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Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:43 am
by michalss
SO anyone please found the fonts for x360 or PS3? I mean name and size ? thx

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:53 pm
by opticalsnare
Hey guys wanted to know if its possible to pack things back in. Ive managed to get the files unpacked from the bigfiles and loaded up some files in the DRM editor like textures and sounds, but is there a way to get the files back into the DRM package as the saveDRM is N/A

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:23 pm
by Rick
DRM files are complicated and I am the only one researching it. DRMEdit is not meant for anyone to be using it yet.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:51 am
by Weatherproof
Hey all, I'm new but I've been following this thread.
First of all, thanks and props to Rick for all the code. The unpacker and demuxer are just what i was looking for!

So i'm trying to extract all the music from the game. After unpacking, you get a bunch of .mul files which you can run through the demuxer to get a bunch of .fsb files per .mul file.
By using the fsb_mpeg tool, you can then get .mp3 files from the .fsb files. However, they are all mono channel, and need to be combined (I'm using Audacity but I don't know of a quicker program for just slapping left and right audio channels together into one file)
Not all the .mul files are able to be broken into .fsb files though (at this time).
For example: (i'm picking two random .mul files from the _UNKNOWN directory using Rick's current Unpack build)
D7109F0E.mul is 7883 kB and splits into 6 .fsb files (left and right fils for Ambient, Stress, and Combat situations)
By using fsb_mpeg, you have to input each of the .fsb file names (D7109F0E_0.fsb, D7109F0E_1.fsb, ect.) So you input six files, but you only wind up with 3 mp3 files!? fsb_mpeg will call the left and right channels the same filename when they are run, ugh. So i've been renaming one of the files manually and then combining them in audacity.

Another quick thing,
78435123.mul is 24991 kB but won't even run through Rick's demuxer, it will just crash.

Maybe me and/or somebody else could just write a script program that does the entire directory of .mul's, runs them through the fsb_mpeg tool (with separate filenames for left and right channel), and somehow combines the two into one audio file.

I hope this helps to clear up some .mul (music file) questions people have had on the thread! There's still a crapload of stuff for me to learn about audio for this game as well!

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:28 am
by Rick
Weatherproof wrote:Another quick thing,
78435123.mul is 24991 kB but won't even run through Rick's demuxer, it will just crash.
deusex3: rick * r27 Gibbed.DeusEx3.Demux/ (Program.cs SoundStreamHeader.cs): Demux now properly supports .mul files that have cinematic and subtitle sections. Currently this data is ignored.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:05 am
by Weatherproof
I wrote a quick tool today that put all the .mul files in a directory through Rick's Demuxer, another tool that runs the .fsb's through the fsb_mpeg tool, and rewrote the fsb_mpeg tool to output the filenames different for this case where every even numbered .fsb is a left channel and odd numbered are the right channel.

I haven't combined the channels of the mp3's yet, but I put all the extracted audio in a .zip file.
I put it on Dropbox, the address for it is
It's all the audio from DeusEx (or at least all the audio that the demuxer got :) ) so it includes music, as well as augmentation soundfx and human grunting-damage sounds.


Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:30 am
by JC Denton
If any of you can figure out how to extract the game dialogue, I can die happy.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:12 am
by Evin
You mean the subtitles/menu?

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:25 am
by ZerOHearth
I think the game have "not enough" blood and i think someone can make it. :D


Can some one prog/build an unpacker/packer for make NEW BIGFILE.0xx.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:32 am
by helifax
Hi Rick!!

Awesome tool!!! but I am wondering are you planning to finish the DRM Editor? basically what I want is to load my own texture and save it as a DRM file;)) I saw all the options are properly layed out (even if disabled atm). So I do believe you will add them later? The sooner the better;))

I don't want to sound selfish or it is up to you to decide when this should come;))

Anyway thanks again for this awesome tool!!!!

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:07 pm
by Groenbaek
Rick wrote:

Pack code is untested.
I've been following this thread closely for a while now, hopeing for a quick BMS tool or something simmerler (All I've ever worked/have experience with). I'm a nobe (obviosly) and canĀ“t figure out how to use the "code" generosly provided by Rick.
I have downloaded Visual studio 2010 Express, but have no clue how to use it... Can some one please make a tutorial or something?


Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:27 pm
by rengareng
download it from here.
then make a new folder and click right and select checkout similar thing then enter that\publlic\deusex3 fetch all child including external ones. then open .sln file with visual studio and build it.

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:43 pm
by Rick

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:40 pm
by Acleacius
Registered to say thanks for your work Rick. :rock:

Also downloaded from the twitter link, it's a patch0.000 file with no instructions/pathing. Do we just drop this in the main install directory and hit ~ while in game as in a normal console activation or possibly a link to instructions. Actually I'm not registered on twitter, so if it's required a link to a possible alternative, if it isn't too much trouble.

Do we need your compiler/decompiler to unpack the sound files? Something that really annoys me is we can't Turn Off (or shoot :p ) the radio. It's painful to have to listen to that guy. :( I was hoping it was possible to make a blank sound file then put it in the proper directory structure and the game would read it directly out of the folder instead of the pack file, as many games.

Thanks for any help. :)

Re: BIGFILE.000 - Deus Ex Human Revolution Unpack

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:44 pm
by Rick
Acleacius wrote:Also downloaded from the twitter link, it's a patch0.000 file with no instructions/pathing. Do we just drop this in the main install directory and hit ~ while in game as in a normal console activation or possibly a link to instructions. Actually I'm not registered on twitter, so if it's required a link to a possible alternative, if it isn't too much trouble.
Better instructions here:
Acleacius wrote:Do we need your compiler/decompiler to unpack the sound files? Something that really annoys me is we can't Turn Off (or shoot :p ) the radio. It's painful to have to listen to that guy. :( I was hoping it was possible to make a blank sound file then put it in the proper directory structure and the game would read it directly out of the folder instead of the pack file, as many games.

Thanks for any help. :)
Yes, though I've no idea about modifying sounds or plans to. Good luck.