lost of UV Mapping!!

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:56 am
by CriticalError
Jecht wrote:Like i told ya!

USE the o3dConvertor!! that thing convert the models in OBJ with out lost of UV Mapping!!
I fixed it thanks a lot, I get model + animations imported into 3D Studio :)

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:21 pm
by marsata
CriticalError wrote:
Jecht wrote:Like i told ya!

USE the o3dConvertor!! that thing convert the models in OBJ with out lost of UV Mapping!!
I fixed it thanks a lot, I get model + animations imported into 3D Studio :)
How to export animations (".ani" and ".chr" files) after importing into 3D Studio?

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:47 pm
by CriticalError
marsata wrote:
CriticalError wrote:
Jecht wrote:Like i told ya!

USE the o3dConvertor!! that thing convert the models in OBJ with out lost of UV Mapping!!
I fixed it thanks a lot, I get model + animations imported into 3D Studio :)
How to export animations (".ani" and ".chr" files) after importing into 3D Studio?
I only use for export into UED= Unreal Engine, because I work with Lineage2 Files :)

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:19 am
by Jecht
The only problem with this thing, it's ya cannot put back in .o3d format if ya want to make it as "clothe"

they are not plugin to for "make the bones in a 3D manipulator"

the last, our almost, "best" i can do for ripped a new model for that game using the "o3dcovertor tool" , with bones and all:


in term of animations, i don't ever touch.
because i suck editing that things LOL.

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:29 am
by finale00
Then don't export it as OBJ and use something else.

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:24 am
by goder2910
I only use for export into UED= Unreal Engine, because I work with Lineage2 Files :)
Can you give me the link of program that you used to import animation into 3D Studio ? I tried to download o3dconverter of pipeline in ragezone but it only has "export obj" option ?

Re: Flyff Import/Export, Help Please

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:31 am
by CriticalError
goder2910 wrote:
I only use for export into UED= Unreal Engine, because I work with Lineage2 Files :)
Can you give me the link of program that you used to import animation into 3D Studio ? I tried to download o3dconverter of pipeline in ragezone but it only has "export obj" option ?
the animations imported with script can import mesh too just follow this steps.

1. Locate the texture file. DO THIS FIRST! Otherwise you will get an error and have to restart the script.

2. Find the o3d model of choice.

3. Locate the bone file (if any).

4. Click the Skinned Model button and now your model is skinned, weighted and ready for animation either by loading the ani file or how ever you want.