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Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:30 am
by Teancum
The following file was extracted from common.xwb from the Xbox version of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, however I'm not sure whether the extraction went properly. It extracted the files as XMA wav files, however xmaencode can't decrypt them and I can't import them as any type of raw file in Audacity. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on this.

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:25 am
by Acewell
MFAudio says it is compressed.
GSpot info says it is 11025Hz 22 kb/s (1 chnl)

Code: Select all

    groupID[4]	         RIFF	
    size	               2888	  	
    riffType[4]	        WAVE	

    chunkID[4]	         fmt 
    chunkSize	          52	
    wFormatTag	         358	
    wChannels	          1     	
    dwSamplesPerSec	    11025	
    dwAvgBytesPerSec      2808		
    wBlockAlign	        4	               	
    wBitsPerSample	     16		

    chunkID[4]            seek    
    chunkSize             0

    chunkID[4]	         data		
    chunkSize	          2808		
extract the wav files from common.xwb with unxwb
convert the xma wav files to wav with xbadpdec

batch file to convert the whole folder

Code: Select all

for %%G in ("%~dp0"\*.wav) do xbadpdec "%%G" "new_%%~nxG"

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:18 am
by ARAJediMaster
Pardon me, but I think the file bits are much higher than that. Somebody else managed to extract the sound files from the game, but they are at their proper speed and pitch at 22050 Hz. Here is where the sounds are: ... ound/9074/ ... ound/9078/

I found the sounds you posted elsewhere, but they don’t possess the quality these sounds on VG-Resources has. I hope you’re able to get the sounds at a better quality with their names to identify them.

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 12:00 pm
by DKDave
While the other .wav files in the game are higher quality PCM audio, the sounds in common.xwb are only 11025/mono/XBOX ADPCM.

Not sure what you used to extract them, but my attached script will extract them correctly in a playable format, with the right filenames.

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:55 am
by Acewell
ARAJediMaster wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 3:18 amSomebody else managed to extract the sound files from the game, but they are at their proper speed and pitch...
great! i'm glad progress was made in the 9 years since the last post. (:
ARAJediMaster wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 3:18 amI found the sounds you posted elsewhere, but they don’t possess the quality these sounds on VG-Resources has. I hope you’re able to get the sounds at a better quality with their names to identify them.
you must have me confused, i have posted no sounds anywhere, audio is not my field. :?

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars extracted wav

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:55 pm
by ARAJediMaster
Actually, I had found that somebody on GameToast had released the assets to “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” here:, and I presumed that “AceMastermind” was you, Acewell. Please pardon me for my mistake. I was hoping to get the sounds from the game at a high quality with the name files attached to them.