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Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:51 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
ersel54 wrote:on forgeX beta/data location I think found something there is no file in that folder but there is and files.
can you take a look at setup?
The .stc files are simply text files that provide information on the various file formats. They have bearing what so ever on the function of the program.

If my previous suggestion does not solve your import issue, please provide with specific model names so that I may also test those models.

Thank you for your support,

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:36 am
by ersel54
MichaelDarkAngel wrote:
ersel54 wrote:on forgeX beta/data location I think found something there is no file in that folder but there is and files.
can you take a look at setup?
The .stc files are simply text files that provide information on the various file formats. They have bearing what so ever on the function of the program.

If my previous suggestion does not solve your import issue, please provide with specific model names so that I may also test those models.

Thank you for your support,
yes I tried what you said before but noway still error with viewing models and no uv maps when I export as .OBJ.
the model name is:

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:22 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
I have no idea what the problem with your setup is that would be causing the import issue, or even the model viewing issue for that fact. You can open any of the exported OBJ files with notepad and clearly see the texture coordinates are there.

Code: Select all

#Wavefront Object File
#Exported by ForgeX on 4/24/2012 6:03:23 PM
mtllib CC_G_Fedayin_Female_Rank01_LOD0.mtl

v 13 -203 4889
v 13 -206 4884
v 14 -206 4885
v -40 -183 4845

... snip ...

v -151 -370 4461
v -121 -381 4438
v -120 -360 4456
v -95 -374 4466
# 3564 vertices

vt 0.07617188 -0.2470703
vt 0.07714844 -0.2460938
vt 0.07714844 -0.2456055
vt 0.06933594 -0.2358398

... snip ...

vt 0.6992188 -0.9428711
vt 0.7275391 -0.887207
vt 0.7275391 -0.9428711
vt 0.7558594 -0.9428711
# 3564 texture coordinates

g CC_G_Fedayin_Female_Rank01_LOD0_0
usemtl CC_G_Fedayin_Uppercloth
s 0
f 1/1 2/2 3/3
f 4/4 5/5 6/6
f 7/7 8/8 9/9
f 10/10 11/11 12/12

... snip ...

f 1093/1093 1064/1064 1094/1094
f 1066/1066 1094/1094 1064/1064
f 1093/1093 1094/1094 1072/1072
f 1072/1072 1094/1094 1066/1066
# 4515 triangles

g CC_G_Fedayin_Female_Rank01_LOD0_1
usemtl CC_G_Fedayin_Lower
s 0
f 1095/1095 1096/1096 1097/1097
f 1097/1097 1098/1098 1095/1095
f 1099/1099 1100/1100 1101/1101
f 1101/1101 1102/1102 1099/1099

... snip ...

f 2294/2294 2296/2296 2261/2261
f 2296/2296 2295/2295 2292/2292
f 2292/2292 2258/2258 2296/2296
f 2261/2261 2296/2296 2258/2258
# 4515 triangles

g CC_G_Fedayin_Female_Rank01_LOD0_2
usemtl LIB_Universal_Female_Torso
s 0
f 2297/2297 2298/2298 2299/2299
f 2299/2299 2300/2300 2297/2297
f 2300/2300 2299/2299 2301/2301
f 2302/2302 2297/2297 2300/2300

... snip ...

f 2788/2788 2789/2789 2786/2786
f 2790/2790 2789/2789 2788/2788
f 2791/2791 2790/2790 2788/2788
f 2785/2785 2791/2791 2788/2788
# 4515 triangles

g CC_G_Fedayin_Female_Rank01_LOD0_3
usemtl CC_G_Fedayin_Armor
s 0
f 2792/2792 2793/2793 2794/2794
f 2794/2794 2795/2795 2792/2792
f 2796/2796 2797/2797 2798/2798
f 2798/2798 2799/2799 2796/2796

... snip ...

f 3563/3563 3564/3564 3562/3562
f 3563/3563 3560/3560 3564/3564
f 3559/3559 3562/3562 3564/3564
f 3559/3559 3564/3564 3560/3560
# 4515 triangles
The second section where the lines start with vt are the uv map (texture) coordinates. Why they don't work for you and why the model viewer does not work... Sorry, but I am out of suggestions. :?

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:19 pm
by ersel54
@MichaelDarkAngel: thank you for the answers. but, I've checked all the codes yes the codes are there but... I don't know why the uv maps are not there on max 2010? .
I hope that you can found the solution.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:59 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
There is one more suggestion I can make. It may solve the model viewer issue, I doubt it would have any effect on the import issue. It may not work for either one, but it's the last thing I can think of.

Try updating your DirectX.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:49 am
by thaitam7
I can't open it, it stopped working, why???

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:30 am
by Herdell
thaitam7 wrote:I can't open it, it stopped working, why???
You probably tried to run it in a x64 operating system.
Same problem here, and no solution soon, then, try a v-machine or
get some x86 OS.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:39 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
thaitam7 wrote:I can't open it, it stopped working, why???
It could be any number of reasons, without more specific information any answer would just be a guess.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:04 pm
by dragbody
Hi Michael!

With so much to read in this thread, it's unclear what state the beta is currently in. I'm hoping you can help me out since ForgeX stops working immediately when I try to run it. I'm running a 64-bit system and I have Revelations installed through Steam. From what I've read, it sounds like both of these things will prevent ForgeX from working. Do you have any suggestions? Or am I just out of luck for now? I'm trying to get the dlc Gladiator model for a mod project.

Best regards,

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:32 pm
by Itze
I may have an idea about the uv maps / model display failure...

In some other cases i had problems with importing models cause the script / plugin used a different decimal seperator -> fucking up the coordinates ;)

So what you can try: What is the decimal seperator in your country? "." or "," ?

Try changing it in the windows language settings from "." to "," or vice versa...

See if that helps :)

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:13 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
dragbody wrote:Hi Michael!

With so much to read in this thread, it's unclear what state the beta is currently in. I'm hoping you can help me out since ForgeX stops working immediately when I try to run it. I'm running a 64-bit system and I have Revelations installed through Steam. From what I've read, it sounds like both of these things will prevent ForgeX from working. Do you have any suggestions? Or am I just out of luck for now? I'm trying to get the dlc Gladiator model for a mod project.

Best regards,
Sorry, I still don't own a 64-bit OS, so there is still no support for a version working directly under that OS. Best solution at this time is to try Marky's suggestion from this post.
Itze wrote:I may have an idea about the uv maps / model display failure...

In some other cases i had problems with importing models cause the script / plugin used a different decimal seperator -> fucking up the coordinates ;)

So what you can try: What is the decimal seperator in your country? "." or "," ?

Try changing it in the windows language settings from "." to "," or vice versa...

See if that helps :)
I always forget about the decimal separator difference. Thanks for the tip

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:41 pm
by loriscangini
I found the solution for the uv maps / model display failure.
The problem is the one discovered by Itze, changing every "," in the .obj with a "." (using notepad), when you try to load the modified .obj, It'll have UV maps.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:44 am
by LaBamba
Could someone please get me 3D files of Iraqi city from Splinter Cell Conviction instead of me getting the game for that purpose? I mean that is Ubisoft game so it should work.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:54 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
LaBamba wrote:Could someone please get me 3D files of Iraqi city from Splinter Cell Conviction instead of me getting the game for that purpose? I mean that is Ubisoft game so it should work.
No help here. Splinter Cell Conviction does not use Forge files. The files used by the game are completely different.

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:47 pm
by Walrus
Hi all :)

I've read the previous messages but I didn't find anything about this issue. Opening both models from Brotherhood and Revelations, almost every model it's showed in the model viewer without textures:



Does it depends because they're static models? Also exporting in .obj format importing in 3ds Max 2009 and 2012 they're without textures or materials. Usually they're under the same material even when it's clear that the model uses different texture files. I'm using the same import settings posted here.

Those are the settings I'm using on Max 2012:


When it's easy discover some of the textures used by the model I can assign them in the mat editor, but usually the same texture it's assigned to every mesh, that creates wrong texturing:


The UV coordinates are wrong in Max 2009 (they look too small to fit the correct texture map), but it seems that in Max 2012 they're right. Maybe it could be a good idea edit the obj exporter to make it export ALSO all the linked texture files, indipendently if they're already extracted.

Any suggestions?