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Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:06 pm
by RaineFeanaro
Hi there,

I'm cuurently working on an translation patch for Inazuma Eleven strikers from japanese to english/german. The language isn't the problem, since japanese ist my second mother language, but I'm working the first time on a translation so I have a few questions:

1: I think I have to change the japanese letters in arabic letters first but how to start with it? For example Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn hast .font files which contain the letters, but Inazuma Eleven Strikers hasn't any at all.

2: Since I'm a member of a subgroup I'd like to sub the Opening Video but the file format is unkown to me since it's .mo. The header tells me its MOC5 converted.

I don't if it helps but here is the game tree:
|- boot.bin
|- bi2.bin
|- apploader.img
|- main.dol
|- fst.bin
|- dat.bin
|- grp.bin
+ Home Button (should be clear)
|- InazumaWii.brsar (It contains the sounds)
|- InazumaWii.dlf
|- InazumaWii.elf
|- mcb0.bln
|- mcb1.bln
+ movie (contains the opening video)
|- opening.bnr
|- scn.bin
+ stream (contains audio)

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:11 am
by Rastsan
that is a mobiclip video file.
if you can, record an avi of the clip as it plays. either by capturing it through an input onto your computer by tv capture tools/ software. Then edit the avi frame by frame. then re-encode the avi back into the .mo file.

as to the letters... time to research system specific stuff. My experience is nds specific so i cannot really help you with that.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:39 pm
by Polefish
Since there are only a few files in the filetree you posted one of the files must be an archive. Are these really all files and directories?

For the font: As you already said the game maybe uses a graphicsfile which contains the font and you have to change it. Another possibility is that the game already uses a system that supports ASCII chars so that you "just" have to find out where and how the text is stored.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:08 pm
by RaineFeanaro
thanks for the answers^^

I looked into the game via GeckoUSB and it seems like it uses a graphic file wich contains the font. And yes thats all the files it has.
Also thanks for tip for the video encode. I'm looking now for a mobiclip converter.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:17 pm
by Roxas75
I'd love to hel you in this project.
I can say that the encoding is shift-jis, and that the file mcb1.bln is the game archive.
However the files are compressed but i don't know what kind of compression is it.
Me too i have experience with DS, if you need help, i'm here.^^

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:39 am
by Polefish
Since you now know the archive you could post some bytes of it.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:05 pm
by Roxas75
What do you mean? where i found the text?
Well i done a screen...

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:14 pm
by Polefish
To examine the archive it would be good to have it :D I guess its quite big so you could upload just a part of it to the internet. (That's what I meant by speaking about a segment of the file). People cant do much with just a filename. It would be best to show us the beginning of the file, the so called header (not with a screenshot!) by uploading the first 50 mb (or more) of the archive or so. The more the better.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:05 pm
by Roxas75
I can't upload it, my connection is slow... You can extract it with Wiiscrubber from your dump.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:43 pm
by RaineFeanaro
The contents of this post was deleted because of possible forum rules violation.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:55 pm
by Roxas75
Actually i'm using MadEdit, i think it's the best, it supports a lot of encodings, Shift_Jis too!^^

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:02 pm
by Polefish
I had a look at the file you uploaded. Here is what I found out:
The archive itself is not compressed.
It looks like every file in the archive has an extra header which is 25 bytes long (first 5 bytes are always zeros or the header is just 20 bytes long). The extra header contains the filesize(+16) in little endian byteorder (4 bytes long, offset 0x14). I could not make sense of the other values in the extra header... I guess there is a filetable in another file that tells the offsets and the filenames of the files in the archive -or at least the offsets.
Beside that it looks like the game is using the standard texture format of the wii (TPL, "0020AF30") for graphics.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:15 pm
by RaineFeanaro
About filetable. Can be something like this?

It's from the fst.bin file.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:25 pm
by Polefish
RaineFeanaro wrote:About filetable. Can be something like this?

It's from the fst.bin file.
Something like this but in this case this a standard filetable that can be found on any? wii game.

EDIT: I could imagine the mcb0.bln holds the offsets to the files. Just a guess.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Strikers: A few question about files

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:54 pm
by RaineFeanaro
I found another one:

It's from the InazumaWii.elf file.