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Re: Archive X

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:01 pm
by RunaWhite
Oh, for some reason the multi folder wasn't opening correctly for me, that's why I thought that maybe there was another way to get them to work. But today, that strange issue seems to be gone :eek: which is a good thing of course.

Thank you MDA!

Re: Archive X

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:00 pm
by dragbody
MDA - Do you plan to finish your work on the Ghost Recon Online archives? There have been some updates that look really nice.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
dragbody wrote:MDA - Do you plan to finish your work on the Ghost Recon Online archives? There have been some updates that look really nice.
I do, but I am stuck with PC issues again and I am in the middle of building another PC. So it may be a couple of months before I have the new PC finished (buying pieces as I have the money to do so).

Sorry for the delays,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:26 am
by Vindis
Hi MichaelDarkAngel,

thank you for your fantastic tool!

I only have one question, does the model viewer ment to be working? I can export obj, and view hex, but the "Model Viewer" just a blank white page...

Got everything updated (dx, opengl, vc driver)

Thank you

Re: Archive X

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:33 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
Vindis wrote:Hi MichaelDarkAngel,

I only have one question, does the model viewer ment to be working? I can export obj, and view hex, but the "Model Viewer" just a blank white page...

Thank you
Model Viewer is not yet working. Soon I will be getting back to working on this, as I just finished putting together a new PC and I am currently re-installing all my games.

Thanks for the interest,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:43 am
by Kjasi
MichaelDarkAngel wrote:
hammerhorn wrote:Hi Michael

Red Normal Maps on Brotherhood...

Do you have any idea how these maps can be corrected? I was trying to extract the elements for one of the Cardinals but I noticed that all the normal maps for these characters have a strange red channel. If you have any explanations or ideas on how to correct this I would appreciate it tremendously!
You are the first to mention this. :)

This may be a similar situation as what has been occurring with the diffuse maps since AC3. I can't explain it, nor do I have any course of action to attempt fixing it. What is being exported are the in-game assets.


-- MDA
The problem is that the files are either being read incorrectly for some reason, or for some even crazier, unknown reason, this was done deliberately. There IS, however, a very easy fix for this problem.

1) Export the normal as a TGA. PNG won't work, as we need the Alpha channel to be it's own layer.
2) Open it in Photoshop.
3) Go to Image->Mode->Multichannel.
4) Delete the Magenta Layer, which is an exact copy of the Yellow layer. (BIG SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE!!)
5) Move the Cyan layer below the Alpha 1 layer.
6) Now convert it back into a RGB file, and it's all fixed.

MDA- Great program! Got a problem though. When I try to export Shaun Hasting's arms in Brotherhood, (DataPC_ACR_Villa_Present.forge->CR_U_Shaun_Hastings->Mesh->CR_U_Shaun_Hastings_Arms_LOD0) it gives me a "The filename is not valid." error. It does this no matter where I save the file or what I name it as. I can try to name it c:\a.obj, and I will still get that error. The error is identical with the Revelations version too. (Haven't tried it with AC3 yet, and I don't own AC4.)

Finally a request: Can you add FBX export support? It would allow you to add the mesh normals and exporting the skeleton rigs for the models.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:11 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
Kjasi wrote:
The problem is that the files are either being read incorrectly for some reason, or for some even crazier, unknown reason, this was done deliberately. There IS, however, a very easy fix for this problem.

1) Export the normal as a TGA. PNG won't work, as we need the Alpha channel to be it's own layer.
2) Open it in Photoshop.
3) Go to Image->Mode->Multichannel.
4) Delete the Magenta Layer, which is an exact copy of the Yellow layer. (BIG SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE!!)
5) Move the Cyan layer below the Alpha 1 layer.
6) Now convert it back into a RGB file, and it's all fixed.

MDA- Great program! Got a problem though. When I try to export Shaun Hasting's arms in Brotherhood, (DataPC_ACR_Villa_Present.forge->CR_U_Shaun_Hastings->Mesh->CR_U_Shaun_Hastings_Arms_LOD0) it gives me a "The filename is not valid." error. It does this no matter where I save the file or what I name it as. I can try to name it c:\a.obj, and I will still get that error. The error is identical with the Revelations version too. (Haven't tried it with AC3 yet, and I don't own AC4.)

Finally a request: Can you add FBX export support? It would allow you to add the mesh normals and exporting the skeleton rigs for the models.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the image fix.

There is an invalid character in the CR_U_Shaun_Hastings_Arms_LOD0 filename right between the "s_" at the "Arms_LOD0" area. When I get the time to work on this again (probably after Unity comes out, and I get my hands on it), I'll look into fixing that and the possibility of adding FBX export.

I looked briefly but couldn't find the files for Shaun Hastings in AC:Revelations. I did find them in AC:III (DataPC_DX11_extra_chr.forge->CHR_U_Shaun_Hastings_Body->Mesh->CHR_U_Shaun_Hastings_LOD0) and it appears the body is all contained in one file instead of being split into multiple files.

Thanks for your support,


Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:27 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
I did find him in Revelations (DataPC_ACFE_FinalTemple.forge->_CC_U_Shaun_Hastings->Mesh->CC_U_Shaun_Hastings_Arms_LOD0), but the file exhibits the same "invalid character in the filename" issue.


Re: Archive X

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:20 pm
by stVALVe
Is there any news with GRO\GR Phantoms?))

Re: Archive X

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:25 pm
by Naroax
Hello, can somebody please extract the AC4 dialogue file that contains all the subtitles from the game ? thanks.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:45 am
by DudE132
To the creator, I am willing to donate money for your efforts if you can fulfill my request.

I wish to replace a pre existing outfit with this Unhooded Altair Outfit for permanent use so I can wear it throughout the entire game.

The Unhooded version of Altairs Outift is only playable in certain sequences of the game. For example "Sequence 01" has you wear this outfit but is is not available for use throughout the rest of the game. Using this tool can you enable that outfit for my character to use permanently by replacing the files of another armor set with the Unhooded Altair Outfit files?

I've found something called "_Ezio_Ultimate_NoHood_NPC" which is in "DataPC_ACR_Villa_Past.forge" and it contains 7 categories

Texture Map
Texture Set
Build Table
Anim Set

This seems to be the correct outfit but I have absolutely zero knowledge and experience with this sort of thing, have no idea what to do, and I'll never figure it out on my own. It should be simple right? Just edit the forge file, and replace the files of one available outfit with the files of the outfit I want? I just have no clue how.

My OCD is making really want to be able to use this armor so I'm willing donate some money in return for your efforts with the creation of this tool.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:30 am
by MichaelDarkAngel

I have never attempted to replace anything in any of the forge files and I have no plans to do so.

Thanks for the offer.


Re: Archive X

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:36 am
by DudE132
Well regardless do you think it is possible?

Re: Archive X

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:58 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
Unfortunately, I cannot give you a definitive answer. Some games use file sizes to determine the validity of the container file, others don't. Some games use a checksum system. Any time you attempt to replace something in a game that doesn't give you an upfront option to mod the game, it's a crap-shoot. At worst, you run the risk of corrupting your game, at best, it works.

What I can tell you, is that I have found multiple instances of files, sometimes within the same forge file, sometimes in multiple forge files. This could make it that much more difficult to reliably replace something.

But I'll also say that it's not impossible, at least until it is attempted and proven otherwise.


Re: Archive X

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:44 pm
by snowboundmage

I'm just asking if there will be an option in a future update to flip all exported textures vertically.
And any word on AC4 Black Flag multiplayer forge support? All seem to just open into nothing or 00000000>Unnamed_0000

Thanks for your work so far :)