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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:20 pm
by aluigi
I have just made a quickbms script for supporting this file format:

the archives are composed by some ARCHIVE?.AR files and the index files called cdfiles.dat.
the signature in cdfiles.dat is "filE".
maybe other games support this format.

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:27 am
by aluigi
and the following is the script for unpacking the ARC files (textures?):

Code: Select all

comtype lzo1x
idstring "ARCE"
get NAME basename
string NAME += ".unpacked"
goto 0x78
get ZSIZE long
get SIZE long
savepos OFFSET

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:11 pm
by JimmyTheFox

Ferrari Challenge: Trofeo Pirelli, Supercar Challenge and Ferrari: The Race Experience use this file format.


I thought I'd try it on the PS3 version and it doesn't work, I can't upload an archive because they're too big. Is there any other way I can upload something that will help you to add PS3 compatibility to the script?

Also tried Ferrari Challenge (PS3) and it that doesn't work either.

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:43 pm
by justin9
Any chance this could also be changed to work with the WII game? I had to modify the first part where it is looking for a "FILN" and it finds a FILE, but then I get an error where it looks like the script is looking for a different path than where the CDFILES.DAT file is directing it. I have even tried extracting the files off the ISO in folders that correspond to the file structure in the game iso... I get an error line 172 then it says something like \#/NAS/WII/....../ I'm at work now so I can get the entire error... but that's why i thought maybe there was a file path error causing me problems...

But before I get someone chasing some rabbits, I am new to this world, but only to the console system, I have been editing the PAPYRUS Nascar sims for a long time and have made custom tracks and such there for a long time... is it reasonable to believe that I may get to a point with this where I can import new tracks and car models, maybe edit the physics and change the screens and have a entirely new game bascially?

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:31 pm
by jimjack
justin9 wrote:Any chance this could also be changed to work with the WII game? I had to modify the first part where it is looking for a "FILN" and it finds a FILE, but then I get an error where it looks like the script is looking for a different path than where the CDFILES.DAT file is directing it. I have even tried extracting the files off the ISO in folders that correspond to the file structure in the game iso... I get an error line 172 then it says something like \#/NAS/WII/....../ I'm at work now so I can get the entire error... but that's why i thought maybe there was a file path error causing me problems...

But before I get someone chasing some rabbits, I am new to this world, but only to the console system, I have been editing the PAPYRUS Nascar sims for a long time and have made custom tracks and such there for a long time... is it reasonable to believe that I may get to a point with this where I can import new tracks and car models, maybe edit the physics and change the screens and have a entirely new game bascially?

you have a pm

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 4:32 am
Has anyone extracted the car files for this game yet? If so contact me [email protected]

Re: NASCAR 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:36 pm
by Chipicao
I have been researching ARC files from PS3 games such as Nascar, Ferrari TRE and Supercar Challenge.
They use a different compression compared to their X360 counterparts, but I can't figure out what it is.

The ARC header appears to be the same, with ZSIZE and SIZE @0x78
I'm uploading a small sample from Nascar'14 PS3: NASCAR5_ALLOY0_X.ARC 287 KB
I've tried running the comtype_scan2 but none of the results seem viable.
Algorithms 95, 218 and 219 produce some strings, but I can't tell if they're random or corrupted.

EDIT: I have just tried comtype deflate and it works but so and so.
quickbms doesn't return any errors and the decompressed file has a standard ARC layout with a table at the beginning. However, no mater what file I try the decompressed stream is always 65536 in length, and obviously the file is incomplete.
Any ideas?

My goal is to make an updated "universal" script that will detect the compression type, extract the data and rebuild the file including the ARC header.

Code: Select all

idstring "ARC"
getdstring PLATFORM 1	#C=PC, E=X360, 3=PS3
if PLATFORM == "E"
    endian big
elif PLATFORM == "3"
    endian big

get NAME basename
goto 0x76
get CTYPE short	#0=uncompressed, 1=lzo1x, 3=unknown PS3
endian little	#ZSIZE and SIZE are little endian regardless of platform
get ZSIZE long
get SIZE long
savepos OFFSET

log MEMORY_FILE 0 118
log MEMORY_FILE2 0 0
put 0x0 short MEMORY_FILE2
put 0x0 long MEMORY_FILE2
put 0x0 long MEMORY_FILE2

if CTYPE == 0
    print "%NAME%.ARC is not compressed"
elif CTYPE == 1
    comtype lzo1x
elif CTYPE == 3
    #comtype ...
    print "Unknown compression algo %CTYPE% in %NAME%.ARC"

string NAME += "_decompressed.ARC"
On a sidenote, is it possible to append variables to a memory file?
I found that using put VAR long MEMORY_FILE after log MEMORY_FILE 0 118 writes the long at the very beginning of the memory file. Even if I use it between append calls.