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Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:13 am
by JohnHudeski
And i am guessing this is implemented through the havok patches. PS may i use your dll?

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:56 pm
by nyxo
That's not my permission to give, since my DLL is just Havok's DLL. Just grab the free version of Havok and use it.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:51 am
by JohnHudeski
I was having problems with it then all of a sudden mine worked.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:39 am
by nyxo
So I just put out a new update to DSMODT. Download! Mostly internal improvements and more options available. But now that that's out of the way, the next thing I'll be working on is cleaning up/making available my 010 Editor Templates. This is long overdue, so I wanna get this out there pretty ASAP.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:38 am
by nyxo
As promised, I'm releasing my 010 Templates-- at least the ones that are somewhat useful. I have a couple of others that are composed entirely of "unknown" values, which won't help anybody with anything (myself included) until I do some more work on them.


These have been indispensable to me during the development of DSMODT~ ^-^

Included in the zip:
* BDT: Archive Data (Template also has a movable bookmark for a DCX [compressed] entry)
* BHD: Archive Header (Internal)
* BHD5: Archive Header (External)
* BND: Archive
* CCM: Font Definition
* DDS: PC Texture
* FLVER: Mesh
* MSB: Map Zone Layout
* MTD: Material Definition
* TAE: Animation Listing
* TPF: Texture Package

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:13 am
by michalss
nyxo wrote:So I just put out a new update to DSMODT. Download! Mostly internal improvements and more options available. But now that that's out of the way, the next thing I'll be working on is cleaning up/making available my 010 Editor Templates. This is long overdue, so I wanna get this out there pretty ASAP.

Im sorry but your tool V0.2c does not work for X360 version but your V0.1 does, i guess you made wrong step :( here.. Can you please at least release soruce ?

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:03 pm
by tpcrew
nyxo wrote:So I just put out a new update to DSMODT. Download! Mostly internal improvements and more options available. But now that that's out of the way, the next thing I'll be working on is cleaning up/making available my 010 Editor Templates. This is long overdue, so I wanna get this out there pretty ASAP.
Thanks for you Modtools, Only works with Dark Souls 1 or 2 too?

Pd. how I can unpack DS 2 .bdt files?


Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:45 pm
by Swennet
tpcrew wrote:how I can unpack DS 2 .bdt files?
I would like to know this as well. Especially looking for the Audio files

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:51 pm
by TehDave
I went reading through the last page of the thread regarding porting the animations into max, and it seems that it does actually work and produces usable kf files that would work in Oblivion/Skyrim/whatever once you imported into max and exported it out again via the niftools plugin. the problem is, there's no way to get the actual bones out of skeleton.hkx (hkxcmd won't turn it into a kf as it has no animation) and thus you will always end up with 'improper file format' trying to import the animation because you have no skeleton to bind the animation to. With Skyrim this is no issue, as there is a skeleton mesh file you can easily import, but Dark Souls simply uses another HKX file and therein lies the issue, there's no way to get those bones into Max as far as I know.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:11 am
by Negikun
Hello guys !

I am looking for some way to extract texture files from .bdt files of Dark Souls (1). Cause I found some pack with all armors and stuff but, there are no specular maps. (there
So I would know how to get them by myself.

Which tool(s) do it need, and how do I need to use them to get some files readable by Neosis (I already know the next steps then) from the .bdt files?

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:09 am
by MrAdults
I've mostly been ignoring this thread, because I didn't care about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls. But I decided to experience the horrible masochism myself a little while ago (just Demon's Souls, I'm not sure I'm ready to surrender more of my life to DS/DS2), so it re-caught my attention. nyxo, are you still planning to produce a Noesis plugin from your work? Or is anyone? I haven't looked at those 010 specs above yet, so no idea how complete the info is.

Also, you're the same guy that wrote those SotN zone specs, aren't you? I was just reading over those the other day and thinking about doing a Noesis SotN plugin.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:25 am
by zaramot
I was writing maxscripts for Dark Soul 1/2 games, also Demon Souls. I have all set, but there's something weird with bone matrix there, it's in euler angles but they must be multiplied in some way (y*z*x) or smt. I didn't get right position for some skeleton's. Some of them looks right, but if skeleton have a lot of bones (extra bones like wings, tails) then skeleton appears to be broken.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:29 am
by nyxo
Hey- nice to see you've dipped your toe into the horrible masochism that is the Souls franchise!
I don't have any direct plans to release a Noesis plugin for Dark Souls, however some other folks here have already released something that covers the basics (vertex positions/indices, diffuse UVs..). It doesn't, however, contain anything fancy like bumpmaps, specular maps, colored vertices, bones, or animations (which require Havok, btw)
The 010 specs I released contain all the info you need to get Noesis doing what DSMODT does already. My local version of these files have since been updated, but only in minor ways, and the updated info don't provide anything that would be required for a Noesis plugin.

Yes, I'm the guy who wrote the SotN zone specs. The only problem I can see with writing a Noesis plugin for that game is that it's written for PSX, so is based around indexed-color graphics and coordinate-based video ram access. I had to write a custom shader that simulated the PSX video card in order to display maps in my SotN map viewing application.

In the comments of my 010 templates, I describe the order of multiplication to get the correct bone orientations:
Vector3_Float EulerRadian; //When generating a quaternion: y * z * x (order matters!)
This has given me, as far as I can tell, 100% accurate bone orientations. Check for yourself in DSMODT, which uses exactly that multiplication.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:35 pm
by MrAdults
nyxo wrote:I don't have any direct plans to release a Noesis plugin for Dark Souls, however some other folks here have already released something that covers the basics (vertex positions/indices, diffuse UVs..). It doesn't, however, contain anything fancy like bumpmaps, specular maps, colored vertices, bones, or animations (which require Havok, btw)
I see. Well, Noesis shouldn't have trouble supporting any of those things, so I hope whoever is taking up that effort circles back on them. For animations, if you're working in Python land, you're probably going to want to just make a native plugin instead so you can link directly to whatever Havok SDK version you want, unless you want to just reverse engineer those formats too and completely remove the Havok dependency. Exporting should likewise not be a problem, if enough of the formats are charted out to allow it.
nyxo wrote:Yes, I'm the guy who wrote the SotN zone specs. The only problem I can see with writing a Noesis plugin for that game is that it's written for PSX, so is based around indexed-color graphics and coordinate-based video ram access. I had to write a custom shader that simulated the PSX video card in order to display maps in my SotN map viewing application.
Very nice. I didn't have any trouble getting it into Noesis over the course of an afternoon. Noesis already supports import+export of all kinds of old paletted image data, and has a plethora of functions to help. Although if I were to have a modern go at SotN using the old data, I'd probably bake each room into uncompressed RGBA textures instead of eating the extra fragment cycles to do palette indexing, which will kill you on a lot of modern hardware/platforms. (not that you'll usually notice unless you try to do a lot of blending with the technique at really high resolutions, or you try it on hardware that cares about things like dependent texture reads and/or having to read out of memory uniforms in the fragment pipe) The texture memory usage is still pretty minimal even if you wanted to 4x filter it on bake, given SotN's room sizes and how many rooms are ever in memory concurrently, which makes it favorable on most hardware these days.

Noesis also has a partially-implemented R5900 CPU emulator, which is used for processing data for some PS2 games by running their own code. (especially handy when developers leave symbol names intact) This gives me cause to consider adding R3000 as well, although I feel like I'm probably just re-traveling a well-traveled road there. Sorry, this has nothing to do with DS, so I'll shut up about it. Probably never going to get around to it anyway, unless I find myself in early retirement.

Re: Dark Souls FLV file

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:52 am
by nyxo
Good news guys-- I've not only got all archive type (.*BND, .*BHD/.*BDT, .BHD5/.BDT) repacking working, but also .FLVER file rebuilding (within scope of the data we know) partially working as well. I'm in the process of finishing off the .FLVER rebuilding part right now, but I've already managed to make deliberate changes to meshes, skeletons, etc.. and have them show up in-game. Most of this happens with just a couple clicks in my local copy of DSMODT.

There's still a bunch of work I need to do before I can release it to the public, but I wanted to let you know that good things are coming! I'll post screenshots when I have something worth showing~