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Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 10:27 pm
by jesus1259
TSelman61X wrote: Fri May 03, 2019 10:09 pm
jesus1259 wrote: Fri May 03, 2019 9:55 pm Alright for sure thank you and once i complete what im doing ill send you some images and even provide some of my works if you'd like

Check the link above again. ;-)
I had to update the files. (I noticed some of them were old games. updated with the latest game.)
Thank you so much ill apply them as soon as i can and provide some screens of it!!!

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:54 am
by ullu
Sir, I appreciate your work. Could you add support for Assasin's Creed Origin, ASAP!

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 4:28 pm
by TSelman61X
ullu wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 9:54 am Sir, I appreciate your work. Could you add support for Assasin's Creed Origin, ASAP!
Unfortunately, MDA has stopped developing this tool. :(
You can find a different tool.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 10:48 am
by Inconnuxdark
Hello, everyone, I contact you because I worry, I use habitual Archive Next as his usual and subsequently it makes me wrong
See the end of this message for more details on the debugging call
just-in-time (JIT) instead of this dialog box.

************ Exception text ************
System.ArgumentException: The path can not be an empty string or contain only white space.
à System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
à ARchive_neXt.arxForm.arxLoadPrefs()
à ARchive_neXt.arxForm.tsmiPrefs_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************ Assemblys chargés ************
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3324.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 :
CodeBase : file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/TBotR/ARchive_neXt/ARchive_neXt.exe
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3324.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3353.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_B
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Version de l'assembly : 1.0.2902.0
Version Win32 :
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.DirectX/1.0.2902.0__31bf3856ad364e35/Microsoft.DirectX.dll
Version de l'assembly : 1.0.2902.0
Version Win32 :
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D/1.0.2902.0__31bf3856ad364e35/Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll
Version de l'assembly : 1.0.2911.0
Version Win32 : 9.12.589.0000
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX/1.0.2911.0__31bf3856ad364e35/Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3324.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3324.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_fr_b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.resources.dll
Version de l'assembly :
Version Win32 : 4.7.3062.0 built by: NET472REL1
CodeBase : file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/mscorlib.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_fr_b77a5c561934e089/mscorlib.resources.dll
************ Debug JIT ************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the configuration file for this
application or this computer (machine.config) should have value
jitDebugging defined in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example :

< jitDebugging = "true" />
</ Configuration>

When just-in-time debugging is enabled, unhandled exceptions
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than being handled by this dialog.
So I would like to know how to correct all this because I still do not understand the origin of the problem. Thank you in advance for your answer.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:33 pm
by RusHHoster
Where can I find the model of a flintlock pistol from Assassin's Creed 3, what is displayed in the cutscene, the store and in general was demonstrated in demo at E3 2012?]ImageImage

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:09 am
by TSelman61X
Inconnuxdark wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 10:48 am Hello, everyone, I contact you because I worry, I use habitual Archive Next as his usual and subsequently it makes me wrong
See the end of this message for more details on the debugging call
just-in-time (JIT) instead of this dialog box.

************ Exception text ************
System.ArgumentException: The path can not be an empty string or contain only white space.
à System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
à ARchive_neXt.arxForm.arxLoadPrefs()
So I would like to know how to correct all this because I still do not understand the origin of the problem. Thank you in advance for your answer.
You did the same thing you always did, and you got this error. Am I right?
Or you're using it for the first time, and you've encountered this error.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:48 pm
by Damoclès
Hi guys, is the highest version ?


Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:16 pm
by TSelman61X
Damoclès wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:48 pm Hi guys, is the highest version ?

Yes, the latest release version. "v4.03.27.0"

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:02 pm
by derinhalil2015
Hey guys,

So I've been trying to export the meshes for the default armor of Prince of Persia (2008). The texture files are just fine, they can be previewed and exported, however I can't do either with the 3D models. Something about FreeImage and DirectX, then the final error is about arxDrawMesh(). I don't even have to preview, really. I just want to export them. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:03 pm
by derinhalil2015
Nevermind, I figured it out. You let the computer sleep, then you open it back up. It'll give an error once more, then exporting works like usual.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:28 pm
by MaZTeR
Will this get Ghost Recon: Breakpoint support?

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:29 am
by TSelman61X
MaZTeR wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:28 pm Will this get Ghost Recon: Breakpoint support?
I'm sorry, that's impossible. It does not support. :-(

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:41 pm
by MaZTeR
Impossible? It supports Wildlands and Breakpoint's engine is pretty much a port of the former

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:04 pm
by TSelman61X
MaZTeR wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:41 pm Impossible? It supports Wildlands and Breakpoint's engine is pretty much a port of the former
There are always differences, even if the game engines are the same.
The compression of the game files has already changed. It could be from this.

You can say that to someone else.

Re: ARchive_neXt

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:21 am
by 73lac
Hi does anyone know where I can locate the textures for Elise?
I currently only have the face texture and seem to be missing the mouth and eye/pupil textures for the character.
She is from AC Unity if that helps