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Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:20 pm
by rexil
rmezatang wrote:Almost posted question as to why I can't find all the models (g1m) files, I only have 37.
Just checked the internet (again) and realized I have DW7, extreme legends, which has NEW characters but not the all the original ones. :cry: , Textures also coming out kinda weird if anyone gets a chance to rip them and test there, may need an updated file to deal with that issue.
Most of the models import fine, a few items, feathers and such, don't line up properly but most everything else does (great job on the import script) and the bms for that matter.

Off topic, finally got models ripped from Red Faction Guerrilla, which initially seemed unrippable so busy with that until I can find Legends of Troy :ninja:
Post a sample file, not everyone has the game.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:30 am
by rmezatang
Files attached
- most common conversion error on g1m import

- texture from DLC, same error I get with xtreme Legends texture - most don't look right (with a few exceptions)

- Error Log from Maxscript debug window

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:45 am
by rmezatang
pack0 -g1m, g1t, and extracted dds files for testing

the g1m files do not import into 3dsmax, errors posted previously
? can the maxscript be updated to import these?

g1t files and associated dds extracts in file for comparison and (i hope) update to BMS scripts
Almost finished with Troy download, Will post update on extraction later...



Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:15 pm
by rmezatang
Anyone still working on this? would be great if the extracts worked on the Xbox version Linkdata, still can't get a hold of the PS3 disk...

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:58 pm
by rmezatang
I get an error on the DW7-2_bones Maxscript

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: F:\DW7_PS3\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\bms\; position: 2626; line: 116
-- Syntax error: at name, expected :
-- In line: Section 'G1MS' -

Any idea what this means, would really like to get the boned loaded along with the model...

Will post some DW7 renders soon, finally got a hold of the PS3 disc

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:56 pm
by inspiredgurl
srry to bump but nice work :)

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:01 am
by bluearms
chrrox wrote:it does not use normal maps they define the normals in the model structure but max script cant handle that.
I think it uses both at least for pc version.

I've checked bin file with other chinese made tool (which can export pictures and mesh with obj format but not bones)

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:34 pm
by TRDaz
Szkaradek123 wrote:Section 'G1MS' - bones
endianess = big

offset - position of G1MS section
string[8] - "G1MS0032"
dword - unknow
dword - seek
word - unknow
dword - nBones
go to (offset+seek)

nBones x (48bytes){
float[3] - bone local scale
dword - bone idParent
float[4] - bone local rotation(qx,qy,qz,qw)
float[4] - bone local position
I know this thread is old, but how can we get bones for the models? I dont know what to do with this text :/

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:45 am
by Lavos
I finally found out the issue with the script in regards to the ARGB32 files. The colour channels are just wrong. You have to swap red and green, and blue and alpha. So you can write a simple script to unpack and re-pack each dword after the 0x80 header and they'll be fixed.

Also you need to set the bbp to 8 in the for DXT5 textures to get them to extract correctly.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:28 pm
by ellegirl01
bluearms wrote:
chrrox wrote:it does not use normal maps they define the normals in the model structure but max script cant handle that.
I think it uses both at least for pc version.

I've checked bin file with other chinese made tool (which can export pictures and mesh with obj format but not bones)
I know this thread is old, but does anyone with experience using Sgwstool mind explaining how to use it, please? It's all in Asian characters I don't understand.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:37 pm
by ellegirl01
chrrox wrote:make sure you have the new quickbms and make sure your file is decompressed.
it will take a while to get them all extracted.
How do you decompress the file or make sure it is decompressed? I tried using UltimateZip (uzext.exe) on the file but the command prompt didn't say OK or make an extra file, so I assume it's already decompressed?

So I went ahead and followed the steps for offzip by typing this in:
g:\offzip\offzip.exe -1 -A g:\offzip\LINKDATA.BIN g:\offzip 0x0

(I put my offzip file and the linkdata.bin file in the same directory, on my external hard drive not my harddrive)

It gave me that looooooooong list of zlib errors, and at the end it said 3 valid zip blocks found, but didn't actually make a new archive anywhere that I can tell. ?????

I checked the properties and the bin file is not set to Read-Only or anything, so....?

Eh. :bleh:

[EDIT1] That's DW6 files btw. I also tried with Orochi 2 files and got 40 valid zip blocks found, but again, no actual extracted archives -- I even made a folder and tried again -- ie: g:\offzip\offzip.exe -1 -A g:\offzip\LINKDATA.BIN g:\offzip\extracts 0x0

So: confusion, aggravation, hopelessness, despair. Full stop.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:16 pm
by ellegirl01
I would really appreciate some help with this -- is there no one still active on this thread who has successfully extracted from the Bin files using the offzip method?

I tried again this morning, and this time I used g:\offzip\offzip.exe -1 -A i:\LINKDATA.BIN g:\offzip 0x0 and it gave me an entire list of zlib Z_DATA_ERRORs

The data in the file is not in zip format or uses a different windowsBits value (-z). Try to use -z -15

Then it says 3 valid zip blocks found.

[EDIT] I figured it probably wanted the Linkdata.bin file as a .zip file, so I put it in a zip and then tried again. Same deal, but now it says 1 valid zip block found.

What now? There is no "it will make one big archive then it will error out after a while that is fine all the characters have been extracted in this part" and I really do need help trying to figure this out; I would sincerely appreciate any pointers. :cry:

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:01 pm
by shakotay2
ellegirl01 wrote:I would sincerely appreciate any pointers. :cry:
well, 6 weeks of struggeling without result? :cry:

I don't have that linkage.bin but from what I know it's about 7 GB of size?

Did you ever successfully use offzip on smaller files?

If 'no' there are dozens of examples in this forum: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=12617&p=103783&hil ... +a#p103783
for example.

Most of them have Z_DATA_ERRORs, too.

"3 valid zip blocks found" means that there should exist three extracted files (i.e. unzipped "zip blocks") in your destination folder (g:\offzip).
If there are no files check your access rights.

btw: zipping the linkage.bin file then using offzip on it doesn't really make sense

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:13 pm
by ellegirl01
shakotay2 wrote:
ellegirl01 wrote:I would sincerely appreciate any pointers. :cry:
well, 6 weeks of struggeling without result? :cry:
Yes, and longer! :bleh:
shakotay2 wrote: Did you ever successfully use offzip on smaller files?
I've never used Offzip period. :[

Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi is the first, only, and at this rate last game series I've ever extracted from that didn't have a simple model viewer/extraction tool. So I am thoroughly confused by everything, really. But it'll be SO worth the effort if I can finally learn this whole process, since I love the games and the models are amazing.

I've used Ninja Ripper and got models and textures that way...but I still want to figure out Chroxx's way, since it looks relatively simple; I just can't get offzip to give me the archive! :(
shakotay2 wrote: "3 valid zip blocks found" means that there should exist three extracted files (i.e. unzipped "zip blocks") in your destination folder (g:\offzip). If there are no files check your access rights. btw: zipping the linkage.bin file then using offzip on it doesn't really make sense
I think it's definitely something to do with the access permissions, but I can't tell if they're already decompressed or locked/blocked or what. I checked the file properties and nothing like Read/Write Only or anything is checked. And I have full administrator control. Offzip ran just fine, said it found valid zip blocks, but nothing's being extracted. I don't know.

Re: Dynasty Warriors 7 / Warriors Legends of Troy

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:04 pm
by bluearms
I have converted the PS3 tools to PC and fixed some bugs.

the halffloat routine in max script is not checked whether it works or not. (PC seems not use it.)

mainly simple big endian and little endian conversion stuffs.

The problem is that it has large number of data and it's very hard to find which one is which one..
- P.S.
dds script has a bug, you must swap width and height
Math texW p set1
Math texH p set2
Math texW p set2
Math texH p set1