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Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:03 pm
by hatyn
chrrox wrote:bnd files are archives very simple format ill post an extractor for them if no one else does tonight.
The Dark Souls BND doesn't get unpacked by offzip. Perhaps it has data that is encrypted or all over the place? The header is BND307D7R6 while BNDs from other from soft games have BND3JP100 and easily extract.

edit: well if you use offzip -a -z -18 or -15 you do catch some random files but not the tpfs, hkxs or flevs

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:02 am
by chrrox
here is the bnd extractor script

Code: Select all

endian big
idstring "BND307D7R6"
goto 0x10
get files long
get start long
goto 0x20
savepos tbl
for i = 0 < files
goto tbl
get unk01 long
get zsize long
get offset long
get unk02 long
get nameoff long
get size long
savepos tbl
math nameoff + 3
goto nameoff
get name string
if zsize == size
log name offset zsize
clog name offset zsize size
next i

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:25 am
by hatyn
huge thanks, works a charm!

* the files we now have are FLVER, TPF and HKX.

- FLVER files won't open with an existing blender import script posted by a user on the forum just yet

- TPF files are a mystery but seem to be packed graphics. Some olf TPF extraction tools don't work with them. Perhaps source code will help.

- HKX files might be able to be opened after conversion to XML havok format. Here is a link. Will check it myself later on.

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:28 am
by michalss
hatyn wrote:huge thanks, works a charm!

* the files we now have are FLVER, TPF and HKX.

- FLVER files won't open with an existing blender import script posted by a user on the forum just yet

- TPF files are a mystery but seem to be packed graphics. Some olf TPF extraction tools don't work with them. Perhaps source code will help.

- HKX files might be able to be opened after conversion to XML havok format. Here is a link. Will check it myself later on.

Does any files contains texts pls ?

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:31 pm
by hatyn

I guess you mean texts for the SUBTITLES! argh..ill have a look. I think someone on the internet already knows where they are - will see if they can tell.

here are text dumps someone made before:

They all sometimes have text.

FLEV and FLVs - have text that seems to be texture map file locations in UTF:

Code: Select all

 Ҥ...N.:.\.F.R.P.G.\.d.a.t.a.\.I.N.T.E.R.R.O.O.T.\.m.t.d.\.s.f.x.\.S.[.D.]._.A.d.d...m.t.d...N.:.\.F.R.P.G.\.d.a.t.a.\.S.f.x.\.T.e.x.\.s. .#.1.1...N.:.\.F.R.P.G.\.d.a.t.a.\.I.N.T.E.R.R.O.O.T.\.m.t.d.\.s.f.x.\.S.[.D.]._.A.d.d...m.t.d...N.:.\.F.R.P.G.\.d.a.t.a.\.S.f.x.\.T.e.x.\.s. 

TPFs - have some sort of file name data, most likely graphics files archived within. (TPFs that were not inside the main dvd archive don't seem to have any text.) Example of main directory TPF:

Code: Select all

FFXs (header says FXR) - maybe some visual effects scripts to animate the textured flver models. No text data

HKX - archived Havok engine data. Can be skeletons, animation, intelligent animation behavior or brekable models data. Example text:

Code: Select all

WààW.ÀÀ................................Khk_2010.2.0-r1.ÿ....ÿÿÿÿ__classnames__.....ÿ...Ð...Ð...Ð...Ð...Ð...Ð...Ð__types__..........ÿ... ........................__data__...........ÿ... ...€...À.......P...P...PuX^ö.hkClass.\~¤Â.hkClassMember.Š6.Ï.hkClassEnum.ÎoŠl.hkClassEnumItem.'rÁ..hkRootLevelContainer.¤aä.hkpPhysicsData.ÿrL..hkpPhysicsSystem.uøØ..hkpRigidBody.[ ¥÷.hkpConvexTranslateShape.4DÒÕ.hkpBoxShape.ÿÿÿÿÿÿ........€...................Physics Data........hkpPhysicsData......................€...........................................€...........€...........€...........€...........................................Default Physics System..........

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:00 pm
by chrrox
Here is a texture viewer for the tpf files in noesis.

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:06 pm
by michalss
ofcourse i means subtitles :) . Well i would like to know if anyone working on text editor ?

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:13 pm
by hatyn
chrrox wrote:Here is a texture viewer for the tpf files in noesis.
Awesome! you are on a roll! I am reading your tutorials and wiki on 3D file exploration. If its possible to figure it out then I will do it, but if you know that I can run into difficulties with my low experience then please say so :)

michalss - well maybe we will!

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:00 am
by Phrexeus
The texture viewer works for some .tpf's, here are some examples (shrunk down):


But, many of the .tpf files still don't work using this script with Noesis, they just give the default grey screen. In fact I've browsed through all of the hundreds of texture files, but only a handful were environment textures, and many of the enemies were missing, so there is a huge load still to find.

And I couldn't get the .bdf or .bhd archives to extract properly. Using Chrrox's script I got some 0-1kb dud files from the .bhf archives, and from the .bdf all I get is some empty folders. I have looked at the headers of these files with a hex editor, and they appear to have the same format:

.bnd = BND307D7R6
.bhf = BHF307D7R6
.bdf = BDF307D7R6

But the .bdf's seem to have different archiving, no list of files in the header like the .bnd's.

The .bdf's are 900MB in total so I am eager to get into them. The .bhf's are only 300k in total so I'm not sure what they contain or if it is of great importance. If anyone can shed light or make adjustments to the script it would be great.

Still no progress with the .flv or .flver 3D files either. The blender import script from Szkaradek123 is the closest thing, but it doesn't work with the dark souls files.

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:50 am
by chrrox
every file i tested that did not work for the textures were just thousands of particle effects. what file did you see that you think is some kind of character texture that is not supported.

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:33 am
by Phrexeus
chrrox wrote:every file i tested that did not work for the textures were just thousands of particle effects. what file did you see that you think is some kind of character texture that is not supported.
s00002.tpf all the way to s15394.tpf

So you know for sure that these are only particle effects? They are all small files though, so I doubt any of them are environment/character/monster textures.

The others must all be in the .bdf's which I haven't been able to extract.

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:54 pm
by michalss
anyone pls do repacker for texts ?? I wold love to transtalte this game :)

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:39 pm
by xcomplex
anybody got any info about *dcx?
I can't find any info about about it via google..

file: ... ambnd.html?

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:40 am
by Jyouji
Sorry to necro this thread, but is it possible to repack these archives? I'd like to play with the particle effets on the pc ver (they use the same archives AFAIK)

Re: Dark Souls 360 / PS3

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:50 pm
by finale00
Rick's got an unpacker for the PC game.
I think he wrote one for the console version as well.
