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Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:14 pm
by lapdragon
I've broken down the weapon files a bit more and pulled out some data - here's what I know.
Colors reflect their highlighted locations in the file - the ID number I've used is the hex bit in question.

01 02.) in base game? (flag yes/no - DLC items are all 0)
25 26.) Item inventory dimensions (first byte is width, second is height)
29 2A.) item max stack size
2D.) Whether item is upgraded (there's a weapon file for each weapon and also one for it's specialized upgrade type - flechette, exploding, armor-piercing, etc)
31 32.) Item Type (values between 0 and A so far)

0 - quest items
1 - unknown
2 - unknown
3 - weapons
4 - grenades / mines / AUDs
5 - weapon upgrades
6 - claymore ammo (?)
7 - Ammo
8 - Painkillers, energy bars, alchohol
9 - hack programs
A - non-inventory pickups (credits, pocket secretaries, etc)

35.) Damage Upgrade pips on item card
36.) base Damage pips on item card
37.) Ammo Capacity Upgrade pips on item card
38.) base Ammo Capacity pips on item card
39.) Rate of Fire Upgrade pips on item card
3A.) base Rate of Fire pips on item card
3B.) Reload Speed Upgrade pips on item card
3C.) base Reload Speed pips on item card
3D.) Can take laser sight? (flag yes/no)
3E.) Can take silencer? (flag yes/no)
55 56.) Clip Size
69 6A.) Price from vendors
7D.) Not sure - it appears to be related to pickup amounts.

The green section is the texture paths.

From digging through this information, it appears that there's not a solid "damage" number for each weapon - that being the case, I think it's more likely that we've got a base damage per round for the ammo, with multipliers being applied on the fly based on the base weapon stats and upgrades added to the weapon - so the combat rifle would do X*(2 + upgrades) damage per bullet. Now I've just got to figure out where X is in the tables.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:24 pm
by abadjpyo
wow good job lapdragon!

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:14 am
by flib
Is there any way yet to extract videos from the game for out-of-game use?

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:13 am
by TobyDG
Wow , thanks Lapdragon. I am gonna do some more looking later on tonight. With this info maybe we can find the changes. So theoretically could we miss and match mods ? Like giving the sniper rifle a silencer mod and armor piercing bullets. Gonna have some fun trying to figure these things out. Thanks once again.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:28 am
by Simguy
Flib- you can use vgmtoolbox to extract the audio and video from the usm’s but the video looks like crap don’t know what to do about that.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:45 am
by TobyDG
Thanks so much dragon. I was able to put a silencer on a regular sniper rifle. The noise is still loud , but the enemies can not trace the sound like using a regular unmodded sniper rifle. Later I will try adding special mods to it to see if I can get them to work. I would like to try armor piercing bullets mod to it or the tracer. When you say " base Damage pips on item card " What do you mean ? Does it mean amount of damage it adds when upgraded or or how many bars one upgrade offers ?

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:07 am
by Acid
@ lapdragon

In your png image you show .dat files, which "big" files did you unpack to access .dat files ? Are you using the latest r30 build for this ?

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:47 am
by lapdragon
The contents of this post was deleted because of possible forum rules violation.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:33 pm
by Acid
Strange, i only have 8 digit alpha numeric .drm files, none of them are specifically named.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:35 pm
by lapdragon
Acid wrote:Strange, i only have 8 digit alpha numeric .drm files, none of them are specifically named.
It sounds like you're not using an up-to-date file list.

Rebuild the file lists, and then re-extract the bigfile.000 - that's where all of the named .DRM files live.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:42 pm
by Rick
Rebuilding file lists isn't necessary if you have the lists already. All rebuild does is clean the file lists up.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:55 pm
by michalss
any news about the Fonts ???

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by mnn
Rick: How did you "extracted" filenames?

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:26 pm
by abadjpyo
hey lapdragon or tobs, do you guys know how to put this information in game? i used your information lapdragon, all solid and good, i used a hex editor and saved, buuut i don't know how to insert that new info into the game, i tried to put the directory folder bigfile_unpack from gibbeds tools into the pack program but it just looks at me with a blinking bar haha. I guess i should pack it and replace the old bigfiles in the game directory but don't know how to... anyways i've been looking around and if anyone knows how to change nutrient bars to have health properties post it up because it would be useful for those who play without health regeneration... thnx and keep up the good work! UPDATE!!! the unpack works it just doesn't say anything in the black box command box so if you use it, don't get discouraged and stick with the process, you should see the bigfiles_unpack in a few minutes...

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:38 pm
by Rick
abadjpyo wrote:hey lapdragon or tobs, do you guys know how to put this information in game? i used your information lapdragon, all solid and good, i used a hex editor and saved, buuut i don't know how to insert that new info into the game, i tried to put the directory folder bigfile_unpack from gibbeds tools into the pack program but it just looks at me with a blinking bar haha. I guess i should pack it and replace the old bigfiles in the game directory but don't know how to... anyways i've been looking around and if anyone knows how to change nutrient bars to have health properties post it up because it would be useful for those who play without health regeneration... thnx and keep up the good work!
  1. Unpack bigfile, patch0 (Drag & drop onto Gibbed.DeusEx3.Unpack.exe)
  2. If the file you want to modify is only in bigfile, copy it to the same layout in patch0, and modify the patch0's bigfile.xml to add the missing entry (use the entry for it in the bigfile's bigfile.xml).
  3. Modify the file.
  4. Drag & drop patch0_unpack onto Gibbed.DeusEx3.Pack.exe, it will create patch0_unpack.000.
  5. Replace your patch0.000 in game directory with this file.