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Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:54 pm
by finale00
The section after the textures is unknown, but looks like this. It is the second pair of dwords in the offset table.

Code: Select all

struct unk1 {
	dword_8 ??
	dword_2 count, offset
	dword_8 null
	*seek to offset*
	count unk {
		byte_64 ???

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:19 am
by finale00
The second dword in the mesh struct is the material index.
The last pair of dwords in the mesh struct references bone indices.

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:21 am
by CriticalError
finale00 wrote:The second dword in the mesh struct is the material index.
The last pair of dwords in the mesh struct references bone indices.
lol you crazy!!!! I love you god u.u perfect model and texture gratz again for news you rock.

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:29 am
by finale00
Looks like there's only one more unknown left in the mesh, so I guess that would be the weights. I mean, can't really be anything else.

The number of bone indices == number of vertices. I'm not sure what that means. Each vertex has 3 weights (numVerts * 3 floats). Ok I really don't understand bones to figure out that part.

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:52 pm
by Antonkf
And could you please make a script or Noesis plugin for viewing/converting models from Battles Of Immortals?

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:09 pm
by KillMeOnceMore
I know this is a old thread, but recently I found a set of source code that was origin from where battle of immortal was made.
The model tool(mdxstudio.exe) is for mdx2 but extremely similar to pwm3/m4f format. (Find it under client folder for compiled ver)
I am hoping someone can figure out a model tool for pwm3/m4f.

Uses vs2005. For dxd8.h error, use vc++ dir to link DX9SDK for include & lib.!lGo03C6a!u97BE1huki64rbB1c6lBiw

Wish you guys all the best and goodluck!

Re: Battle of the Immortals Game File Format

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:48 pm
by shakotay2
KillMeOnceMore wrote:I know this is a old thread, but recently I found a set of source code that was origin from where battle of immortal was made.
Hello, rider-of-dead-horses :D
You won't expect someone to download 844 MB just to get a VS project, do you?

The format is simple, though, so we don't need that project that much, imho:
H2O files, body and face:

0xD5CC 900
12 99
0xCA98 239
0xF33C 8

0x1021B 690
12 99
0xFBA3 138
0x1146F 8