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Mike Zuurman's MultiEx .plan thread

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:16 pm
by Mr.Mouse

From now on, any stuff on my planning/progression list for MultiEx Commander will be posted here. So there.

Plans for 4.0.0 : here

Plans for 4.0.1 : here


Plans/Progression for MultiEx Commander 4.0.0

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 8:37 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Plans/Progression for MultiEx Commander 4.0.0

- Conversion of old scripts to new ones I have completed the automatic conversion of old DOS multiex 2 scripts into multiex 3. I had to write a converter to do it. Turns out the multiex 3 script lacked certain abilities that were possible in the old script, so I had to add these capabilities to the multiex 3 arsenal. These script commands include :
* If/Else/Endif
* Do/While
* CleanExit
* NotEOF

- Removal of code for multiex.exe. This left me with a list of new scripts, and renders the usage of multiex.exe unnecessary. In fact, it renders all DOS support routines useless, so I removed them. Good riddens. :D

- The converted new scripts have not yet all been tested on Game Resource Archives (GRA), so in the new release there will probably be some converted scripts that have not been "certified". Here's the list of all converted scripts (certified and not certified).


Abomination The Nemesis Project
Actua Soccer 1
Actua Soccer 2
Actua Soccer 3
Age of Empires 2
Betrayal at Krondor
Black and White
Conflict: Freespace
Crusader: No Remorse
Dune 2
Empire 2
Master of Magic
Master of Orion
Master of Orion 2
Total Annihilation
Twilight CD
US Navy Fighters
Warcraft 2
Worms 1

Not certified

Apache Longbow
Baldur's Gate 1
Blair Witch Project
Call to Power
Close Combat 4
Dark Reign
Delta Force Landwarrior
Descent 3
Escape from Monkey Island
Evil Islands
Final Fantasy 7
Giants Citizin Kabuto
Heroes Chronicles series
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Hidden and Dangerous
Homeworld Cataclysm
Hostile Waters
Imperialism II
Kingdom o Magic
Lemmings Revolution
Micro Machines 2
Nascar Heat
Planescape: Torment
Rage of Mages
Red Baron 3D
Sim Theme Park
Star Trek: BOTF
Sudden Strike
Theme Park World
Tombraider 3
Warcraft 1

- Esthetic changes Both in code and operation some elegant changes have been made. For instance, MultiEx Commander is now fully resizable, instead of being that Maximize/Block/Minimize foolishness. The code has been cleaned up a bit as well. I also fixed some bugs in the "Use custom BMS on..." option, and fixed the File Association preferences. Somehow during compilation of last time, the compiler corrupted, destroying a lot of some forms, I had te redo them, and a bug slipped in the File Association preferences, among other things. I should have probably checked them more thoroughly prior release of 3.9.70.

- Plans? Yes, I plan to fix any more bugs that got in during the compiler crash. Also, I will add the scripts for new games (such as in the SCRIPTS thread here on the forum). Add even beter debugging. And I really want to do an overhaul of the way the importation works, and make it more universal. There are only so many ways to do a GRA format, right? :?

- More plans? About the plugin feature that is already in the previous release, I will try to find time to document how anyone who can create ActiveX DLL's can plug their DLL so MultiEx Commander can use it to Open Archives. Basically all MultiEx Commander would do in this instance is ask the DLL to do everything for him. MultiEx Commander would just pick up the list of GRA contents produced by the DLL to show to the user, but code to extract, import and create new is in the DLL. Yeah, I need to document that.

Okay, so I'll just leave it at that for now.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:53 am
by Mr.Mouse
Progress problems

Progress is a little slow these days, since I just bought an upgrade (good enough , MSi kt6 delta + AMD 2600+), but I can't get the Ethernet adapter to work. Options are now : Re-install Windoze and try again. if that won't work, take the whole thing to the doctors to fix, for free of course. I hope to be able to work on the new release of MultiEx Commander again some time next week. :roll:

I did finish a script for Port Royale though, it's in the SCRIPTS thread. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:51 am
by Mr.Mouse
Turns out it was the Micro$#@$@ Windoze softwhere that screwed things up. Reinstall got my internet back up. So now I can start installing all other software again. :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:39 am
by Mr.Mouse
New game added: Far Cry *.PAK files

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 11:51 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Okay, have been busy with the following:

- Removing any usage of that Micro$oft script from hell, sccrun.dll, in MultiEx Commander, by rewriting any and all routines in this dll that are called by MultiEx Commander myself.
-Removing the "voilently forced online usage" as some moron called it, but I can relate somehow to his feelings, so I like to use his terminology. Mind you, I got enough messages from people they still found the silent downloading a bit "unsettleing", so I will remove that in the next release. Luckily, I was smart enough to anticipate such a thing, and did not remove any routines in the previous release that enabled offline supported, but merely forced online usage only. It is now back to the MRF (MultiEx Resource File) method.
-I am however updating it so the user can choose when to look for new versions of this MRF file on the net ("on startup", "weekly", "monthly", "never"). I will add the option to check wether there are new versions, by demand of the user. So he can choose "Never" in the automatic feature, but if he hears of a new version of this small resource file, he can simple click "Check for updates" in the program.
-I am also enhancing dll-plugin support for Painkiller, that will serve as a default for future dll plugins, with import, AND CREATE support. This might take some time. It may not be completely finished prior to the release. A leading Dutch magazine will in all probability do a feature in the October issue, so I will have to release a new version soon, because these people are working on new issues three months ahead of schedule!

So far.... :wink:

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 4:40 pm
by Mr.Mouse
- Okay, I have completely removed any traces of references to the VileSystemObject in MultiEx Commander, screw sccrun.dll.
- Worked on the File Importation window, to make it more straightforward to use, with multiple resource/file previews incoporated.
- Need to do more Game support (there are a number of request still waiting to be examined and if possible implemented)
- Need to implement the painkiller.dll plugin fully in the Importation Window with Create support as well, it I can get this done, then I can really just plugin future dlls.
- Offline usage mode is main mode again
- Need to recode the update from website function to something better

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:20 am
by Mr.Mouse
- Making good progress on the new importation window:
> has a file list at the left hand side and the game resource archive's content in the right list
> two buttons in between the two lists allow quick-extract and quick-replace
> above each list is a preview window, that will show you a preview of the files/resources you click on
> the window is fully resizable
> a toolbar is at the top of the window, displaying buttons like View (open a file/resource in its associated executable in Windoze), Import Targets, Delete selection, Clear Targets, Create New Archive etc.
> The Batch-import option will now be a tool from within this window.

Thus, when you start MultiEx Commander, you will open a supported archive in the main window. Here you can do the "classic" stuff such as extract single resources or a selection of resources, Preview resources and Execute Resources (View) from within a program associated with it in Windows.
If you want to do more (Replace resources and, if supported, add/delete, and create whole new archives) you switch to the Advanced Window (the new File Importation window). I think that will be the core of the program for serious users. Users that just want to preview resources or extract them will not be bothered with these advanced options, and can simply use the Basic Window instead!

I think that is all pretty cool, don't you think? 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:10 am
by Mr.Mouse
Progress is slowed down again.

The to-do list is much longer than I can handle at this moment.

Time is not on my side. Well, it is, actually, but for things that have higher priority.

I did work on a way to have a DLL plugin tell MultiEx Commander what variables it expects whenever MultiEx Commander would want it to create a new GRA. I think I have almost got the right solution, with MultiEx Commander presenting the user with options to choose from prior creation that were specified by the DLL.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:13 am
by Mr.Mouse
In a free moment I created a draft of the new logo of MultiEx Commander franchise, as the old and lame "Face" will be removed in the new version.

This is the draft:



I think that will be cool enough. 8)

Intriguingly, the sign looks a lot like the old USB logoI used in the time...

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:51 pm
by Mr.Mouse
Ahhh some progress again!

I have finished the Plugin->MultiExCommander->User->MultiExCommander->Plugin interface for creation of new archives!

I can now select "Create new..." when the plugin supports creation (MultiEx Commander will ask the plugin to cough up support Info) and then the user is presented with a UniForm (pun intended) that will handle the plugins request regarding information the user must specify so succesful creation of a new archive can occur. UniForm will return this info to MultiEx Commander, that will use it to command the plugin to do its thing. After the plugin gives control back to MultiEx Commander and says "Yep, all is well in ArchiveCreationLand" MultiEx Commander will open the new archive, completing the whole operation!


Now only millions of options left to code. . . . :oops:

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:58 am
by Mr.Mouse
Well, made progress.

- worked a bit on the new logo
- rewrote the "Automatic Update From internet" function, have to test it though. In principle, the user can now select in "options" at what interval MultiEx Commander should check for new updates : At Startup, Weekly, Monthly or Never. When it will check, the user will also see a list of new things when there are new things available. MultiEx COmmander will use either one file (MRF) with all the scripts or will use plugins for operation. it will no longer use standalone scripts from the web.
It will also still be possible to actively tell MultiEx Commander to start checking immediately.
- have succesfully implemented the Painkiller.DLL,with some minor code to add.

I still have to:

- revamp the layout
- create new versions of other plugin DLLs
- Add new formats

But these are the lowest priority. Every core function has to work to full satisfaction before I will turn to aesthetics or quantity of supported game resource archives.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:30 am
by Mr.Mouse
- Layout revamped! You will believe it when you see it. Looks good now!
- Web update interface done and tested (almost)
- Implemented the "Batch job from directory" importation tool into the new MultiEx Editor.

Still have to :
-add new formats
-test the MRF update from web option
-test the new exe from web option

I think the next release will be a huge leap forward in MultiEx Land. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:11 am
by Mr.Mouse
Final testing stage commenced.

Will release betaversion soon. Target: 1st of july.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:22 am
by Mr.Mouse
Release is imminent. Just some website update.