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Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:46 am
by Protocol X27
@game, yeah not sure about the older titles here either. I only know stuff about DOA5

@ros, yes bodies do use similar UV's but in the case of MR, her holes were originally bridged with a different piece which had different UV's. We still don't have a full injection tut yet, but we can handle specifics, we'll get ya there.

@lsc, thanks, I just checked core. So it looks like he's using body verts although we still don't know how he does exact sets, unless he's got another method like you said.

There's been some nice stuff posted recently. I'm still envious that we cannot get MR / Phase 4 and other stuff back in without encryption. :(


Been doing more with the additive injections. I added a mesh that didn't have the body as the last object, so it had to go in between the 2C's followed by some 28's followed by more 2C's. The trick is really knowing the verts to offset remaining Idx by.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:24 am
by Darko
For other titles, check b0ny's plugins, he also has a russian forum where modding doa tittles can be disccused (at least more openly that here), check the whole thread, he posted the link to his forum more than once.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:35 am
by Rosalin
I could know that mdlgeo has geodec chunks for each model group.
And each geodecl has
something like this. I checked in tmc_parser

What I only know about model information is some numbers in the object properties, so I tried to find something like 44(2C) or vertex_count, vertex_buffer_starting_address... stuff like that.
And I was only able to find vertex_count(4 bytes) & sum_of_previous_vertex_count(4 bytes) for each object group. 2C only showed once.
And each object group has four 0x70 long chunks at the end of blocks. I don't know what it is.

I couldn't get the size of each variables and couldn't find face_count or address information in there.

Can I proceed?

The process for replacing body object that I could guess is made of 2 major steps...?

1. Extend spaces for inserting body object in TMCL, (if the new body object has larger data)
and after inserting, I should reassign bone ID for weight, as a new bone list in TMC.

2. And I should re-declare the total vertex count and face count of inserted object and changed TMCL address offset information in TMC.

right? and you told me about geodecl because the major information to change is usually located in TMC geodecl, right?
So I hope you to tell me what I should do modify for this please.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:42 am
by Lilstormcloud
(\ /)
( . .)

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:27 am
by Rosalin
Thanks alot lsc.

But I don't understand about index buffer yet.
What I only know about TMCL is vertex buffer that can be found by {{44,44},{32323,45453}..} something like that.
Can you tell me what index buffer means and can I find it in TMCL?

(And I'm always saving your notes, so be free to erase it or make it bunny, whatever.)

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:57 am
by Lilstormcloud
(\ /)
( . .)
c(")(") the bunnies don't look as good in this format T_T.

btw pro you mean certain slots right. coz there are plenty of slots for MR and Kasumi clone 4 that are viable without encryption.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:53 am
by Rosalin
Yeh, thanks alot.
Copied. (not in my head, into my notepad lol)
Now I'll start to digest it.


Now I think I fully got what you said, lsc.
It seems that I should find index buffer manually by looking at the shape(?) of the hex array.
And... It seems that it is located almost at the end of the file.
And I could find 4bytes offset numbers in the header.

And.... It looks like a quite big game. I feel like that I should make at least 2 apps for this.
One is for changing bone id, another is for adjusting index array.

I'll ask for more if I should get additional questions. :)


Oh.. There was starting offset of Index buffer in LHeader.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:36 pm
by Lilstormcloud
you don't need to make anything. don't you have that app pro made?
If you don't then you should ask him for it. it takes care of the mass bone ID + index adjustments.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:50 pm
by Rosalin
That's just what I was about to ask for!!! :dance:
Yeh I remember the conversation you and prot had.

and.. he seems to be busy.


lol. I already had that one. I thought it was snapper.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:35 pm
by Protocol X27
Yeah, thought I sent you 'body shop' on the more recent one. Radically different ;)

Basically the TMCL consists of

Texture Data
Vertex Layer Data
Index Layer Data

b0ny's stuff handles TTX

We need to modify Vertex & Index Stuff in the TMCL, The primary values can be found in the LHeader of the TMC, or open a TMC in dat one app.


LSC, yep, I know there are plenty of slots that work, but essentially we cannot update Face /Hair or default costumes for Marie Rose & Phase 4. Some of the defaults I don't care, but I do have mod ideas for changing some hair stuff. :-/


Edit: I've found that container weirdness is not limited to Momiji using the 'append' method. I tinkered with Hitomi's Nurse costume and it only seems to work for Player 1 if the alternate hair style is NOT selected. It is a costume with alternate textures, so I contemplated wedging a full texture for the undies, but then I noticed that the version of texture extractor I have wouldn't properly dump from H/HL files. Has anyone had any issue with those recently?

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:38 am
by Protocol X27
New stuff is out, I've found the primary containers, but still don't know how to isolate the alternate texture stuff. Miku, any chance you're working on that or want to explain how? ;)


Narrowing down append method weirdness. Definitely is not the costume slot since uncompressed files work fine when unmodified. Momiji's still has a problem with only verts added and no bone changes made, so there must be an upper cap or something on how many verts there can be before it starts to have a problem.

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:24 am
by Darko
Does some know how to edit the .dat file for the new dlc??

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:07 am
by Lilstormcloud
(\ /)
( . .)

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:45 am
by mikulover39
I didn't even know there was a new one coming out :o , well time to get to work on it.

but Lilstormcloud is right thats practically how to do it

Edit: Heres the .dat file for the new dlc

Re: Dead or Alive series formats and tools

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:30 am
by Protocol X27
@miku, Thanks for the update!! :D
Question, are you able to extract DLC_014 Alternate textures correctly??

@lsc, Color me slow for a sec....
1) The adjustments to the .dat file can be done in notepad too, right? I'm not seeing anything mission critical, unless I'm missing something.

2) I understand how the dat has names substituted, but I'm not clear on how you're finding which file name relates to the translated name.... like 2fblahblahblah 'actual file name' equals KAS_DLC_001.--H, etc. I know how to find TMC's / TMCLS, but I'm not seeing how that helps with the other stuff.
