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Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:48 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
eycaramba wrote:Does archive_32/64 support repacking modified data by any chance?
Simply put...

No. And not likely that it ever will.


Thanks for your interest,

-- MDA

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:44 am
by dragbody
MDA - Thanks for your continued support of ForgeX and related programs. Your efforts are truly appreciated. I hear that you are looking into supporting multiplayer models from AC3. I am very much looking forward to when you are able to complete that. Best of luck to you! :keke:

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:36 pm
by milance941
Hey MDA :)
Will Archive_32 support AC4? and when?
Thanks in advance

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:30 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
milance941 wrote:Hey MDA :)
Will Archive_32 support AC4? and when?
Thanks in advance
Yes it will, but in order for that to happen a few other things need to happen first.

I either need to get the game (probably a month or so) or I need to get a sample file from the game.

Regardless of that, the biggest hurdle right now, is getting my dev pc fixed. I'm having issues getting anything done using my work laptop, it's Win7-64bit. So doing anything on the 32-bit side is going to have to wait until my PC is fixed. :(

Even minor fixes are an issue:

A localization issue has been discovered when using the OBJ exporter in Archive X (of course it has to be the most common exporter), such that when importing into 3DSMax the model looks extremely blocky. I have been told the issue does not occur when importing into Blender. I have someone testing a fix for the issue, but not sure how it will affect Blender users. The person who told me it was happening in 3DSMax but not in Blender is using Archive X32 and I cannot give him a fix for it at the moment.

This appears to be a problem with all games prior to AC:3 as far as models go, but is probably causing problems with the texture maps in AC:3.

[EDIT] Well, I just found out the the replacement exe for some reason only wants to work on my laptop, so any updates will have to wait until my pc is fixed. :(

Thanks for your interest,

-- MDA

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:28 pm
by milance941
I will provide you .forge file and you can check it :)
I'm a Blender user but I also use Max and I didn't noticed any problem in Blender.
I got some exporting problems when I use Ninja Ripper for extracting models but your program works great so I eagerly wait for that update :) If you need any other game file I'll upload it for you :)
I will upload DataPC.forge and send you link via PM :)

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:12 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
milance941 wrote:I will provide you .forge file and you can check it :)
That would be great. I can get a jumpstart and start digging into the format. I'll be that much further ahead for when I get things up and running again.
milance941 wrote:I'm a Blender user but I also use Max and I didn't noticed any problem in Blender.
I got some exporting problems when I use Ninja Ripper for extracting models but your program works great so I eagerly wait for that update :)
You'll only notice the issue if the language settings on your pc are set to use ',' for the decimal symbol. Archive X will write the OBJ file using the ','. When importing into 3DSMax, the importer is looking for '.' to be the decimal separator. Once the import is finished it appears everything after the ',' gets ignored and the model ends up looking like something out of Minecraft, if not worse.
milance941 wrote:If you need any other game file I'll upload it for you :)
I will upload DataPC.forge and send you link via PM :)
That one file should be enough, thanks.

-- MDA

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:19 am
by milance941
I sent you link via PM :)
Thanks for everything :)

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:03 am
by loriscangini
Really, Thanks a lot!

If you need help with AC:IV I'm here too!

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:45 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
Well, they have changed the format slightly again, but the changes were easy enough to figure out. I'm disappointed though because the DataPC forge doesn't have character models like the previous games have had. So the best I can show you so far:

Aveline's Machete

Spanish Pistol

It's a start


Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:09 am
by snowboundmage
Been a while since I checked on this tool, mad thanks and massive props for the continued work and support MichaelDarkAngel

Re: ForgeX Beta Released

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:15 am
by loriscangini
MichaelDarkAngel wrote:Well, they have changed the format slightly again, but the changes were easy enough to figure out. I'm disappointed though because the DataPC forge doesn't have character models like the previous games have had. So the best I can show you so far:


It's a start

You have been fast!
Do you have already figured what changes have they done to the new .forge format?

Re: Archive X

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:33 am
by MichaelDarkAngel
While waiting for my dev pc to get repaired I've been digging into the Ghost Recon Online big file. Prepping for it to be the next game available.

I always attack the textures first, generally they are the easiest.

Thanks to aluigi I was able to figure out the big file format and the internal folder structure.


The above is a sample of the 11000+ folders and 190000+ files contained in the big file. There are no file type designations to be found (much like AC games), but I think I have found a value that I can use to assume what the files are, plus now that I can see the file structure there are other assumptions that can be made. The files inside the big container are stored as either uncompressed or zlib compressed.

The above sample listing are in fact image files (assumed they were because they were in a folder named 'Texture'), but they are not all individual files. Looking at the first three files, this is what I have determined.

  • Diffuse Material header file (contains height/width information and I hope DXT value, haven't determined that yet)
  • Diffuse Material image data
  • Diffuse Material thumbnail (assumed, not yet determined, height/width info possibly stored in the header file as well)
Those files suffixed with 'EM' quite possibly Emissive Material (specular map).
Those files suffixed with 'NM' quite possibly Normal Material.

So far one of the images


It appears that other files are also split this way between a header file and a data file. That means a bit more work involved in making it easy for someone to pick what they want.

It's only the beginning,


Re: Archive X

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:36 pm
by milance941
Great work so far MDA :)
Here's another .forge file.
I think this one contains models.
Here's link ... eanSea.rar

Re: Archive X

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:26 pm
by MichaelDarkAngel
Thanks again milance941. :up:

This one still doesn't contain any character models, but it does have animals, buildings and other mundane items.



Keep plugging away,

-- MDA

Re: Archive X

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:31 pm
by dragbody
MDA - Any updates on AC3 multiplayer support? It seems your tool is the best hope for grabbing any of those models. Thanks again for your time and effort :)