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Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Get help on any and all audio formats, or chip in and help others!
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by SWTOR fan »

Most of those file names were taken from the time when the archives still included the file names. The new file names that were added since then I mostly find out by guessing them or by checking other files that reference the file names. It really is a very arduous process to get the remaining file names. :[

As a sidenote, the file name "/resources/bnk/streamed/sfx/music_event_mysterymoment_29_kotor1_mus_theme_czerka_3959c1d5.ogg" was used during the beta and unfortunately, the new music files no longer have such a descriptive file name but just something like "/resources/bnk2/streamed/1004295821.wem".
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Carsten2011b »

Darn it :( Well, thank's for the info anyway. :) And on a side note, I'm part of a group on Final Fantasy Shrine Forums where we're identifying the tracks from the files in accordance to the official tracks from the Free Soundtrack on the TOR website/Facebook/YouTube and the Collector's Edition soundtrack. I'll send you a PM to the link of the spreadsheet if you're interested :)
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Odontoblaster »

OK so I have done everything above as far as extracting the .bnk files and downloading the bnkext I put them in the same folder then dropped the bnk file onto the bnkext and all that happened is a window flashed open for a split second then nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Have the .bnk's changed to not work with the extractor any more? Any help would be great.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by SWTOR fan »

Once more a long time has gone by, but I am still there, and as eager as ever to find out more about the files from SWTOR, in my mind the best MMO ever. :)

So with encouragement from the people at Final Fantasy Shrine Forums, I decided to take another look at the Wwise SoundBank (.bnk) files, and boy, was I surprised. Finally, I have found the connection between the sound events given in the prototype nodes, and the audio files. It was in the SoundBanks all along, in the middle of the HIRC section, but I never bothered to take a closer look at it until I realised the missing information is in there.
Slowly, but steadily, I am getting there! As always, I am publishing a full file format specification (you can see my current progress on the wiki here: click - it will be even longer than the .gr2 specification I fear) so that other developers can write their own .bnk file extractor/converter, but I will not publish a .bnk program myself.

By the way, I am not sure why the bnkextr.exe no longer works, I have not used it in ages, since I wrote my own extractor a long time ago. However, I have not changed my own extractor for months so I doubt that the .bnk files have changed. Maybe the .bnk file you have is corrupted or was extracted the wrong way?
Anyway, you may want to try the QuickBMS script by AlphaTwentyThree.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Chiff »

SWTOR fan wrote: Guide: Converting .wem to .ogg
1. Go to the folder where you have your *.wem files.
2. Download and revorb.exe. Extract the ZIP archive. Then copy ww2ogg.exe, packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin and revorb.exe into the folder with your *.wem files.
3. Now create a new text document in this folder, rename it to convert.bat. Open this .bat file with notepad, then copy & paste the following lines. Then save and close Notepad.

Code: Select all

for %%f in (*.wem) do ww2ogg.exe %%f --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin
for %%f in (*.ogg) do revorb.exe %%f
4. In the folder, double-click on the .bat file. Now you will find—in addition to your .wem files—.ogg files in the folder. These files can be played in any .ogg player. I recommend foobar2000 as it is easy to create playlists there, but any other programs (except Windows Media Player) will work as well.
I've been using these instructions to convert .wem files from Star Citizen, and I can get quite a few .ogg files from using it, however it seems to fail on at least 2 out of 3 .wem files. Any idea why this might be?
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by daemon1 »

They are PCM or ADPCM files. PCM are rare, can be opened after changing codec byte.

ADPCM decoder: viewtopic.php?p=110795#p110795
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Seifer29 »

Hey daemon1,

I was just wondering if you knew of any program that can convert sound files (like .ogg or normal .wav) into the type of .wav that SWTOR recognizes. You guys were mentioning .wem, so is that the type of file that swtor uses? And if so, how would we convert sounds into that format?

I was messing around with file swapping and the .wavs that I was able to extract from games like Assassins Creed Unity/Syndicate and Alien Isolation are easily recognizable by SWTOR and will play in game if you swap them out. Vice versa is also true, AC games will recognize swtor sounds. However, neither game recognizes normal .wav files. So I assume both these companies use similar compression settings or something? hah, I am pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff.

But yeah, any help in this matter would definitely be appreciated.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by daemon1 »

This "program" is called wwise.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Seifer29 »

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I tried messing around with audiokinetic's wwise and was able to convert some random .wav to .wem. However, they don't seem to play. Not sure if I am using the proper conversion settings in Wwise's audio converter. I looked up the details of the base SWTOR .wav I was able to extract from the .bnk files and it says: 24000 Hz, between 40-50 kb/s, 1 chnl. For codec it says 0xffff (development use).

Not really sure if any of that info helps or not. Just trying to provide as much info as I can.

Anyways, thanks for the help. If I can't get it to work, no big deal.

Take care.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by daemon1 »

Seifer29 wrote:However, they don't seem to play.
That's most probably because of no forwards compatibility. You should use wwise version close to what they used to make the game. Maybe 2011 or 2010.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by Seifer29 »

Hey, thanks for the help.

I figured out what I was screwing up. There was an option for vorbis in the audio converter of wwise. I stupidly thought that would output a .ogg file and figured that would be incorrect, lol. Obviously, I was incorrect in my assumption. So yeah, I used vorbis and 24000 Hz as my output options and it works fine. This was done using wwise 2013, which was the earliest version that I could find, but it's possible this method works in the newest versions as well.

Anyway, thanks for the assistance. Take care.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by ARAJediMaster »

Piviton wrote:I have managed to extract the files inside of swtor_main_bnk_audio_1.tor using the EasyMYP Tool (rename .tor to .myp), which gives 12 .txt files. Renaming these to .bnk, I used the bnkextr Tool (attached) to get a large number of small .wav files named in a numerical order.

I am having trouble decoding these files with wav2ogg (attached) and had a look in hex editor. I noticed the RIFF WAVE header, but I cannot decode it.


Excuse me, but how do you get EasyMYP to read the hashnames and such? When I tried to extracted the .wem files, they came out as “BANK001” and other numbers. Can anybody walk me through this, please? I’ll try to send you the necessary information as best I can to help you too.
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by oux »

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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Beta Audio Files

Post by pinglefingle »

I realize this thread is very old, but I'm hoping somebody can help me out here. Forgive me for potential ignorance by the way. I'm trying to convert the WEM files from Star Fox Zero to OGG. I've followed the directions for this, but when I open the command prompt, it says this.

C:\Users\Me\Desktop\SFZ Voices>for %f in (*.wem) do ww2ogg.exe %f --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin

C:\Users\Me\Desktop\SFZ Voices>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

C:\Users\Me\Desktop\SFZ Voices>for %f in (*.ogg) do revorb.exe %f

C:\Users\Me\Desktop\SFZ Voices>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

After pressing any key both times, the command prompt window just closes and the files aren't converted. Am I doing something wrong?
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