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Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:13 am
by mariokart64n
buzz worked out ok for me, though you can see his visor is missing.


also the Wii format is different, the faces and verts are defined in different sizes. its more compact then before, maybe they written in triStrips now

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:48 pm
by grotesque
What version of buzz you use (high, ecc), mariokart64n?

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:39 pm
by SoapyLemons
mariokart64n wrote:buzz worked out ok for me, though you can see his visor is missing.
Odd, he still doesn't import for me, and I've done everything correctly, maybe a list of working models would help?

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:50 pm
by mariokart64n
the error is cause by too many faces. cause I dont read the subMesh info, I read the files as one HUGE model.. but the face's go from say 1,2,3,4,5...200 etc.. then reset again to 1,2,3,... so the script I made only imports the first mesh. if there are more then one mesh, then it won't work.

however I stated a couple posts ago, just to move the arrays past the loop. that'll cause it to import the final mesh regardless.. of he face reseting

I'll just repost the script with that line swap

also keep in mind the other submeshes will be missing, like buzz's visor. so you'll have to get parts from the lowpoly models. which do not have submeshs

Code: Select all

fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"ToyStory3 Importer" \
types: "Vertex Binary (*.vbuf)|*.VBUF|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if (fsource!=undefined) AND ((doesFileExist fsource)==true) then(
f = fopen fsource "rb"
fext=           getFilenameType fsource
fpath=          getFilenamePath fsource
fsize=			getFileSize fsource
fname=  		getFilenameFile fsource
if (doesFileExist (fpath+fname+".ibuf"))==true do(
g = fopen (fpath+fname+".ibuf") "rb"
gsize=getFileSize (fpath+fname+".ibuf")
st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
openLog (fpath+fname+"_log.txt") mode:"w" outputOnly:true
print (fname+fext+"\n"+localTime+"\n")
undo off(
with redraw off (


while (ftell f)!=fsize AND check!=-1 do(
if keyboard.escPressed then exit

check=readlong f;fseek f -4 #seek_cur
tv=readfloat f
tu=(readfloat f*-1)+1
tw=readfloat f
vx=readfloat f*39.34
vy=readfloat f*39.34
vz=readfloat f*-39.34
w1=readbyte f #unsigned
w2=readbyte f #unsigned
w3=readbyte f #unsigned
w4=readbyte f #unsigned
if weight==0xFF do(
append Vert_array[vx,vz,vy]
append UV_array[tv,tu,0]
)) while weight==0xFF
fseek f -28 #seek_cur
Print ("Vert Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
Print Counter
for x = 1 to Counter do(
nx=readfloat f
ny=readfloat f
nz=readfloat f
un=readfloat f
while (ftell g)!=gsize 
fa=readshort g #unsigned+1
fb=readshort g #unsigned+1
fc=readshort g #unsigned+1
append Face_array[fa,fb,fc]
msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]

Print ("Last Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
fclose f
fclose g
fclose s
Print ("Done! ("+((((timestamp())-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds)") --print time to finish
)))) else (Print "Aborted.")

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:01 pm
by SoapyLemons
Thanks MK64, though there are some bugs. High Woody does import but...

Woody is now eh... Well he's not Woody XD. Buzz imports fine though, but the parts of his backpack are a little... Fucked should I say?

Also, I've been looking for the Nova Extractor, all I get is dead links. MarioKart, if you don't mind, could you please upload Nova somewhere?

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:41 pm
by mariokart64n
yeah I know, I just said above that it reads too many face.. and you can see there that those extra faces still get drawn.

theres nothing I can do, unless I decipher the other files for the submesh info.

if your good with 3d editing, fixing the back shouldnt be too hard


Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:54 pm
by grotesque
How do you have that perfect texture?
You separate manually mesh?

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:57 pm
by jaden
But still thanks mario

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:29 am
by SoapyLemons
grotesque wrote:How do you have that perfect texture?
You separate manually mesh?
You have to select the polygons manually, it's an ass, but it's well worth it.

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:09 am
by SoapyLemons
I don't mean to double post...

update though, I ripped several models from MK64's script.

Here is what I ripped.

I gotta fix up some models, like Bo and Jessie for example :P

Anyways, thanks again MK64, you're a big help.

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:18 pm
by sidneymadmax
as it does to view or convert obj

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:29 pm
by KaLaC
@SoapyLemons: Can you plz send me the models? Because I don't know how to extract the textures from the OCT files.
If you can send me, I will appericate.

And also thanks mario for the code!!

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:05 pm
by Szkaradek123

Here is importer for models from PC .

It requires Blender version 249 and Python 2.6.

I use scene format research done by zzh8829 from viewtopic.php?p=93154#p93154

It works with .oct files from Toy Story 3 for PC.

It imports:
- models with weights and textures
- armature

After importing please rotate meshes along Z-axis ( key R and Z)
Because Blender use only 16 materials per mesh, importer split each mesh into many submeshes.

Example: ... /

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:35 am
by shoopdahoop22
I hate to be bumping an old thread but...

are there any download links for Nova Extractor anywhere?

Re: Toy Story 3 Game Models

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:43 pm
by rballad
using szkaradek123' importer, you don't need nova extractor to get the textures