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Re: Archive X

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:57 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
Future released updates are pending the repair of my PC. As anything I do on my laptop for some reason only works on my laptop.

Hopefully sometime this month I'll finish the repairs on my PC and will then be able to release updates.

Thanks for your interest,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:02 am
by RunaWhite
Hi MichaelDarkAngel.
First of all, I wanted to thank you for this great tool(s) and the hard work you did and are still doing.
However, I got some issues and I really hope you can help me.

I am using ArchiveX64 on win7 64 bit. The first issue (but not so important) is that I too have some problems previewing the models. I don't get any error message, I just have an empty wiewport.

The second problem, and this is what actually bothers me, is that somehow when I load the models in blender they have different sizes, eg the eyes and other body parts are way bigger than clothes and so on. Is that normal?

I am trying to rip models from Assassin's Creed III. I tried with Ninja Ripper, since I heard it was compatible, but for some reason that tool doesn't really work for me. It looks like your program is the only way to get the files from this game, but it's kinda impossible when the meshes don't actually fit together :(

If you need a screen or whatever let me know.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:08 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
RunaWhite wrote:I am using ArchiveX64 on win7 64 bit. The first issue (but not so important) is that I too have some problems previewing the models. I don't get any error message, I just have an empty wiewport.
The 'Model View' page at this time is merely a placeholder. This was done so you would not have to wait for the 'OBJ View' page to load. If you only want to export the model you have clicked on, this makes that process less time consuming. I am working on how to use WPF for viewing of the models and once I have figured that out, the 'Model View' page will become more useful.
RunaWhite wrote:The second problem, and this is what actually bothers me, is that somehow when I load the models in blender they have different sizes, eg the eyes and other body parts are way bigger than clothes and so on. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, yes, that is normal. If there is a scale factor, I have yet to find it. Also when loading in multiple models, as is necessary for most of the character models, you'll notice that the meshes don't always line up properly. I have found some model set files. However, not every model has a corresponding model set file. Regardless of that, I still haven't figured out all the specifics of the model set file.
RunaWhite wrote:It looks like your program is the only way to get the files from this game, but it's kinda impossible when the meshes don't actually fit together :(
I agree. It's not the easiest thing to deal with, but it is a minor bit of tweaking.

Thanks for your interest,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:45 am
by RunaWhite
I see. Well at least it is indeed common, I was afraid it was just my problem, glad to know it isn't.
Thanks for your answers :D maybe somone will create a script which will allow us to automatically resize and fit all the parts, who knows. Yet it's still a nice tool!

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:03 pm
by milance941
Hey MDA :)
I think this is the one :)
Here's link ... ra_chr.rar

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:49 pm
by Tahg
Yes, it does look like that contains most of the characters, however I think Intro contains some as well.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:14 pm
by milance941
^ I'll upload that as well :)
Thanks for heads up :)

Re: Archive X

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:50 pm
by Tahg
Hmm, looking back at it, there's less than I remembered. It looks like each of the main areas has additional character heads needed for that area.

If there's a list of what .forge files each world needs, I haven't found it yet. Hazarding a guess though, DataPC, DataPC_extra, DataPC_extra_chr, and DataPC_patch are global files, and the others correspond to a world of that name. However I think in practice the engine loads header information for all forge files, so it can grab any resource at any time.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:35 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
Lots of characters in that one milance941 :)

Edward Kenway (Legend)

Just a taste,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:01 am
by Tahg
I've been working on parsing some of the non-graphic files in the archive. If anyone is interested and can see about getting a tool to view them (or possibly work with MDA on it) The current ones I'm looking at contain data on how missions behave and such. Not as interesting as graphics perhaps, but it might tie some of the other resources together.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:45 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
Back on Ghost Recon Online for a moment.

Having an issue with the model headers that is holding me back from being able to export the models properly.

Much like the textures, the models are also split into two files. A header file and a data file. The header file lets you know how many meshes, how many vertices and faces for each mesh and their starting points in the data indexes.

I have attached two sample files and the structure that I have determined so far looks like this

Code: Select all

Position  Type      Description
0000      Int32     ID Count
0004      Byte[4]   Unknown ID
0008      Byte      Mesh Count
0009      Int32     Block Count
0013      Byte[4]   Unknown
0017      Int16     Model Type (???)
0019      Int16[2]  Unknown

Start of Mesh Data repeat equal to mesh count

0023      UInt16    Vertex Index
0025      UInt16    Vertex Count
0027      UInt16    Face Index
0029      UInt16    Face Count
After that point it gets tricky. In headers with multiple meshes, I can't determine the number of bytes in between each block of mesh data.

I also know how the header ends, so far that has been the same. After the last mesh data block there is a single byte (0x20), followed by three UInt16 values (vertex count, face index count and 0), followed by six floats (probably representing the bounding box) and lastly a single byte (0xFF).

If anyone else could help me determine the fluctuating space between mesh data blocks, it would be greatly appreciated.


-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:53 am
by Tahg
Here you go:

Code: Select all

UInt16    Vertex Index
UInt16    Vertex Count
UInt16    Face Index
UInt16    Face Count
UInt16    Unknown
UInt16    Unknown
UInt8     (Always 4?)
UInt8     Unknown
UInt8     Count
UInt8[Count] Unknown
Edit: The 3rd pair of UInt16's is also an Index/Count pair into something.
The array of bytes also looks like indexes into something. The values never repeat within a group, but frequently repeat from one mesh to another.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:24 am
by MichaelDarkAngel

Never thought to try that as byte values.

And I have also figured out that the two UInt16 values you have marked as unknown are another index, count pair. Not quite sure what it's for yet.

Thanks again, that was a tremendous help.

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:33 am
by Tahg
Not a problem at all. I've been doing this kind of thing for at least 10 years. Often I have to break out the dissassembler, but this one wasn't that bad. Going off what you already knew defiinitely made it easier to line up the data though. My technique for this kind of data is to copy the hex bytes into a text editor, and then break it up into lines. In this case I used the vertex + count to find the start of the next mesh.

Re: Archive X

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:15 pm
by milance941
Great :)
Can I have Edward in his standard assassins uniform like this one ... 5wxnuf.png
I would also need Anne Bonny ... 15_max.jpg
I want to rig them :)
Thanks for all you effort :)